Yea Forumsnwo

Yea Forumsnwo

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your wife?

anyone have any bnwo stories?

You cucks need to stop larping. women don't want niggers

nope, got it from the cuckold thread

Larps of niggerfaggot

Attached: discordweird2_0.png (1532x971, 358.11K)

Yess! Me and the missus invited a Black Man into our bedroom for sex once. He was a bit weirded out by my presence, but he fucked my wife good with his 6 inch Black Shaft. She came like she never does with me. He had decent girth too. My wife tells me how my 5.5 inch whiteboi clitty could never fill her the way his hard, circumcised dick did. It was so hot we plan on inviting him again

Imagine being this retarded and shameful

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