Why are right wingers obsessed with trannys?

Why are right wingers obsessed with trannys?

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At an elementary school near you!

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they're demanding changes to culture that the traditionalists are unwilling to accept currently.

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Cuz without them, you car doesn't go.

Its called a strawman. Also there are many individuals on here who unironically believe that we are being raided by the JIDF, bunker chan and a secret cabal of discord trannys

Knowing your generation you were jerking off to far worse by the 3rd grade

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Because they can't mind their own fucking business as much as they shriek how everyone else is up in theirs. Because every moment of their existence is being sexually frustrated.

trans is gay

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We're not 'obsessed' with transgendered people.
We're planning the final solution.

>I'll just wear a disguise and escape the country
Nigga if you were any good at disguise you wouldn't have literally every nonblind person laughing at you behind your back.

trans is fake

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because wingnuts have inferiority issues so they hate those below them and trannies are the lowest of the low. Also wingnuts are all deviates on the dl because of deep shame issues, and they hate anyone who feels the freedom to be open about sex quirks.

Man I remember when this place hated trannies Yea Forums is going to hell for fucks sake we have tranny sympathizers now, chicks with dicks used to be a joke

>trans is gay
No shit

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Your planning the solution with soyjaks?

do you...really believe this?

This graph is saying a majority of the time whenever anyone talks with trannys at all, is to tell them they are unwanted.

>Are you mentally handicapped OP?

Please stop posting this crap, you do it daily and nobody wants to hear your psychobabble dipshit.

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Yeah. Also wingnuts are bad at humor because they think its funny to kick down, whereas most people are not entertained by being jerks to the powerless.

Show me one piece of evidence that is in a single fucking school where it's school sanctioned faggot.

Terminally online troons are a real thing.
They don't fit in socially in real life, so much like other weirdos and outcasts they live their pathetic 'lives' in the only place people can't immediately see them for the laughably deluded sham they are.

Why even waste the energy to think about troons, let alone hate them? They're like 0.5% of the population. But righties can't seem to stop thinking about trannies.


And no. With fire and sword.

There always were trans accepting people on Yea Forums, you just took the jokes too seriously, faggot.

Its one thing to say fuck niggers, its another thing to constantly bring up how much you hate niggers in every thread and posts daily nigger hate threads along side a variety of images depicting wojak negros being murdered. A person can hate the thing they obsess over

>they think its funny to kick down, whereas most people are not entertained by being jerks to the powerless.
But most trannies are just straight white males in dresses. How are they powerless?

Gun and bullet is probably more efficient, though I'm guessing your too young to purchase a firearm

>most trannies are just straight white males in dresses
>straight white males in dresses
>straight male
>in dresses
Next time I want you to carefully proof read what you have typed before posting


>They're like 0.5% of the population.
But they insist that the remaining 99.5% of the population deny the evidence of their senses and conform to their obvious delusions, then carry on like retarded two year olds when told 'no, I do not believe you are a woman'.

They overwhelmingly have penises and want to have sex with women. In what world is that being anything other than straight?

Evidence? That’s libtard propaganda!

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>most trannies are just straight white males
only in 4chins memes. Some of the most famous cross-dressers were and are black or asian.
>How are they powerless
They are a small population that deviate from the norm in a very basic and pronounced way. Believe it or not, some societies accept troons, especially in asia. Not in the west tho.

Me, I don't GAF what adults do as long as its consensual and they don't mess with animals or children.

>We're planning the final solution.

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>They overwhelmingly have penises and want to have sex with women
You base this assertion on what?

Are you even old enough to vote yet?

I'm guessing troons would be happy if the haters just left them alone. But what do I know? I don't even think I've seen a troon IRL more than a few times for a couple of minutes.

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>right wingers are obsessed with trannies
>and to make my point I am going to post and repost and repost the same shit on every website I'm not banned from constantly
>that'll show those obsessed chuds

>I'm not obsessed with trannys
>and to make my point I am going to post and repost and repost the same shit on every website I'm not banned from constantly
>That'll show those tranny libtards

>Some of the most famous cross-dressers were and are black or asian.
Cross-dressing is not necessarily transgenderism.
And frankly I have no issues with homosexual transgenders, just the disgusting autogynephile 'translesbians', who are the very definition of a male sexual predator adopting camouflage.

>They are a small population that deviate from the norm in a very basic and pronounced way.
Ah, heteronormativity. You're no ally to the strong brave women of the five o'clock shadow brigade.

>You base this assertion on what?
The overwhelming majority of transgenders I see screeching like autists are autogynephilic 'translesbians'.
Funny how homosexual transgenders just want to live their lives but AGPs insist that women who don't sleep with them are 'transphobes'. AGP troons are the very definition of their own worst enemies. They don't pass and make enemies of everyone that's not an AGP. The world will be better off without them.

>Are you even old enough to vote yet?
Ooh, irrelevancies! Next bring up my straight privilege, that'll show me!

>I'm guessing troons would be happy if the haters just left them alone.
They thrive on attention and drama because AGP transgenderism has a high comorbidity with narcissistic personality disorder, oppositional defiant disorder and sundry other mental illnesses and defects.

I occasionally respond to tranny propaganda but I don't initiate.
Good to see that, much as you admire women and steal the trappings of their essence, you also steal other people's points because their truth surpasses your lies.

>transgenders I see
Are the in the room etc.?

You've obviously put much more thought into troons than I have.

It must be rough being the only republican kid in highschool

Read 6 words in and said "nope"

I dont read faggot psychobabble.

Rope yourself shithead.

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It must be hard knowing you are the last of the dying breed known as libshits lmao.

>Enjoy the coming red wave, I hope you drown in it.

Because you’re forcing your perversion down our throats, corrupting the language, and fucking with our children. That last one was the straw that broke the camel’s back. We’d love nothing more than to have you slink back to your weirdo bars and never fucking see your ghoulish faces and gnarly hands again.

Fuck that, I wanna see them raped and skinned in the streets user.

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>forcing your perversion down our throats
heh. might wanna talk to a professional about that image in your head.

While you fap.

>dying breed
You are still upset about the election, aren't you?

not my problem

>taking figures of speech as literal to own the chuds
I guess when you spend your life sunk deep in lies that you're actually a woman, you have to resort to desperate measures to prop up your nonsensical delusions.

>You've obviously put much more thought into troons than I have.
The issue is not that I have been putting much thought into their existence. It's more that, in my experience, they insist on calling attention to themselves then trying to punish people for having opinions that differ to their own.

Lie to yourselves and believe you pass as women, that's fine. Insist that other people must share your mental illness? That's a line.

Here's a question. Every AGP translesbian I've encountered, both online and IRL, is looking for a ciswoman only. If translesbians are women, why aren't they fucking each other?

No wonder the 'superstraight' and 'supergay' movements trolled troons into frenzies of anger.

Oh look, more baseless accusations. Well done!

No, I think the image fits perfectly. What you’re doing to society, aided and abetted by a complicit media is like rape, and normal people are starting to gag on it.

What a shame you don't recognise a kindred spirit.

I just wanted to let you know, your posts were too long and as a result I didn't read it

Is he even white?

>What you’re doing to society
What I'm doing is laughing at your troon obsessed ass. You can't stop thinking about them shoving stuff down your throat LOL.

This. And the most hilarious thing is that it's a specific subset of transgenders that are creating 99% of the noise and visibility, which is the autogynephiles that literally nobody likes.

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Oh no, kids are learning that other people than them exist and Disney is doing something other than a straight white relationship! TIME FOR REVOLUTIOOOOON!

Ok weirdo.

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Why are left-wingers obsessed with accommodating mentally ill people and encouraging and aiding them to permanently disfigure themselves?

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Only one of those is actively indoctrinating. The other is a convenient strawman.

Remove the trannies and sentence those who enabled them for crimes against humanity

The real NPCs are the ones that think there is a difference in American politics. It's a filter in itself.

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