Attached: Sohye.jpg (1275x1812, 327K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: D6BLYs-UYAIhRQv.jpg:orig.jpg (1500x976, 215K)

oh my girl when
wanna vogue to vogue

Attached: 190506 Everglow mia [CoE1TvQdpP8]-5.webm (654x1080, 2.94M)

is kpop even music?

we will never see her feet

Attached: 1553369662494.png (873x1500, 1.57M)

Wow, look at the short stumpy legs on that broad

Attached: 59998461_133774241065564_4838772253810385663_n.webm (480x480, 355K)

i bet he's in a groupchat with Matthew and YG


You know your women

If I was ever in a threesome with IU and Mina, I'd just tell Mina to sit in the corner and leave.

Unless we're talking about AOA Mina

Attached: f0876270f8b9888bcd375bea90deaff9.jpg (1365x2048, 386K)

ugly tranny

>no high waist jeans
What is this, 2010?

Yuna's smile is very freaky looking. Her teeth are too big

speak for yourself

you won't see them either


Attached: [60f] 190505 공원소녀(GWSN) 앤(Anne) - TOKTOK(수천 개의 별, 수천 개의 꿈) @경북 의 (1080x1920, 1.59M)

It's the only music that matters

what cha lads tink about mee daughter nancy?

Attached: 58797019_134951727615917_7010465724425357012_n.jpg (1080x1080, 175K)

wtf where's our girl?

Yeji feet

is music even music
timeless masterpiece

Attached: gahpose2.webmr.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

I will

I want to fuck Ryujin's brains out

gayer than gaypop

will not

Fat. Like father like daughter

aoa mina would probably turn it into a foursome with your dog

I will see Yeji's feet

Attached: D6BLYtAU8AEsD9o.jpg:orig.jpg (1500x1023, 211K)

IU is alright but MINA tho

Attached: 1557123661785.jpg (1800x1200, 184K)


nobody cares about oh my hurl

>IUfags on the right

Attached: Twiceboy+Mina handing out cookies.webm (914x720, 1.82M)

Does it really count though if I’m fucking IU and she’s fucking my dog?


Attached: 1456325389652.webm (403x577, 1.46M)


poor man's sihyeon

Attached: 994474240492556289(3).webm (480x640, 2.6M)

Only IU's and uju's songs are

Attached: LIV_8596_복사.jpg (1280x1920, 175K)

Bang Chan is that you?

hows about a punch right in ye noggin for talkin bout mee daughter like dat laddy?

Attached: 59576018_1206106379550550_1394002007973895377_n.jpg (1080x1349, 117K)

idk about the song but gahyeon definitely is

homeless man's jithoo

she's much prettier than that busted bona bitch


She looks "average" as far as cute girls are concerned.

I miss twiceboy

Attached: 1554969663156.jpg (1080x1080, 96K)

for me it's loli yujin

Attached: D5gLYQ_UEAA56i6.jpg (472x534, 32K)

she was a brat but knetz went too far on her

Attached: 1540273776521.jpg (2048x1536, 295K)

Chan only likes Sana's feet


how do i hire photographer sana?

Attached: D54RnL_VUAAgGbB.jpg (784x1200, 119K)


Attached: D5gftA7W0AED1TR.jpg_orig.jpg (1333x2000, 170K)

wtf arin

are you talking about iu?

Attached: 1543823954395.jpg (2700x1800, 309K)

which Loona member is this?



is that juchan?

she looks like a japanese business man

no it's entertainment

Attached: LIV_8693_복사.jpg (1280x1920, 188K)

yeah nobody knows who that is

what happened?

Listening to Public Enemy while browsing /kpg/

What have I become...

>itzy vlive deleted
they really don't want us to see yeji feet baka

my bird bride

I love yuna, bona and jisoo. major qt's, all 3 of them


There's no one that looks remotely close to IU in the kpop world.

>they really don't want us to see yeji feet
based manager-nim

theyre trying to hide Yuna's busted feet

imagine how bad the photos would turn out


Has anyone here been to a fan meet up and can tell me what she smells like?

Attached: 1556982310898.jpg (640x799, 68K)

chinese food

fucking yuna until I cry

you're insane iu is average as fuck

Attached: 1549284238423.jpg (1333x2000, 558K)

>scrolling through waifu folder before class startz
>hear someone behind me go "why does user have all those asian women on their computer" in a concerned voice

Attached: heej.jpg (588x901, 96K)

Like the sewer she crawled out of

hopefully some reddit weirdo recorded it

Attached: seulgi294.jpg (1152x2048, 183K)

>you're insane iu is average as fuck

Attached: IU3.jpg (806x1209, 94K)

WTF BROS??!?!?!?!?1

Attached: yeji feet.jpg (262x437, 12K)

>*toaster dings*
>wubwubwub starts playing in my head
god damn it itzy

Attached: LIV_8703_복사.jpg (1280x1920, 243K)

we were so close

How? If she was she wouldn't be as popular as she is with her music and acting.

my cock is ready for arin thighs, binnie neck, jiho eyes and yooa shoulders


Attached: 1551383605065.jpg (1570x1044, 353K)


That dude is crazy

>itzy vlive
>Ryujin has socks on
>Yeji is hiding her f**t
>Yuna has a busted bit toe

koreans love her coffee shop music

cry from what? her too tight of a pussy?

Yeah, just like how they like their clothing shop music that every other kpop group makes.

Ha, you can't trick me user, Atlanta doesn't exist, it's just a myth.

did she even show them in the vlive? i didn't see them

you just proved him right basically by posting one of the worst IU pics I've ever seen. you fucking retard. all that while being a passive aggressive bitch. you should never post here again

you'll never know now

she didnt get popular over night either

Gonna fap to bona and her lewd feet tonight

that's a huge looking second toe. things are not looking good bros

Attached: SHJ_8599_복사.jpg (1280x1920, 199K)

We (or i) love Doah.

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-04-08-01h42m54s603.png (1080x1920, 1.53M)

friendly reminder that GFRIEND belongs to the king of SMALL BLACK lil uzi

Attached: veryliluzi.jpg (1080x1317, 313K)

>heej filename
>it's hyunj

Attached: 1546719843916.jpg (205x204, 33K)

post a "good" one then

Attached: literal_iu.webm (1280x720, 2.2M)

Attached: 1530419861579.jpg (1539x2048, 514K)


Attached: momolandboyanddaisy.jpg (720x452, 132K)

when are they gonna collab

>yuna and yeji both have busted feet
jesus christ

nice what pics you got laid out

daisy is preggo m8

Yeji has great feet believe me. The best actually.

Who here fucking did it

Attached: 1548895379842.webm (960x720, 2.39M)

at least the dragonfu has some good ones

long hair hairy potter bona webms and these feet

Attached: 1557281687392.jpg (2920x3284, 2.41M)

i'll believe it when I see it

There are grown ass men in this thread arguing about gook pop stars

That's what grown men do

both minas are hotter than iu

Attached: DrX20HlUwAEuaBB.jpg orig.jpg (1280x1920, 344K)

Excuse me, my girls are nugu.

Attached: good iu.jpg (364x540, 43K)

Chiayi > *

Attached: D59f-xRUwAEP1Wt.jpg (1024x683, 91K)

prove it


Attached: 435346347.webm (1080x1080, 2.97M)

yuna cr*mpie

Isn't this what we are supposed to do here?

Hello, this is my lovely wife playing with my 2 cute daughters. Please say something nice about them. Thanks!

Attached: 1557147320099.jpg (1134x958, 207K)

both minas are hotter than iu

Attached: jaleel020410.jpg (450x600, 43K)

based urkel

are you gonna drop them now?

only twice mina is

I’m gonna have to...damn



Attached: cf96245d3e044ff0495ac4c386e37dc3.jpg (720x1080, 72K)


someone upload the vlive right now

uggo flat faced ape

gimme my (you)s thief

Attached: 04.gif (500x350, 2.48M)

Attached: D1SKrPHUcAYjUY4.jpg (4096x2730, 998K)

*urkel voice*
gimme my (you)s thief


Attached: a2702523eb9e9bba.jpg (516x507, 24K)

at least we still have slug feet

plainest egghead in the universe...

Attached: SHJ_8625_복사.jpg (1280x1920, 176K)

IU's jam jam is a jam

cutest girl in kpop

Attached: 1536312268415.jpg (1080x1350, 144K)

IU is based but you should go back to where you belong

Attached: 58468362_420700145389997_4715517572313380434_n.jpg (1080x1080, 168K)

no one gives a shit about that uggo

Your busted toes broke my heart

kang best mina

Attached: 1541659985075.jpg (1500x2250, 516K)

Attached: 1557285451530.jpg (600x514, 39K)


there she is

There she is


cutest girl in kpop

KPOP is comfier this time of the day (Brasilia Time)

Any other time is terrible to browse kpg

>40 year old face
>12 year old boy body
>dressed like a middle-schooler
reminds me of that one lovelyz member

iu is a prettier arin but she's still not that pretty

it's the opposite actually

this is like when I said "word" outside of kpg/Yea Forums. I felt like an idiot thankfully only one person noticed.

our chokeslut dachshund

Attached: 아이오아이(I.O.I)'s Chaeyeon BNT 영상(BNT International) photoshoot #1.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

did you drop yuqi as well?

She's also talented. Something none of twice members are.

I think your wife is cheating on you.

actually, my waifu is the prettiest

guess my waifu

Yes, you are

saying word in real life is cool

Attached: SHJ_8650_복사.jpg (1280x1920, 174K)

same with saying "OMO" as a male in Korea, people will think you're a homosexual

wow you have the same waifu as me

Attached: 1469419519278.webm (405x720, 1.73M)

I hate that she thinks she's too good to slut it up anymore


Attached: 1531499661489.jpg (551x603, 169K)

everyone says that though, even on Reddit.


still isnt that pretty


One of these lovely girls

Attached: BLACKPINK!!!.png (2288x632, 2.49M)

based on the information provided its gotta be nayeon


Attached: 1481094980675.webm (405x720, 2.06M)

Attached: 1527767853324.jpg (1080x1080, 124K)

I say based irl


Attached: article.jpg (560x750, 133K)


based nayeon

Attached: NAYEON FLEX.webm (520x880, 665K)

based slugchad!

Attached: 1545224759186.jpg (1080x1350, 97K)

Yeah but it doesn't matter unless you actually leave the house

I mean, there aren't more than 3 idols better looking than her.

I miss this era

Attached: chaeyeon pholar.jpg (1622x1080, 667K)

Wanna punch her right square on her smug face.

Yeah, those award show toes were very lack lustre...damn where are all the good f**t!?!?!?

he said prettiest not ugliest shit

>leaving your house

He said prettiest not the most horse looking

This girl ask you for your top 5 anime recommendations. What do you say to impress her?

Attached: DuGfpm6WsAE5LR-.png (1366x2048, 2.87M)

here's one

Attached: 1555107339306.jpg (2048x1367, 429K)

just means she's actually pure

Attached: 아이오아이(I.O.I)'s Chaeyeon BNT 영상(BNT International) photoshoot #1-2.webm (1280x720, 1.94M)

some of us have working legs you know

get the fuck out

lmao yeah maybe in the 90s

>ugly melting plastic granny

full house


imagine how shitty other idols feel getting mogged by a grandma

Attached: irenemelon.jpg (700x1050, 122K)

Legend of the Galactic Heroes (not remake)
That’s all she needs to know

based momobro

Attached: 1528416670500.jpg (1080x1080, 101K)

her new drama sucks.

To Jenny was great though

chaeyeon is as pure as the bathwater she shits in

except that uggo granny doesn't mog anyone

that was NOT her


Attached: 190508_Naver_x_Dispatch_29.jpg (2000x3001, 1.03M)

robots don't melt

video evidence of slug getting mogged

Attached: irene vs slug sleeve fight.webm (640x640, 1.57M)

we have juchan for that now

Attached: juchan21.webm (720x1216, 2.97M)


Why are we even debating? They're both my fav "idols".

What a chad.

>tfw twiceboy was meant to release a photobook

perfect blue

food wars

I show her my big white

Post more of her f**t



yeah ryujin is extremely fuckable

Attached: D6A-segXkAAGtmP.jpg (1365x2048, 373K)

Link? Asking for a friend


Attached: irene says fuck you joy.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

all k-dramas suck. even supposedely good stuff like signal is full of shitty tropes and "coincidences". i don't think I'll be able to finish it

Face looks so weathered

knetz thought she called mina a bitch from """"reading her lips""""
so they doxxed and harassed her

meant for

peak purity

Attached: 아이오아이(I.O.I)'s Chaeyeon BNT 영상(BNT International) photoshoot #1-3.webm (1280x720, 1.95M)

bona doing choreo on my meat stick


Attached: ea0895f6b913225fc84f888e80f34c16.jpg (1600x900, 106K)

Yeah, It's almost like the most popular TV Show on Earth doesn't suffer from the same "coincidences".

Watch My Mister and Live though

what a bitch

Attached: angrene.webm (950x640, 262K)

don't know what you're talking about

Attached: irene looking at wendy.jpg (1200x1800, 1.07M)

Naver x Dispatch(HD)rin is so beautiful

some actress was on a show and told a story about an idol who got some drunk in the bathtub that she shit in it, and from the hints she gave everyone figured out that it was chaeyeon, who's a known alcoholic

She looks at you with disgust

She calls you a fucking secondary

Good taste. Especially perfect blue.

why is rose there twice?

Attached: D4wEIDXW4AAoMdN.png (698x768, 526K)

Attached: 1538626629033.webm (640x1138, 1.85M)

History of the #1 seat in Produce 101

S1 - Heo Chanmi (unluckiest idol in the history of girl groups)
S2 - Jang Moon Bok (a viral favorite but would get eliminated quickly when his hype died)
S3 - Park Seoyoung (ex-YG trainee who was eliminated 2nd round)
S4 - Yoon Yeobin (JYP trainee, outed as an iljin, contract terminated from JYP and kicked off the show today)


Attached: 1504682773727.png (607x1079, 906K)

why is she so underrated bros?

Attached: irene and slug ad.webm (640x640, 953K)


flushing bona down the toilet where she belongs

and one day i will fuck irenes brains out

what the fuck that's fucking gross

Article: 'Brave Journalists 3' Dal Shabet Soobin, "Innocent girl group member C pooped in the bath tub after getting drunk"

Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+288, -7] Both the kid who got drunk and pooped in the tub and the kid who's sharing this story on air... why is this show so dirty? ㅋㅋㅋ Rumors are going to fly soon... and one idol is going to be exiled for it ㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+246, -6] The story itself is funny but why does she think she has the right to backstab a fellow idol like that?

3. [+184, -4] Don't share stories like this unless you're going to give the proper initials... it just causes a witch hunt against innocent people

4. [+45, -1] The story sounds true but does a fellow idol really need to share it??

5. [+38, -1] Soobin-ah, you shouldn't talk about other people like that;;

6. [+31, -1] It reflects even worse on her for sharing a story like this on air

7. [+27, -1] So wrong of her to share this... there's a limit when it comes to things like this

8. [+11, -0] Shouldn't stories like this be kept private? Whether you're close to that idol or not... But seeing as how she knows the story, she's obviously close to the idol, so why share it on TV like this?

9. [+11, -1] Did she think people would laugh at that idol after she shared it? At least that idol was drunk when she did it (and it's not like she committed a crime), what's Soobin's excuse for acting like this?

10. [+9, -1] She really can't keep a secret huh

is this an attempt to summon the blinks?

irene i mean, we all know slug is a human chihuahua

Attached: irene elevator.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

>"Innocent girl group member C pooped in the bath tub after getting drunk"

Attached: CandyPopMV_anime_fixw_730_hq-728x410.jpg (728x410, 58K)



so small so... brown

It's not Chaeyeon

Attached: Dachshund_autism.webm (1920x1080, 2.97M)

Attached: D59dKqDUwAIzLTf.jpg (800x1200, 132K)


Post them

k-drama "coincidences" are on a whole different level. most of the time the first few episodes are fun but they run out of ideas quick and then it starts to get stupid

Attached: Chaeyeon flirting.webm (694x720, 384K)

im not even a foot fag but fuck me



when chaeyeon was on hello counselor, there was a segment on alcoholism, and the hosts made a joke about shitting in the bathtub lmao. obviously to mess with her a bit

that guy looks familiar


she's a breeding unit

Attached: irenemommy.webm (586x718, 189K)

You're watching the ones made mainly for korean women, man. There are a lot of good dramas, especially when it's made by tVN and OCN.

My brother that I haven't seen in 10 years works at the same law firm as me and like the same girl. That's kdrama bullshit

i'd shit in the bath tub too if someone was fucking in the toilet stall. i aint holding my shit.

which chaeyeon?


Attached: Monsta X Shownu & DIA Chaeyeon 170601.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

Attached: D50WbtgUcAAjFYE.jpg (2048x1365, 286K)

No, Babysoul has said she doesn't have any friends

This one.

You fucking idiot.

Attached: chaechae.jpg (1080x1080, 53K)

shut the fuck up donny

but form where?

Attached: after a long night of choking.webm (1280x720, 685K)

That's your fault for watching romance bullshit.

man, she's really pretty. shame about the body

imagine viewjng rhis fromn tueiutherbsidebejieiujkkkjhhhh

Attached: 1557249385074.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

shit's gonna bust @ 27

showering arin with my love...

Attached: D6BWfR-V4AAfHxQ.jpg:orig.jpg (1440x1169, 189K)

She's one of us

watch to jenny

Attached: 1548979783138.jpg (1335x2000, 227K)

so hard working......

Attached: tumblr_otx00rH4F71vvb67go1_1280.jpg (1080x1919, 216K)



Attached: 1552945259262.jpg (1038x1557, 150K)

>watch to jenny
wtf it's just on youtube, talk about spoonfed

Eww those nails

Attached: 1551227495087.jpg (1667x2500, 2.44M)


based more

I downloaded on avistaz, but whatever works man

Who is your favorite actress?

yuu shinoda

that was a misquote