ITT bands that trigger s o i
>Bono: "Music is very girly these days. Hip hop is the only place for young male anger - and that's not good"
Bono calling you out for being pussies. Step up and rock again fags.
ITT bands that trigger s o i
>Bono: "Music is very girly these days. Hip hop is the only place for young male anger - and that's not good"
Bono calling you out for being pussies. Step up and rock again fags.
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who cares, U2 fucking sucks
bono's a knob
u2 put out some good stuff in their prime
Bono calling rock music too girly is like Tom Araya calling rock music too aggressive and loud.
God damn this washed up old hack is desperate to stay relevant.
Nothing says rock like IT'S A BEAUTIFUL DAY
Bono's stage presence is rather masculine in an implicit manner
this was over a year ago and he's not wrong
Why does he always wear goggles? Does he have the autism Yea Forums?
the irony though is he's lamenting rock becoming less aggressive but hasn't made anything aggressive since like 1990. bono himself changed his band from sunday bloody sunday to soccer mom coexist pop
He's right. Soi shit like Animal Collective make Bono look like Sid Vicious
For some reason, Bono likes to think of himself as a tough, badass and non-conformist punk rocker when in reality he's the complete opposite. It's probably just nostalgia for his youth in 70s Dublin idk.
Sunday Bloody Sunday is about coexistence too though
Its an ok message coming from the worst person to deliver it
lol this guy makes pop alt numale rock and he wants to call shit girly
lol that's actually true
i should have said bullet the blue skies
based and redpilled but also cringe because it's bono
Say what you want about Bono but your favorite band can't release albums as good as Boy, War, The Unforgettable Fire or The Joshua Tree
All shit fucking albums. Thank God my favorite band released 7 masterpieces in a row.
the hardest thing he ever did is HELLO HELLO YEAH YEAH YEAH lmao this potato farmer nigga
neither can U2 anymore, unfortunately
Weird, I always figured U2 would classify as a "onions" band since they're one of those hipster rock journalist darlings
Jokes on him, hip hop is girly too
>average hip hop song, 2019:
>yooo my girl broke up with me
>shit sucks
>im so sad
>sad boys
>nigga im cryin
>pass me dat bong
U2 more like #2
love that this is coming from fucking Bono of all people, truly the personification of extreme, angry music
rock is truly dead
u2 sucks
I thought Bono was supposed to be all tolerant and liberal why is he saying sexist jock shit?
>male anger
It's hilarious that he says this while simultaneously pretending to be a feminist - with absolutely no backlash from his fans
based noel
Greta Van Fleet.
Oasis and U2 are both great bands. Yea Forums hates them because it's uplifting confident anthemic music and they like their music to be more "ironic depression" hipster shit. Fuck the haters.
>how dare he grow up
It’s true. Millennial men are women who want to have a nice well balanced social life and lots of downtime so they never fucking practice and then just end up forming cliques where everyone pretends to like each others work. It’s a sad state of affairs.
This whole Gen Xer hardass attitude really needs to go away. It's played out by now and it's lame as fuck to see people in their 40s-50s still running on a 1992 idea of cool.
Says the guy whose only bit of public reception recently has been a fucking CAMEO on a Kendrick song.
I’m actually a self hating millennial. And it’s not about being a badass to me, it’s about practicing. And being comfortable working with collaborators for long days, months at a time. That may mean you have to miss boba with your friends or going to work a little tired, which most millennials would rather compromise their artistic values than do.
>Bono calling you out for being pussies
the absolute state of music in 2019
I like Oasis, U2 is faggot tier shit though, lots of it is woe is me sad shit too
>I mean that terrible band Greta Van Fleet. Do you know that band? I think they're absolutely abysmal. I think they're terrible. I think it's a joke. But they are an example of a band, because they're pretty young boys, they look like a boy band, they play this really piss-poor, third-rate impersonation of Led Zeppelin. But they're pretty and they've had all the help of the media, the commercial machine behind them, and they've been able to reach a massive audience almost overnight by playing third-rate music. And I don't believe for one minute that anyone will even remember who they are in 10 years. Now, I might be wrong — maybe they'll prove me wrong. Maybe they'll suddenly develop into a good band and make a good record. But the point is, at the moment, they're not. They're a bunch of good looking… they’re like a boy band version of Led Zeppelin. Now, look, when you look and you see that… listen I understand why that happens. I’m not naïve. I understand that a lot of the industry is based around being young, pretty, having the right kind of image and all that stuff. And I've never had any of those things. I've never been pretty. I mean, I have been young, but I'm not young now, so I understand. I'm 51 years old.
He's right Yea Forums and if you disagree, you're a bunch of tasteless cunts.
>le greta van fleet is just a copy of zeppelin!
And Zeppelin is a copy of blues music
>reee I'm ugly its not fair attractive people get famous
Why is rock music full of jealous incels?
First album yes, but Houses of the Holy is not. Even on Led Zeppelin I they showed they could write proper stuff.
Being an angry male is toxic masculinity though!!!!!! :)
He has vision problems and i think is sensitive to light, probably because he’s a mouth breathing moron who stares at the sun after nap time
>Steven Wilson
Pick one and only one
Then why do dorks like you pretend GVF is the worst thing ever for doing nothing worse than Led Zeppelin already did?
GVF is the new Nickleback, a mediocre band people pretend are insaney horrible because of meme pressure
>sensitive eyes
Why does Bono have such girly eyes? Take off the shades, pussy.
Sounds like an incel to me! Looks like one too, either way he's a cringey boomer jealous of a random band getting more fame and pussy than he ever would
Fuck yeah bono is based for calling out pussy soibois, U2 yeah very cool yes
this one for sure
AnCo is not onions, whatever they are (“the good kind of autism”, for lack of a better umbrella) they’ve been doing since before millennial faggotry became the mainstream, and they wrongly get lumped into that since 2010-ish by default. Soibois are constrained by social validation while AnCo are in their own special spectrum.
wood berry
Since when did we all start hating u2? Arent they one of rocks greatest bands of all time?
It's not that they're the worst thing ever, it's that they are an archetype of middle of the road bland ass muzak selling like fuck. And they're jews.
Why would he be jealous? His last album went nr.3 in the UK charts, he has a girlfriend, he's doing literally what he wants.
Man expressed his opinion on the current state of mainstream rock. I think he knows his shit quite well.
Nothing about post-zeppelin UK rock triggers soi
They're the ones who made it popular.
HARD rock is masculine. The singer songwritery trash like Oasis and U2 was pathetic.
These guys are from england, who gives a shit?