Would chopping up half of the population and feeding them to the rest solve Africa's food scarcity and overpopulation?

Would chopping up half of the population and feeding them to the rest solve Africa's food scarcity and overpopulation?

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In terms of calories it would last 127 days if you consider the average person to consume 2kkcal/day

Died monke

>genocide half of africa
>only half of people left
>two generations later population is the same again
congrats, you have accomplished nothing and everyone hates you

You're still feeding the niggers though.
That's how we got here in the first place, fags and do-gooders feeding niggers.

Stop feeding them and there will be less than a million niggers in the entire continent of Africa within a decade.

that's literally what Thanos did, oh wait he's a fucking moron


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Thats..thats a literal kid. I fucking hate crackers

He was killed by other niggers, nigger. We don't do these things to our children like you animals

>crackers killed this kid
Please tell me that's a spelling error

You're fucking mocking his death. It was your ancestors who ruined rest of the world. You're an evil race. I hate you I hate you so much

Our ancestors just beat everyone to it, left our huts and built ships. They weren't any worse than the rest of you. But yeah, pic is sad. Unfortunate that blackies choose to do that to eachother

for a few days, i guess.
they would be rather angry tho, so don't do it

That's a murder, user.
And blacks just seethe because they wish they could do all the raping, robbing, massacring etc that they are convinced every single white person did rather than a handful of jews with crews of murderers and psychopaths

According to you degenerates
> Everything positive about western society
came from white people
> Everything negative about western society
came from jews

How fucking convenient.

Pull the trigger
Kill the nigger

Africa has lower population density than other major continents including non-Arctic North America, South America, Asia and Europe.

Overpopulation of Africa is a Jewish myth perpetuated by the Mercator projection.

>How fucking convenient.
i don't think that either of those sentences are true. now what?

yes, you are being convenient

Niggers are subhuman trash and need to be exterminated

> Everything positive about western society
came from white people because western society IS white people. Anything that is good but came from nonwhites we acknowledge. We don't claim the good shit that foreigners gave us, we enjoy it and say "nice vidya Toshiro" or "nice curry Rajesh."
> Everything negative about western society
came from jews because they masquerade as whites while hating us with every fibre of their beings and doing everything they can to dismantle us from the inside so they can inherit/enslave the earth without is to stop them.

No because there would still be enough nignogs left to fuck it all up.

>nice paper Chang
>nice gunpowder...uh...also Chang
>nice mathematics Abdul
Jeeze, you're a worthless piece of shit.

No white man has ever claimed inventorship of those things.
What, should we offer thanks every time we write anything down or add some shit up?
Lmao you're a retard.
Meanwhile, we have what to thank niggers for?
If any race got fucked by westerners it's native americans, but you aren't interested in those are you you racist piece of shit. There are hardly any of those left yet niggers are only outnumbered by pajeets and chinks yet you are obsessed with them.
Yet native americans get ignored by you.
Why do you hate Geronimo?
Did a native american fuck your sister or something? Did a casino take all your money?
You make me SICK

Killing half the population would not solve the problem, but it would be a great start.

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>We Europeans don't kill each others with machetes, we use chemical weapons, missiles.. (and we try as much as we can to prevent other (non-European) countries from manifacturing those kind of weapons (because we're scared they'll use them against us))

You have to be fucking kidding me with this retarded thread? Have you read the history of Europe? If not, here's a nifty summary: wars.

>Killing half the population would not solve the problem, but it would be a great start.

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Yes we highly advanced civilized races allow mutilated faggots rape and castrate our children.

We are so advanced.

>you have to be fucking kidding me with this retarded thread? Have you read the history of Africa? If not, here's a nifty summary: rape and cannibalism

The parents of tranners are usually jewish.

Then don't eat them, dumb fucking nigger. Also stop murdering innocent children like pic related. Animal...


>>nice mathematics Abdul
Arabs just copied Greek texts, had a tiny contribution moving the sience forward
Mathematics are Indo-greek territory almost exclusively (both white)
Yes, Indians were white (the ruling class that conquered the natives, the Aryans), as were Persians

As for paper and gunpowder, true China invented both but failed to use them in an effective way, whilst the Europeans used them to become kings of the world

snap away the youngest half of Africa, then they'll have lost 1 generation. This is enough of a setback to ensure Africas population won't make it past 2 billion

>whilst the Europeans used them to become kings of the world
look at them now

they aint doing that bad, but everything comes to an end eventually, thats known from the start

And yet you still flock in your millions to them.

Africa's history of in-fighting pales in comparison to that of Europe's. And rape has been a component in European wars. As for cannibalism, guess what a two-second google search suggests.

>objectively accurate search results

So you distrust all of history because it's the past and we only have written records of it happening? Or do you believe only what paints you in a positive light

>Africa's history of in-fighting pales in comparison to that of Europe
> And rape has been a component in European wars
Wars in general
>As for cannibalism, guess what a two-second google search suggests
The last European civilization that practiced cannibalism where the Germans (some tribes), and they gave it up more than 2000 years ago

Oh about the cannibalism part there might been some instances amongst baltic pagan tribes, but its probably Catholic propaganda to justify the baltic crusades

That's not the only recorded case, "Terror" is another, and there's a claim English settlers in the US engaged in cannibalism in the 1600s... Let a famine happen in Europe now, and let's see how strong those moral convictions are.

And I'm not going to sit here and defend cannibalism, but do you really think killing someone because of political issues is somehow better than killing someone for survival

Crackers molest them instead

Not sending them food would probably lead to it solving itself.

>nigger wants to tell white people about incest.
Lol have I got news for you

Jewgle is well known for skewing search results in favour of modern politics, user.

Yeah, 80% of pedos are white males and 75% of incest is by white people

The only to save Earth is to rid it of every single nigger on the entire planet.
The whole World would’ve done that in a heartbeat and the nig population wouldn’t be such a huge problem if not for stupid White liberals and Catholic guilt ridden moronic supposedly-conservative Whites. Jews only control you because you’ve let them.

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>a crime only white people view as disgusting and abhorrent has higher rates of reporting than other races
Wow user, thanks for that

You dumb nigger, Africans and I mean your nog brethren were only about 200 million less than a century ago and now they’re more than a billion and spread worldwide. Even at the low end of speculation, their population is expected to touch the 4.5 billion mark by the end of this century. Imagine the single dumbest, parasitic and violent sub-human race being allowed to have so many offspring??? It’s a crime against nature to even allow them to live. The white liberals who have allowed kikes so much power and have allowed Nigger obsessed parties like Democrats to exist need to be put down in the same ditch.

Hell, we should use niggers for eveything from fuel to rendering farms aka using them for glue, fertiliser, animal feed etc.

I don't think you understand the aspect of cannibalism
It's not examined as an extreme case
like that plane that crushed and the survivors eventually ate the dead, or as a sexual deviance
We are talking about cannibalism embedded on societal norms
For example the Maori, who were fairly sophisticated practiced cannibalism regularly as a war ritual up until recently
Or tribes in Papua practice cannibalism cause they simply have human meat as part of their diet or for religious purposes as the famous case with Fore people and the Kuru disease
Same goes with rape, u shouldn't examine it in extreme cases like war

>Africa has lower population density than other major continents including non-Arctic North America, South America, Asia and Europe.
>population density.
>continent the size of Africa.
No shit retard, but the difference is that ALL those other nations can fucking feed themselves and always have done.
Africa is overpopulated because all they do is eat free gibs and rape each other

Well, Africa has large uninhabitable landmasses, especially the Sahar desert and the Congo Basin
And maybe you can deforest the rainforest but you can't do anything bout the deserts

seeth more faggot

so you're better than those other countries because you pretend to believe that cannibalism is wrong as long as you don't go hungry.
You're the continent of the enlightenment, humanism, human right declarations... until you go hungry?

Oh good idea. Could go for 80-100% tho

Dead nigger storage. Why doesn't he just throw them down the nigger hole?

>"pls let me in ur country white devil, I can't wait to be oppressed, underrepresented and marginalized"

So Arabs didn't steal others advancements in mathematics when they conquered them? Hmmm.....

>meanwhile, on google:

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"Native"Americans weren't the first race here. The Kennewick man has a Caucasiod skull, wore textiles that natives never invented, and the genetic testing was never peer reviewed or released publicly. 8,000 year old mummy.

What about all the burial mounds that have large skeletons in them? The yamnya culture is known as the pit grave culture.

Hundreds of Egyptian mummies have traces of nicotine and cocaine and those are only found im America. The phonecians likely regularly came here.

I love seeing pics of dead niggers

We all do

Niggers are only relevant because of social Marxism, which has no basis in anything tangible. Thomas Sowell is cool though.

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It would probably create mad people disease. It’s how prions and mad cow disease happened.

Where can I download chinese edits of movies anons, I don't want to see fags and niggers either.

"Based" and "Cringe" edit releases should be a thing.
"Oh you want to see the Cringe edit, sir-I MEAN-ma'am? Yes it's screen 4. Dilators are provided."
"Based edit sir? Yes, screen 2."