i love you Yea Forums
i act like i hate this place sometimes but it gives me good laughs and has let me learn more about music
i know this board has "gone to shit" but be honest guys there's a reason we're all still here
how much do you guys like Yea Forums?
I love you Yea Forums
i hope everyone on this board lives a terrible life
me love Yea Forums :)
i can only stand this awful place when i'm not sober. otherwise it's just a miserable cesspit
Its very easy to complain, and I DO think there are a few too many underage and normies on this board, but its still my board and I love it
Even if I do commit to shitposting as much as physically possible
I can't live with or without Yea Forums
The board has gone to shit because there's someone with a vpn that keeps on spreading memes that are detrimental to discussion and de-railing threads. That's the issue, the mods and admins really can't do shit because it changes with every post he makes. It's difficult to pin point him and do a range ban and/or an ISP ban.
>tfw been posting for 5 years
Zero regrets honestly
i'm pretty sure there's some discord raiders
are you talking about montie? i havent seen his trip in a while but i've heard he does some discord bullshit. he might have gone user.
I love Chan humor and I love music, this place is like home. My music taste really has expanded for the better as much as I complain that this place has made me more autistic
Fuck outta here you're just mad as fuck because you got trolled
Fuck you faggot
>tfw anons might be talking about me rn
Im wet
>Imagine spending 24/7 on a Yea Forums sub-forum to ruin it because no one liked you and someone was more popular than you over a stupid meme.
I don't think you even leave here, it's like you post from your computer and phone constantly and have not even the most little things going for you. Why do you have this animosity towards this forum, it's discussion, and anything else the goes on here? I have an empty life myself, but are things really that bad for you? And when anyone even criticises
you for anything you try to pass it off as trolling?
i hate this fucking board and i hate what it has become but i've been here since day 1, i've picked my sides i cant go anywhere else
what memes and how is this user derailing threads
Say what you will about Yea Forums but it's still miles better than leddit. I can go through oceans of shit in Yea Forums everyday but I can't spend a minute in r*ddit.
i'd rather just fucking stop using the fucking internet than use reddit.
Maybe this site isn't for you, you seem unable to handle memery and your entire nature seems at odds with the ethos of freewheeling shitposting that distinguishes Yea Forums fron sites like reddit or resetera
nigger faggot
This place is honestly pretty knowledgeable about music compared to the majority. I know we all love to joke about how shitty the taste is here, but you can post a thread about a wide array of genres and get a decent discussion going 90% of the time that you wouldn't really get anywhere else. You get a lot of interesting recs and there's some in depth discussions. A lot of shitposting and memeing sure but at the end of the day the people here genuinely love and have a passion for music which makes it a little worthwhile.
Honestly though the best way to browse Yea Forums is searching the archive for posts about a topic you're interested in. You don't have to wade through the shit to get to the gold as much.
>Yea Forums is for shitposting
get outta here with that reddit shit you stupid faggot
sincerity is so fucking gay and reddit
This but unironically
I don't really like Yea Forums or Yea Forums for that matter; I just kind of come here out of habit and a craving for instant entertainment and cheap laughs. It's like flipping on Adult Swim. It's mostly shit and you know it but your stupid ass is still gonna watch it and laugh because there's nothing else to do while you're alone for the billionth night in a row.
Shit analogy but fuck you you know what I mean. This website needs to be nuked.
i know you don't mean it buddy fuck you too faggot
listen to moot talk about the benefits of Yea Forums's format. its not for le shitposting xd
90% of what's posted here is garbage but the 10% makes it tolerable
also every other site is censored to shit
spotted the newfag
what a useless piece of shit
moot is literally a faggot
that doesnt matter. you dont understand something and you should go educate yourself
I dont know what the fuck youre talking about. Shitposting is fun as shit and this board is fucking mine
Everybody frogposter needs to die in fire. I'm not joking
I do, hope that makes you happy :)
comon just listen to some imagine dragons and chill
I believe good shitposting actually raises the quality of the board. However waifu shitposting is just fucking annoying and unfunny
toby or not toby
But the roll derailer is fucking based and kills shit threads
don't you post in lauren threads? The you have very little right to complain about board quality desu
but if i say reddit is better im sure you'll defend chan
Many people complain that actual music discussion threads get no replies. Shit bait gets ton otoh
but every time your heart speaks somewhere in the world another flower blooms!
Tripfags like you need to fucking leave, seriously go to reddit, you will fit in there
I've been here since 2007 and can honestly say it's the best it's been in a long time. Not even 3 years ago every single thread in the catalog was death grips and fucking fantano reaction pics, an actual hivemind. Yea Forums now is paradise compared to how it was then
yea i love Yea Forums
Yea Forums rocks! hell yeah!
yeah believe it or not the retard zoomers here actually thought death grips were good and fantano was funny, boy am i glad we're past all that now
I've been here on Yea Forums for less than a year, and all that I've gathered is that this place is, and always was and will be, shit.
disregard everything i say im gay btw
Based, finally Brandon is not acting like a faggot
fuck off newfag
i'll take Fantano worship and DG memes over the abject shite we get now.
I just come here to discuss the Beatles and shitpost mgmt memes
Nah, just remove the autistic political arguments that get a hundred replies and current Yea Forums would be perfect
>Brandon finally stops being a faggot by coming to terms with his identity as a homosexual
Like pottery
Epitome of a newfag belief
you're a fag lol if there wasn't memes and shitposts interspersed with music discussion (or whatever board topic) this site would be boring as shit and have like 10 users
>i'll take Fantano worship and DG memes over the abject shite we get now.
you'll take what u get and like it, bitch!!!
Reminder to everybody that you don't have to apologize for liking any single piece of music, you will encounter zero people in the real world who echo the sentiments of this online anime discussion board.
damn, you just ruined my night
I don't even mind all the irony and shitposting in here but what ruins Yea Forums is how new people are to music here. You can't discuss anything outside of rock music.