More albums like this? I really like it but I don't wanna be one of those "OMG this is so innovative and unique...

More albums like this? I really like it but I don't wanna be one of those "OMG this is so innovative and unique, nothing else is like this!" people

Attached: cover.jpg (1400x1400, 414K)

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Those people would be right.


dälek is this album but good and for a full discography

No dumb wojak can fully express the idiocy of this statement. Go listen to almost any noise rock album from the 90s or 70s.

This is the good version

Attached: Thisheatdeceit.jpg (300x314, 49K)

Their self-titled is better

it's less abrasive though

this album doesn't have the hit on it, though

i'm out

>This heat

literally the most abrasive piece of music ever created... you wont find any like it...
its not as abrasive though...

listening to this is like pouring hot cement into your fucking ear canals

I don't know Street Sects - End Position is pretty damn abrasive too. Honestly while this album is abrasive, I find an album like Frozen Niagara Falls and some other actual noise and industrial albums to be much much more abrasive then their rock counter parts.

God - Possession
Couch Slut - Contempt
Swans - Cop

OMG this is so innovative and unique, nothing else is like this!

Couch slut good

But user that's the famous youtube album

Filth by Swans
Ænima by Tool
Atheist's Cornea by Envy

OMG so abrasive!

Well-said my friend! There is NOTHING out there like this! We are too advanced for all these kiddies who don't understand it. And its SO abrasive!

basically this

Street Sects?


Swans - Filth / Cop
Street Sects - End Position
Brainbombs - Obey
Nine Inch Nails -The Downward Spiral / The Fragile
Coil - Scatology
This Heat - Deceit
Distorted Pony - Punishment Room

Just go through the Amphetamine Reptile catalog and look for any noise rock album produced by Steve Albini or associated with Chicago in any way


Listen to Talking Heads through a distortion filter. Presto!

Caroliner Rainbow Hernia Milk Queen - Hernia Rear End Puppet Show

Surprised nobody has mentioned Scratch Acid/Jesus Lizard, the vocalist from Daughters is clearly doing a David Yow impression

shh you'll wake the spergs

>Scratch Acid/Jesus Lizard
LOL where is the abrasiveness with these?
nowhere to be found
So, no.

also early Butthole Surfers

>Butthole Surfers