Tfw afraid to dabble in other genres because I'll be a "tourist"

>tfw afraid to dabble in other genres because I'll be a "tourist"

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stop giving a shit what other people think, this board is toxic af. Listen to whatever you want man, music is made to be enjoyed

listen to whatever you want user, dont let the haters bring u down :]

stop giving a shit what other people think, this board is toxic af. Listen to whatever you want man, music is made to be enjoyed

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>tfw afraid to feed in other genres because I'll be a "sneed"

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stop giving a shit what other people think, this board is toxic af. Listen to whatever you want man, music is made to be enjoyed

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stop giving a shit what other people think, this board is toxic af. Listen to whatever you want man, music is made to be enjoyed

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listen to whatever you want user, dont let the haters bring u down :]

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That's fuckign stupid, it's just another bullshit meme forced by montie with his vpn.

>this is anthony from 2012
How has time fly

ape escape looking ass

don't fall for another shit forced meme
i wonder why reddit loves him

he's doing a show here tomorrow, 35 dollars. who the fuck is going to this show

I don't dabble in other genres because I already know my taste

the secret is that there's nothing wrong with being a tourist as long as you admit that you are one and are okay with it. its only as bad as you thinkit is (ITS NOT!)


what exactly do you think a tourist is and why do you think there's nothing wrong with it?

i dont think you get what being a tourist means
of course you're gonna listen to the entry-level albums at some point, but if that's where you stay then you become a tourist.

if you're gonna get into genres ya gotta dive deep

I don't have enough time to dive deep though

tourist is someone who stays within (intentionally or not) the most accesssible and/or popular albums within a genre, not properly understanding it on its own and only in relation to other genres.

its not bad because who fucking cares as long as u dont act like some kidna expert cause you heard 5 black metal albums. just be honest

>Afraid of what strangers on the Internet will think
You're a retard.

then you're gonna remain a casual (or, a tourist).
it's ok bro

>falling for this meme
you must be a literal brainlet
this is not even a peer pressure this is 10 people with too much time on their hands spamming that nonsense all over Yea Forums and you let yourself be influcenced by it
hopefully some cult will pressure you into suicide someday we need less people like you

>its not bad because who fucking cares as long as u dont act like some kidna expert cause you heard 5 black metal albums.
when the majority of people in places like mu and rym act like this, people who are actually interested in hearing/discovering music and have their own taste, and don't just drone essential charts are affected by this. that's who cares. it has an effect on the entire community. this is why the average thread on mu is either a shitpost, or a redundant circle jerk over the same entry level, pitchfork approved albums mu has been talking about for years.
also, part of what a tourist is is someone who does drone essential but acts like they have an actual interest in music, have good taste, or have any sort of functional knowledge about what the best albums of a style of music are. so by your own standard, it is a bad thing.

ok so you think part of being a tourist is being an mindless idiot about the genre, but merely Listening to some stuff doesnt make u that, being a retard does... so OP's still wrong to fear.

the problem is that people are retarded. people will never not be retarded. you cant have a good Yea Forums thread about anything in-depth because people are too retarded to realize people protecting their discourse is not some personal attack. so u have to make private communyty, you have to mark off space for actual detailed discussion.,. somewhere

thats a retarded way of thinking

this is a retarded board, retard thought for retard place.... retard

Thats a retarded mindset. If you like something or want to try something new do it. People get so caught up in being apart of something or trying to fit in that they forget that a majority of anything worth listening to is made by people who would be considered outside the norm.

Honest and heartfeltpilled