I have a deep yearning to travel to Africa and breed some African women. I'm not sure what that process would be like...

I have a deep yearning to travel to Africa and breed some African women. I'm not sure what that process would be like. I know African men are most likely very possessive of their women, but I have to do this at least once.

I'm going to dump some pure African bitches ITT and we're going to discuss ways that a typical white male can go to Africa to impregnate jungle bitches.

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literally just hire a travel agent to introduce you and if you give them like three beads, you have have their daughter

I wanna suck those puffy nips and put um whole cock in her hungry mouth.

> you have have their daughter


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that's the reason why you always see this tribe everywhere

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>deeply ingrained into their culture that a husband should offer his wife to a stranger
and here i thought westerners were cucks, what the fuck

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You do know they still have slave trade in africa.

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Elaborate user

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dude - how could you handle the smell - they stink badly and dont care who they affend , they are ranker than any cheese you can buy , also they dont care about you fucking there woman because ass soon as you get busy they are going to rob you and beat the crap out of you for not giving them more , all niggers deserve 1 bullet

I feel like the smells would really trigger the primal instinct in me.

>e: 26.jpg (668 KB, 700x1139)

Did you leave school after Grade 4? And you think you have the right to criticize anyone else?

You had all the advantages and it still didn't matter, you're just damaged goods.

fukkin sluts

Fuck Rhiannah is looking good

They will throw themselves, their sisters, their daughters, even their mothers at you if they think you're even middle class bybwestern standards or will take them back to the west with you.
Just give fake info and then ghost them.

Himba women are top tier. White Afrikaaners have more black DNA from this source than any other (San/Khoisan Bushmen)

This all reminds me of that old (easily +10 yrs) clip where in a really pretty tribal woman sucks white cock. It was a POV clip and the girl had pretty striking eyes, from what I recall. Ever since then I've shared OPs fantasy and dreamt of breeding young African tribal women.

I love the idea of just showing up in a village somewhere, having some young negress fall for me, thinking I'll help her out of the shithole she lives in, and then fuck her over and over again until I'd finally ghost her with a mulatto baby in her womb.

Attached: Ebony.Bikini.Large_breasts.Standing.Wide_hips.jpg (1200x1200, 184.83K)

I would iif there weren't already so many blacks in the world and counting.

Rolling for her tho.

post link or u r ghey

Ebony women were born to consume Aryan cum

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Search "Ebony Dreams - Bagheera" on YouJizz. Warning, it's an old clip and the quality is shit. She's apparently Ethiopian.

Attached: 40964.webm (256x243, 644.45K)

fucking perfectly suckable tits. would find a small village of these people and use all of their women as fuck toys until I finally succumbed to a brutal aids death.

She's french.

>tribal woman


C'mon, I haven't seen that clip in like 15 years. It's a miracle I found it.

Well I can get behind that. But you built it up to be one of the proper fucking clay haired tribal women like in the op and really it's just some random black girl. You can see why I'm a little disappointed?

Of course, but, again, I was merely talking about how this all reminded me of an old clip. I didn't even remember anything more than the POV blowjob stuff that's in the gif. I found the source for the first time while looking for that gif, I hadn't seen more than that myself.

then do that and live there, that is if you can avoid anti-white african nazis

>anti-white african nazis

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Possessive? No. Just plan to pay off the family and brothers. Cost 100-2000. They'll let you take her for a test spin too.

Wasn’t there a French gigachad who impregnated 200+ women in Nigeria? I’ve seen him posted a few times.

niggers over there drive out and lynch whites for taking up the land that was "originally theirs" like you wouldn't believe with what kind of prejudice, particularly white farmers that own agricultural sites in Africa, even though whitey generates a lot of work places and brings civilization and amenities to that shithole, there are groups that hate whites immensely, I would attach a news article proving my word but I can't be fucked looking for one right now


It was over a thousand. I have the image somewhere but it would take 15 minutes to find it

>muh racism!!

>is the practice of petrol around a victim's chest and arms, and setting it on fire. The victim may take up to 20 minutes to die, suffering severe burns in the process.
sounds like appropriate execution for jews
the only kind of racism that isn't covered by mass media, and I wonder why

nah it's the one with the tyres

No you don't your a fucking retard on Yea Forums. Your brainwashed looking at these BBC threads you mongool. Go fuck yourself

I love Red Velvet Queens

You know China puts Muslims in concentration camps? But the “mass media” never says anything about it. Is there a conspiracy?

The fuck they don't. Canuckistan media covers this daily

Native Greenlanders do the same thing. Of course, manners demand that after you visit someone and bang his wife, he's going to visit and bang yours.

western media worries about promoting white genocide, why would it care for what kind of beef chinks got against sandniggers, what good goy points would they get out of virtue signaling about that or even bringing it to light

there's a 4k upscaled version on xhams.ter

When it's not Corona or Ukraine german mainstream media whines about it a lot.

Christians being systematically wiped out in the middle east is no big deal tho.

>Get your lands stolen
>Get your people enslaved
>Get your culture eradicated
>Get your whole race subjugated
>Get your lands occupied
>Get pissed, attack occupiers
>"You wouldn't believe how racist the African nazi fascist communist niggers are towards us innocent whites"