
Rate, rec, guess, say nice things about each other

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Hey are you that batshit insane guy who talks about joji shows or something in the margins of his charts? ive never seen anyone else than him with koopsta

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nah I have no idea what that dude's deal is

could you share the album titles?

any recs based on these be cool thanks

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I had choking victim on when I opened this thread. Absolutely virtuous.

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theyre literally right there

ski mask troopaz - underground tape

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but I don't know russian, so there's no way I could google them

It's just some russian ripoffs of british and american classics, don't waste your time

shpongle are wholesome in an annoying pseud
druggie way
similar to tool

god im gassy
aum my dude




*burp* aum

damn i forgot i liked yo la tengo
painful is good
maybe my favorite
because anyone can just boldly say their red, blue, or green album is their best

you know your evening is cursed after fucking beach house - space song or whatever it's called randomly comes on yt autoplay
honestly it has legit soured my mood

so fucked
tryna be a positive guy
but then those little things come up
fucking GROUCH city gang

tomorrow i'll listen to that new weyes blood or whatever it has nice melodies and harmonics
time a flat circle or whatever
eat dirt and like it
that's what wise ppl do
chiddy bang bang


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Damn dude crazy chart
Melancholie2- cold world
Le pollen- Pierre Barough

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if you meant the album by deuter, then shit rec nigga

Янкa - Cтыд и cpaм
Гpaждaнcкaя oбopoнa - Лyнный пepeвopoт
Maйк Hayмeнкo / Bиктop Цoй - 12-13 Янвapя 1985 Гoдa, Mocквa
Eгop и Oпиздeнeвшиe - Cтo лeт oдинoчecтвa
Кинo - Звeздa пo имeни Coлнцe
Кopoль и шyт - Кaк в cтapoй cкaзкe
Чёpный Лyкич - Бyдeт вeceлo и cтpaшнo
Бpaвo - Ha пepeкpecткaх вecны
7paca - 1-й кpyг
Aдaптaция - Кoлeco иcтopии
Бaндa чeтыpёх - Любoвь - этo влacть
Haтaлия Плaтицынa - Зaжгитe cвeчи!
Хyгo-Угo - Mнe тaк cтpaшнo
Aллa Пyгaчёвa - Aх, кaк хoчeтcя жить
Линдa - Bopoнa
Глюк'oZa - Glyukoza Nostra
Pycя - Пoпeлюшкa
Aндpиeш Гaндpaбyp - Mop. Утoпия OST
Aльянc - Aльянc '87

the rest are duplicates you can find


seeing xiu xiu and the body right next to each other threw me for a loop because a friend of mine had me listen to both of them one after the other
Adore, 1996 - World Anti-God Freedom X
specifically because its another of his' favorites

Jamiroquai - The Return of the Space Cowboy

Pageninetynine -- Document #8

Bert Jansch -- Bert Jansch
Moss Icon -- Discography

June of 44 -- Anahata

Animal Collective -- Spirit They've Gone, Spirit They've Vanished if you haven't heard it yet

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deftones - saturday night wrist

Going to bed, will rec in the morning
Lovely charts

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id rec deconstructionist by giles corey .

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Tвopoжнoe oзepo - Aквapeль

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The new Sam Gellaitry album might pique your interest

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the most alpha chart

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God you must be one SAD fuck

>art hoes

Juvenile - 400 Degreez
Black Tambourine - Complete Recordings
Maybe the new Comet is Rising album?Catherine Ribeiro - Ame Debout
Pretty good taste, The Wedding Present - George Best
Autolux - Future Perfect
Seam - The Problem With Me
Goldlink - At What Cost
Blanck Mass - World Eater
Converge - You Fail Me
Jorge Ben - Força Bruta

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wise rec, it should be on the chart desu I love that album
