What does he listen to?

Attached: 1557268821035.png (1182x730, 218K)

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the smiths, cypress hill and the list goes on...

these two songs on repeat

by the way, his name is mexicanon

The beep

Attached: 51Q34vY0BOL._SS500.jpg (500x500, 49K)

Every artist in this picture.

Fuck. This picture.

Attached: 1557277587783.jpg (1000x2232, 347K)

to whatever i want

.t mexican

Attached: 0D080245-A82E-49C3-B66F-355585E26ADD.jpg (717x787, 572K)

Attached: totbl.jpg (1000x1000, 118K)

Juan Gabriel

*jose jose


cafe tacvba

luis miguel :VV

how, in any way?

Latin America loves Interpol, especially Mexico. Not sure if it's because Banks lived there for a while and brings the whole band there to do shows and shit or what.

* Pedro infante

another clueless tripfag lmao


the cringe part is he's no more than 5'10" standing next to joe rogan

why lie about your height

His friends would think he was gay if they knew hom much Morrissey he actually listened to.

everyone loves interpol man, wtf are you in