Post your favorite EP right the fuck now

Post your favorite EP right the fuck now

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I'm pretty sure it would be this

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holy shit im listening to this right now

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Underdog EP by yellow card

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technically a mixtape but it's still the best electronic release of the 2010s under 30 minutes

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You smell bad.

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Fellow alpha male checking in

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It's just so fucking good.

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thanks for the recc bro, this is good

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Wet s/t

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glad you like it

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those shrieks are sex

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yes but the og art is so much better

Incredibly based

i never knew this art was an alternate. do you have an image of the original one? i couldn't find it.

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I don't know if I'd say it's my favorite, but I've been listening to this recently.

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Nice. I wish they released a separate version with all the tracks split up so I can put them in playlists and things.

the title track is amazing

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I dont know if this is technically an ep but I treat it as one

And damn is it comfy

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Wheel in the Roses

some good songs on that one

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based and redpilled

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This, and All Delighted People comes 2nd.

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Tied between these two

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Currently this.

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lsd and the search for god

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Also my favorite NIN release.

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omg this ep is perfect. finally seeing this style of music get some love here.

Good one

>not Sisters EP

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Seriously, nobody's posted this? I hate him and still love this shit

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fuck yes

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Coloring Book by Glassjaw

>59 replies
>nobody posted obvious one

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Yeah but they are both quite good at least

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I just realized how well the picture suits the original post

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why u hate mane?

Listening to this for the first time was pure bliss. My only regret is that I can't listen to it for the first time ever again

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Magical Mystery Tour

Those are

'Slow' is my cut


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>Rotten Apple

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>Godflesh - Godflesh
>Godflesh - Slavestate
>Jesu - Heart ache

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Fuck it, 1991 EP by Azealia Banks

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high test post tbqh

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It's fucking perfect


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Based and swanpilled