>tfw tinnitus is getting worse
Tfw tinnitus is getting worse
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nice blog faggotnigger
Buy a stereo amp and two nice speakers. Give up headphones for a while.
stop listening to Merzbow :)
Boo fucking hoo
Get over it you faggot
Why are people so rude today? OP is suffering and yall just bring him down. Fuck yous all
newfags trying to fit in
God ive had tinnitus my entire god damn life and its not that bad
OP is just a pussy
you now remember that even 80db can cause hearing damage if listened to over a prolonged period and you will now hastily try to think of the last instance that pushed your 'nitus to a new level
get a fan, get a white noise generator, it wont get better user
this part of your hearing is gone forever until you die so next time be careful or shut up
Stop wearing headphones
If you play music on a stereo system don't play it loudly
if its pulsitative (oscillates along with your pulse) its probably an arterial blockage
dont worry, you'll probably have an aneurysm soon and then? no more tinnitus!
I've spent so much money on these cans, can't I just use them with lower volume?
you need to give your ear some rest, even at low volumes
plus a good speaker setup will sound better than any headphone
I had pretty bad tinnitus recently but then I started cleaning up my diet and now it's barely noticeable. I would suggest counting your calories and see if that works.
Is there any benefit to going to see a doctor? I'm not officialy diagnosed but I can defintely hear a ringing whenever there is not much noise. Will a doctor be able to make it slightly better?
is that true? I'm not saying you're wrong but I dont get the science behind it
honestly i have no fucking idea, but put it this way: would you rather go a few weeks or even months without using your fancy headphones, or would you rather a constant annoying ringing in your ear for the rest of your life
You got a good point
Don't listen to this faggot It was true in my case but it's not all good news because there might a worse underlying issue
not your blog, shut the fuck up nobody cares dumbass
>t. manly fat
I care, OP :)
just get new ears bro
Just wait for Neuromod
is tintinnus a direct brain connection to merzbow's discography?