They didnt teach us this in school

They didnt teach us this in school.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Dont act like you went to school

The donmeh in the Ottoman empire would buy or kidnap European children as slaves. Sabbatian jews are known for believing that crossing moral boundaries, especially sexual immorality, and so this is a where the fear of jews abducting gentile children and performing sexual ceremonies on them came from. It's very likely why the progom in Germany that pushed the Jews to settle in the city of London happened. The templers borrowed money for weapons, went on a crusade, ans came back and slaughtered many jews.

All sabbatian Judaism is evil and a spiritual impurity. It explains why jews started Hollywood and have always dominated the porn industry and its very obvious that Jeffery epistein was a sabbatian jew due , and likely of the Frankist variet, to the fact they have a pedophile sex trafficking operation and connections with mossad.

Its litterally the fucking jews.

If you look on Wikipedia they ommit the bad things about sabbatian levi and its just very misleading. Normal people who read that won't think those jews are evil.

Dan shall judge his people,
As one of the tribes of Israel.
Dan shall be a serpent in the way,
A horned snake in the path,
That bites the horse’s heels,
So that his rider falls backward.
For Your salvation I wait, O LORD Genesis 49:16-18 (NASB)

The tribe of dan went north and named the island of Sardinia, the danu river, and Denmark. This is what their ship looks like. Germanic people are of the tribe of dan.

Hitler was correct but humane so didn't genocide them which is unfortunate.

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is this about the sabbatean frankists and children from hell lololol

The Tribe of Dan was a seafaring tribe. They loved to sail the seas. In this song, she is “calling out” the tribe of Dan for staying on their ships and refusing to fight. I find this interesting as in Moses blessing, he refers to them as lions, referring to their warlike tendencies. This seems to contradict that statement. An image of the ocean and Judges 5:17 quoted“At the same time Moses led the children of Israel out of Egypt, with the kingdom of Egypt left in shambles, some chose not to follow Moses into the land of Canaan. About 1500 B.C., a last flowering of megalithic culture occurred. On the island of Sardinia in the Mediterranean Sea, a tower-building people sometimes called the Shardana emerged, and soon dominated Sardinia and then invaded Corsica and the Balearics, and ruled them for about a thousand years. These were ancient Danites! Their very name identifies them! They gave their name to their island, SarDINia, and their very name SharDANa, proves who they really were. In Hebrew, the term “sharon” means a level “plain.” It comes from the root word yashar, meaning “to make straight or even, right, pleasant, prosperous.” The “Shardana” were nothing more than the “prosperous DANites,” the tribe of Dan! The term “sar” or “shar” in Hebrew means “chief,” “prince,” “ruler,” from which such words as “Tsar,” “Caesar,” “Kaiser,” etc., derive. The “Shar-Dana,” then, were the chiefs or princes of DAN!”

People like you are the biggest fucking faggots on earth. Seriously white victimhood is the gayest you could possibly be.

Post nose.

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Kill yourself Seth Rogen.


white privileged at it's worst, just can't let the niggers have slavery to themselves.

Actually they did. Aside from that, i
I'm well read on my own about early European recorded history. Nobody concealed this from you, you were just slow.

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Reddit moment

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This just makes no fucking sense.

Let's SAY this is right, source 'just trust me bro'.

Even IF this is true, you're admitting black slavery was still an enormous issue, as big if not bigger.

The American Civil War wasn't about white slavery.
The Cornerstone Speech by the confederates was that their entire war 'rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man'.

Irish were treated like shit, Italians were treated like shit, Jews were treated like shit.
But the Irish didnt get water fountains and bathrooms that said they couldnt even exist there.

Maybe towards the beginning of your shitty history you muddled some 'lesser' white races in with the literal genocide of native americans and subordination of a whole other continent, but black hatred stuck. Source, literally look at Yea Forums.

That's why there's still a movement, PERPETUAL inequity.

Irish people aren't the ones getting murdered in their homes by cops while sleeping over there y'know?

Thomas Sowell needs to be a household name.

So does this site:

The point is that slavery was never racial, it was because people were vulnerable and incapable of preventing It. That's why it happened. Niggers are simply not important enough to care that much about to Enslave them because of hatred.

You don't actually expect these worthless sacks of body bag stuffing to be able to comprehend the implications of any of this do you? These people need to be plugged in the head with a cattle pistol, not educated.

Races are unequal because of genetics. Not 'muh systemic racisms' like you cultural marxist faggots keep repeating.

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>PERPETUAL inequity.

It's called genetics user, stop blaming whitey for your problems.

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>literal genocide of native americans
I bet you think the native americans were all nice and friendly and not a bunch of murdering savages that made slaves of rival tribes women and children after they slaughtered each other.

Also native americans owned black slaves too.

So why were the white settlers so eager to wipe them out? Was it to save themselves from savages? I think it was.

Fuck you come do something then.

Believe me, in an opportune time and place I certainly will. The trouble is you people have tendency to hide from people like me. I can't single handedly round up every dirt bag on the planet by snapping my fingers, you need to fuck up to be a target of opportunity for me. Stay vigilant.

>Yes, I believe ANYTHING that I read online and I get all my infos from imageboards and twitter bots. Why do you ask?

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>Even IF this is true, you're admitting black slavery was still an enormous issue, as big if not bigger.
Whites were bought and sold as slaves in the Arab and Barbary slave trades for 1,000s of years in Europe. They were literally kidnapped and tortured and sold as sex slaves. Why do you think they were so eager to leave Europe? I hope you dont think it was just over high taxes.

You believe whatever the MSM tells you to believe because you dont bother to question anything.

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I don't think your opinion really matters. No go spam "groomer" in a trap thread like your handlers told you to.

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>Niggers aren't important enough to be enslaved because of hatred
That argument kind of defeats itself, but even if we buy that for a second it doesn't change the fact that they have faced SYSTEMIC opposition, and the least we can do at this point is acknowledge that.
Just acknowledge that it happened, the US did it, and it shouldn't have happened.

Literal eugenicist.
Ok bro.
Publish an accredited scientific paper agreeing with that point of view, or hell, even FIND one.
Till then, shut the fuck up and educate yourself

See above dipshit

Native americans had their own way of life. You can disagree with that, but they were literally invaded, killed, replaced, placed on reservation, had their children stolen 're-educated' and murdered' and have otherwise been written out of existence.
This is literally the shit you morons keep worrying 'the jews' are gonna do to you, yet you have no solidarity with a race that was erased out of nothing more than greed...

Also the Iroquois Confederacy is the basis for much of modern democratic government. They had civilisation and government, right wing authoritarians and nationalists just love to say that they 'civilised the savages' rather than 'slaughtered an educated peoples'. Shit look at Tenochtitlan and the aztecs. Brutal? Sure. Highly advanced? It's literally the Venice of America.

Seethe harder.

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Lol Republicans. They are getting scammed since the '60s and they STILL hasn't figured it out...

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post nose.

Wow way to reduce the largest immigration seen in the world to one issue but sure bro.

There are a million things, not least of all A FRESH START.
It wasn't all stick that drove people to America, it was the carrot of opportunity.

And even with that being true, which again, source just trust me bro, that doesnt change my point?

Sure white people were enslaved, all peoples were, but black people faced systemic oppression, that's the difference.
That's why there's still a movement.

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No you won't faggot. No one hides from you.

Nice try, groomer. But I'm not voting for higher taxes and more pedos reading storybooks to kids.

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Sorry but don't you have something smarter to say with your big, WHITE iq?

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White people are facing systemic racism from jews.

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Yes. I am sure. How it's going?

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The left cant meme. But they can put red hats on memes from the right.

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No way, pedocrat groomer. Still going to vote republican. Cope harder.

I wouldn't be surprised if black slaves never existed and white slavery was actual slavery.

The Latino population in America was nearly zero and in the 1950 in some parts in jumped to almost half the population.
You don' think they could have done that with blacks too? mass ship them over in the 1920s or 40s and make up huge lies about slavery? all you have to do is take pictures with old cameras and no one will know.

50 years from now if they manage to make latinos an even higher percentage of the population they could do the same thing. Literally replace history and actually say latinos were the ones who were the slaves in the United States.

Jews were primarily the middle men. I haven't benefited from black peoples existence ever. Only a time minority of Southerns benefited from slavery and most white southerners did not because slaves took the jobs they could have been paid for and they would have put the money back into the economy instead of enabling a small minority to horde the money. Slavery wasn't even good for the economy, no matter how hard their jobs were if they weren't there someone would have paid someone else to do it.

Slavery hindered the economy. The European immigrants that took advantage of the homestead act of 1860 built the US and its economy. Not niggers.

Yes. I bet Trump tax cuts for the rich made you rich, too? I money trikling down yet?

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Is this a joke?

ONCE AGAIN, 'Source: Just trust me bro'

Look at your chart again, and ignore the 'jews' part.
That is the problem. See where blacks are? See where whites are?

Hell include the jews and find the average between them and whites since most jews are white. That's the problem.

Whose fault it is doesnt matter.
'The Jews are worse' doesn't change the fact that systemic black oppression HAPPENED, regardless of who was responsible.

Even your shitty made up graph proves that point.

Black people got screwed over nothing more than skin color, that was wrong.
Make a separate thread with your bullshit conspiracy theories over jews and space lasers and who was at fault.

It still happened.
And apparently your 'sources' agree?

The scientific became heavily politicized after ww2. Especially as a result of Zionists being the federal reserve board members. Jews are responsible for slavery and your beliefs on it.

Yes. I am 100% convinced of that.
Stay scared and keep licking that boot, daddy Trump is going to make the big, scary stranger go away. Any day now. 2 more weeks

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The bottom line is white people don't owe them anything and we shouldn't have to pay taxes to help them. They consume more than they produce and its been this way since slavery was abolished.

If that wouldn't surprise you, you are in dire need of education.

This is not a joke.

Leave the house, go to some museums, read some books, travel a little, educate yourself. You cannot cover up the footprints left by MILLIONS of people on american soil, the fact that you even consider that valid, in the face of overwhelming evidence is troubling.

Shit, read the Cornerstone Speech my dude.

With censorship they absolutely rewrite history and make it illegal to question it. This was normal in the ussr.

Nobody is blaming you, at least nobody here.

Nobody is saying 'you profited, you specifically are bad'.

America is at fault. That system is at fault.

All we are asking is that you agree, that you hold that government responsible for its failures, and if it really maligned you, all the more reason to do it!

Idk about the jews part? Seems.... A stretch.
But that's not the point of this thread.

If you think slaves, literal unpaid labor didnt help rich plantation owners get richer... IDK
Think about it for a second?

>They consume more than they produce and its been this way since slavery was abolished.
Yes. Damn you, parasitic red states

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Sorry, meant to post this

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I don't know what the 'scientific' is or how its politicisation has ANYTHING to do with jews on the federal reserve.

I assume you mean NAZI SCIENTISTS.

Helping JEWS.

Cover up slavery.

Again, Source just trust me bro?
Furthermore, travel, read, re-educate. Even if slavery WAS a jewish invention, white non-jews sure jumped on that band wagon and perpetuated keeping black people down.

Its the African men's fault for being incapable of defending their women and children n. They never even developed a written language because they had so few words that you could memorize them and no complex ideas. It's genetic.

Yes they did

>the government never lies to you
Explain why all our information on the holocaust comes directly from the USSR

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The scientific community * you fucking nigger. Go back to Africa. This country would become safer and less toxic without blacks, but without whites this country would turn into LIBERIA. HAHAHAH

I mean that point has kind of already been SLAMMED by another user.

But once again:
Nobody is blaming you, at least nobody here.

Nobody is saying 'you profited, you specifically are bad'.

America is at fault. That system is at fault.

All we are asking is that you agree, that you hold that government responsible for its failures, and if it really maligned you, all the more reason to do it!

Literally all it takes is looking back and going
"Yeah, yknow what, reduce human beings to objects WAS bad, fuck my government for doing that."

It's okay to point out the flaws in your government, that's how democracy works

It was the Jews who pitted the whites against the black and the blacks against the whites. We can all agree we'd be better off with the parasites but there's too many of them now, Hitler tried but he'd be the only one to almost succeed.

OK republicant.

The mega plantations in the US were owned by jews.

Victimhood in the USA (literally anywhere within the borders) is the most retarded thing on earth

So we're most of the ships that brought them in, all owned by Jews

You mean like the richest man in history? Literally crashed the silver market when he came to visit Mecca? Founding univeristies that are still there today?

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Lol, back to /pol/ with you. You have to be 18 to post here

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Source just trust me bro
See the second line HERE In reality it's more likely that the lack of domesticable animals and modern farming techniques in a widely non-agrarian landscape made cultivation and food storage impossible, resigning them to a hunter-gatherer lifestyle that they couldnt escape without mechanisation, literally look at pre-stalin russian countryside, wasnt much better.

Source just trust me bro
Go to germany dipshit.

Not black.
'This country would be safer and less toxic with more of me'


The majority of white Americans never benefited from slavery. Most Southerners had a smaller job pool and less options though.

Slavery was never helpful here. It was a bad thing and I wish it never happened.

Anyways all of this is simply NOT MY PROBLEM.

It's the Jewish man's fault for tempting people with riches and paying to take their families away from them, don't think they got to keep that money either since they usually killed those they paid to take the money back, grubby little cunts they are

Not only does everyone know this, but for a long time when black lives matter started a huge argument of the right way "hurr what about the Irish". And I myself am Irish.
Also I dunno if US history class loves to hide shit, but in my country (Canada) we have plaques in historical site talking all about the polish slaves we took in the early 20th century.
I doubt what you're claiming is some liberal attempt to cover up white slavery, since in US history I'm also aware they don't teach you about when you lost a war with us and we burnt down the white House and you almost weren't a country anymore if not for The fact we decided to leave Washington and let you be.

>Everyone claiming victim lives in the nation with the highest class motility on earth
>There's perpetual inequity


Thank you for attending my Ted Talk

HA HA HA HA HA Funny MAGA mutt nut.

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Remember all the celtic slaves that were sold in the roman empire were white

Black people are failures here for the same reason the Europeans were significantly more successful relative to Africans, which is why Africans were unable to prevent it.


>It was the Jews who pitted the whites against the black and the blacks against the whites.
So you are saying that you are just a tool in the hands on the CLEARLY INFERIOR jewish race?
How does this work? Aren't whites supposed to be the superior race?

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That had nothing to do with intelligence or ability, he had a lot of precious metal in his kingdom. That is luck.


Source just trust me bro.

Even IF that's true, as I keep saying, it's not about 'who did it' so much as 'what happened', and 'how do we fix it'.

Dont you think that IF this is true the best possible thing you can do is help liberate your fellow oppressed black brothers? Then, free from the tyranny of jews you might rise up together?

Or idk just learn that that isnt true, but EITHER WAY.

It doesnt change that black people got unfairly shafted?

Also some definitely non-jewish white people owned slaves and helped fight for slavery.
As I keep pointing out, read the Cornerstone Speech by Alexander H. Stephens, the VP for the confederate states. He spells it out.
The civil war was about slavery. About whites being better than the negro.
Not a jew.

Your first line is 100% accurate and kills all discussion about slavery.

The rest of your post is trash tho.
Jews sold blacks to Jews and we're horrible to them in transit.

Most slave life wasn't horrible within the context of the times.

There are almost no white people today that have benefitted from slavery

If it were me, making that image, I'd have included a source.

So you being white and thus superior means you hava successful and fulfilling life, and not at all are a obese incel. Right?

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Its true. Look at crime rates. But if Africans had the same potential for intelligence genetically they would not have been slaves or had restrictions.

You assume I'm white like the typical sperg you are. Jews are the only thing holding back America, not blacks. If anything id say the blacks contribution to America would always over shadow anything the Jews did for the nation of the United states. Since all the Jews ever did was cause fights so they could appear before everyone as a voice of reason

99% of the manuals in the old schools of Djenné and Timbuktu are written in Arabic. It's all worthless Islamic scholarship written in Arabic. Nothing of value was locally produced . There is so little of worth written there that most of the History of the region is known thanks to Moroccan and Tunisian chroniclers.

It means i have a different admixture of hominids and my mixture has much more cromagnon than blacks so yes in genetically superior and that was from nature, its organic, not taught or learned.

Like Rus with gas and oil?

>They didnt teach us this in school.

The reason is because it's not true. Christians could not be enslaved, they worked under a system of indentured servitude where they had more rights than a non christian slave.

White slavery was a thing, Vikings took Anglo Saxons as slaves. But OP has not given an example, they are lying about history to try and make some political point.


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>But if Africans had the same potential for intelligence genetically they would not have been slaves or had restrictions.
Sorry, but if you believed you are enslaved by jews, doesen't that mean you are inferior to them?

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Literally reread my posts then.
You aren't the enemy.
The government that oppressed black people
See Inequity isn't solely based in class mobility.
Meaning zoning laws, shitty housing, historic mistreatment, jim crow laws, lack of historic wealth and heirlooms to pass down to children, shitty school districts leading to shitty education thanks to zoning laws.


All caps doesnt help your point but there we are

AGAIN, Source just trust me bro
I say again
>Literal eugenicist.
>Ok bro.
>Publish an accredited scientific paper agreeing with that point of view, or hell, even FIND one.
>Till then, shut the fuck up and educate yourself