They peaked here. don't lie

they peaked here. don't lie

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nobody lied :)

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i agree, OP!

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Agreed. This would have made a great final album for them as well. I really thought that was it for them too. That being said, I really like what they've done since. It almost does feel like they have had two halves to their career. Right after this they started playing more "normal" and consistent live shows, releasing the ILYs material and putting out more accessible and melodic music. They're still great but not quite as myserious or boundary pushing.


zach here, second peak coming soon

I agreed with it.

nah that would be dork core 101

They have not yet reached a visible peak, as steroids and YOTS are their best projects to date. Nice try sweaty

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Yeah, YOTS absolutely slaps and shows they have a pretty great depth.

Nah, both albums of the double album are centered around a gimmick. Bjork vocal sample attached to Zach's drum pad in NOTM. The use of guitars and distorted organs for a noise rock effect on nearly every track on JD. This leads to each of the two albums being way too samey sonically throughout. Death Grips don't really write traditionally good songs in that they have catchy or well written melodies or anything, it's the energy and the sonic textures that make their music interesting. Since there's not as much variety in sonic textures here, it's kinda meh. TMS and YOTS maybe ExM as well are tops for this reason for me.

>both albums of the double album are centered around a gimmick. Bjork vocal sample attached to Zach's drum pad in NOTM. The use of guitars and distorted organs for a noise rock effect on nearly every track on JD. This leads to each of the two albums being way too samey sonically throughout
That's establishing and developing a theme. Just because DG albums tend to be sonically eclectic doesn't mean that the opposite is a failure. You wouldn't complain about a symphony for being played by the same orchestra all the way through.

I wouldn't make that comparison personally because for me that kind of western classical music works because it can do very fancy stuff with melody, harmony, dynamics, and depending on which work, form that Death Grips doesn't do at all. DG for me works for the visceral energy and the creative textures which, of course, that music can't bring.

This is not to say there aren't a couple good songs on TPTB. Perhaps my personal favorite tracks from them? But as a full album, yeah not the one I am going to.

Bottomless pit, Steroids and YOTS are their best. This is an objective fact.

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technically yes. it was supposed to be there final also has On GP as a closer, that track is literally peak DG.

They peaked at Exmilitary and everything else has been embarrassing as fuck. At least they had a sense of humor about their stupid shit then

>DG after ExM
>not having a sense of humour
>what is Hacker
>what is Have A Sad Cum/Fuck Me Out
>what is Pss Pss
>what is BB Poison
>what is basically all of YOTS
yours is honestly the stupidest death grips opinion it is possible to have


Year of the Snitch is their best album though.

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Absolutely positively ding-dong diddly right, Powaz is the fucking shit

You're not going to convince me they had a sense of humor about any of that shit. Like most artists after their debut "oh this might not work so lets have a laugh" they really started to think they were hot shit, and its easy to confuse pseudointellectual crypto bullshit with humor if you're nigger enough to read into MC Ride's tossed word salad

Also, please only post the crisp big cover

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NOTM is the peak so far


on par with tptb imo

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Exmilitary is their best.

They should have really broke up after TPTB and continued to make music together sometimes but not as Death Grips. ILYs is great and there's even some pretty good post-TPTB Death Grips stuff (like Steroids), but staying together after the perfect ending that was TPTB is just self-cannibalizing at this point