>his favourite album has 100+ ratings on RYM
His favourite album has 100+ ratings on RYM
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If you want to discuss rym, there’s a site where you can do that: rateyourmusic.com
Go back there and stop shitting up Yea Forums
>his favorite album is on rym
>his favorite album has any form of online documentation
>his favorite album exists
Explain how it's objectively better to listen to obscure music
>He uses RYM
>His favorite album is even on RYM
personalized taste
music taste is a shit substitute for a personality
personalized taste doesnt equal revolving your entire personality around music. use your brain dumb dumb
This but unironically. The perfect album can only exist in ones head. Listening to other music is only a means to produce the greatest music ever made in your mind
>tfw dont use RYM
>tfw check it and Tom Waits - Sydney 1979 Bootleg isnt even on there
If your favourite album were any good it'd have more than 100 ratings.
It makes me wonder if there are any unknown masterpieces left? Given that we've had the internet for as long as we have, surely no albums worth serious attention have slipped under the radar?
here accidentally replied heh
have you heard Louis Armostrong's full catalogue?
the saturation of information means that even academically canonized "great" music can toil in obscurity. nobody has the time to spend much time out of their own taste niche, given you can spend half your life exploring rock or electronic music alone
stop exposing yourself as a pleb
there are a ridiculous amount of great albums that are """"obscure""""
especially if youre basing what obscure is off communities like rym. ive seen albums with 4 ratings on there that have over a million views on youtube and are considered classics where they were made, but because those communities arent represented on rym, it would appear obscure to some hipster using rym.
also, there's a million reasons why a great album never got popularized. maybe it had a very limited pressing, maybe it had bad promo, maybe at the time people just didnt appreciate it for what it was, etc.
not to mention some albums are in niche genres and arent going to get mass exposure for a long time because the mainstream music sites arent paying attention to those specific sub genres
>likes music because „you‘ve never heard of it“, not because it resonated with him
>gives a fuck about what others think about the music he likes
>thinks it‘s an achievement to listen to music nobody else likes. Feels superior for doing so.
What are you, a hipster?
>haha I only listen to obscure unknown music I am so cool amirite
Insecure hipster detected
youre fighting straw men. come back when you have something intelligent to say
>presuming you have to think your favourite album is perfect