I bought new characters.
What'd you get?
Hey, you are going to school for it though. Massive respect.
What characters friend?
Got a knotted dildo from primal hardware
still haven't taken the knot
If only I had some lube right now.
Guess tomorrows the day then. I'll pray for your butt.
It's all for that paper saying I put in my years.
It's tough to get a job without one.
Belated Waz appreciation post
I have like 4 or 5 bottles now
I hope I can take it lol
its been a bit since the last time i rode so its gonna be a hot minute
Thanks Rudi
Sleepy bunny
Won't know until you try. Just keep up the horny till then.
I have like a full bottle that really needs use.
Aww thats cute
hello foxy! also that animation is a class :D
haiiiii, nice to meet ya m8 ;)
How are you Yea Forumsros doing? All of you staying safe I hope.
And this one
Those are great. How much did you pay?
Im doing great, you?
I hope so
it really is lol!
how are you doing hun?
Not too much. Traded a switch game code for one.
Pretty good trade.
Just been sick with a common cold eating chicken noodle soup and playing dead by daylight so it could be worst fren. Good to hear your doing great user. :D
Soon (after warming up (tm))
Nice to meet you too!
Doing well, how about you?
They looks great!
Happy too hear you're doing well too fren!
>took an interest in i.t. senior year of hs, learned a lot but it didn't go anywhere career wise, been meaning to get into programming for a couple months since I decided I wanna go to college for compsci and become a software dev, realized I can't afford college, started the enlistment process for the air force to shoot for any of the tech mos-es and then pay for college, currently waiting for meps to get back to me and alternating between vidya and learning some basic python
gah damn
also got this from them a while ago
Evening lewd bois!
Extremely so right now. I might even go stick a finger up my butt.
Hey Vanon! How's you?
I'll tell you the same thing I told Czar.
If you want help learning to code, I'd be more than happy to lend a hand.
I tutor CS at my uni.
I've just got my one character that I haven't touched in years.
Hey, how're you doing?
Might need help getting someone to push the knot in
bed time for me goodnight lewders
I can't believe he's only dating me because I remind him of a 6'6 jock who used to bully him :(
Evening cutie
ty but sad to hear that you're sick. hope you get well soon friend. Also that one looks amazing as well. great picks.
:( yeah, college is too expensive. one of the many reasons I didn't go. I hope you can get the money and start doing what you really want soon.
Hey Van, how are you?
And I'll definitely take you up on that.
I'll help. Don't you worry.
Oh my! I'm all lewded out so it's snuggly time!
Haaai Waz I'm gooood, I just got off work. Had a comfy bath and got lewded aggressively. If it's a holiday you just KNOW I'm working overtime >.>. How has your day been!
Haaaai Rudi don't think I've run into you before, how are you doing tonight!
Hai bai Foxy hope you sleep well!
Great! One day closer to yuken meeting! Nervous too! Also aggressively lewded again from another boi!?
I like how night/day this is from /pol/. One side everybody thinks gays are running a massive conspiracy to ruin the world when they're just fapping to this shit. On the other side... it's just porn seekers or something.
Anyways here's my contribution
Sleep well and sweet dreams!
You've got my contact, just hit me up whenever!
I only started posting regularly again about a month ago.
I'm doing well, just relaxing and chatting with some wonderful people.
Post your butt.
Do I? Fuck I don't remember. What's your name again?
Horny/RP posting? Lol
i'm pretty sure just snuggling with waz is gonna send my brain into hypersex mode because going from zero physical contact for 20 years to that.
here's hoping I can ignore it lul.
Hehe cute he says! Bet you don't even know my giant status! :3, how are you doing tonight!
Oh my goodness so many bois! I'm goooood, I'm all snuggly after working for 12 hours. I fucking hate holidays working retail GRRRR. Watcha up to!
But gays can't have spicy opinions! That's against the law! :3
Awwww nice welcome! I'm kind of a newfag only been around since last summer but this place has really done an awful lot of good for me. Luv all the bois here so much!
Yaaay, I'll bet. Probably gonna be even worse for him getting on the plane and all that. Hope it goes well! Also.... maybe.
shit, I'd gladly accept
yeah, the gi bill's supposed to help a lot, I think since my dad was in the military too that I might be able to stack his unused college benefits on top of mine, if that's how it works
covert israeli operatives put homosexuality inducing chemicals in my food and drinking water
It shouldn't be that bad
I hope
Ya, hopefully neither one of us is tooo bad with it
Also how do you find all these boi!?
>I fucking hate holidays working retail
Ouch, the holidays are rough for that. My condolences. I'm doing good. About to workout then play some games.
Now that I'm thinking about it, I might also just start crying. That'll be awkward.
I'm pretty okeeeee, long and stupid day of work but coming home to my boi always makes the day better
it won't be
Learn Java. Use intelij community edition and the java api to start.
I'm mostly here to chat with people.
The guys here have been super chill.
Ah, you know what? I sent the request, but never mentioned that my username is different than what I go by on here.
I started posting about 7 years ago, but left after some drama.
It's funny how much has changed since then.
You got a discord account? It's basically all my communications at this point.
Also their mark down makes sharing code super nice.
I heard that you have to be wary of the gays.
They'll stab you in the back if given the chance.
Your giant status? Explain. I'm doing okay, glad it's the weekend! Just watching a film with some anonymous internet frens.
Is coding hard if you don't have a good grasp on math and are quite dumb? I'm simple minded you see.
I hate how cute the hair and the eyes makes him. Hips just take it all to perfection.
Relieving getting to see chat coming from folks like you here. Seriously. Reading through and responding to schizophrenia level posts takes a toll on the mind.
Also: what do you think of weed cat? Thicc weed cat?
vanon is the opposite of my short tiny ass.
If you want to learn just to code, no you don't have to learn to do math. Learning a programming language and churning out code is the easy part.
The hard part is being a software engineer. It's like the difference between an architect and being the construction worker.
Honestly I believe anybody can code. Just start learning Python or C. (Not C++ first, that's a hurdle). Move onto Java then keep working your way up. It'll be fun.
yeaaaa "stab" is one way to describe what they're gonna do if they get the chance ;D
I come because i like talking both normally and lewdly to others. That and because everyone is nice.
ehh I'd have to figure out the login for it again, I made an account a few days ago but I haven't used it all that much
It's not hard, it's just a very different way of thinking. Very explicit.
And I promise you that you can't be any worse than some of the people who come in for help.
It's easy to write code. It's hard to write good code.
Just let me know whenever you're set up!
I'll be around.
I don't know! I guess I have a big loving personality so people gravitate toward me. UNFORTUNATELY I'm gonna have to be a top because every boi I've engaged with ever has been a 100% bottom EXCEPT fishboi. THEY HEARD THE RUMORS, 6'3 BIG PP GOTTA GET THAT VANON WEENIE. >.< This one came onto me though ^^
Yaaay, did 50 pushups yesterday and got some fuckin noodle arms now. What workouts you do / play?
Awww, so I've heard. Dely is a good friend and told me the place used to be really awful 4 years ago with really really mean people. I'm glad things have changed for the better. Everyone is so friendly now I couldn't imagine it being anything else.
I am 6'3 with big shoulders, I've been told to play football all my life. Weigh about 200 pounds but not really chubby just... big. Ams a gentle giant though who REALLY loves cuddles ^^. Also awww nice, I gotta work tomorrow but long weekends are always good and comfy. Hope you have a great time!
I understand, we got all types here but I love them all equally even if they're a little strange :3. Weed cat? The thing you posted? I spy titties 0/10 would not engage. Weenie and flat chest only for me!
Don't all of them do that?
seems like they all do and try to convert us
Hm, it sounds intriguing. I took a CS class in high school that used visual basic 6 and I was very bad at it.
You definitely sound cute. Big broad shouldered hunk in need of cuddles and tender love!
Weight lifting, squats, pushups, situps etc the regular stuff. I play a bit of everything really, tf2, mordhau, elden ring just to name a few. What do you play?
Am I wrong?
pfft maybe I'll try and top you when you come over here.
definitely not my stay over there though. I hope your libido is high, or you're gonna need to get some rope and vibrators instead.
If you payed attention you know I've been hoping mine is for you :(
I know, but it's ok if it isn't fgt.
I'll do my best to accommodate, just say what you need and feel
even if my libido is high, if all it takes is something whispering in my ear - probably won't matter too much lul.
I probably should but I'm starting with python just to get down the basics before I delve any deeper into it
Yeah, that's still years after my time.
Constant drama, constant arguments.
I definitely probably contributed to it, but I've mellowed out a lot since then, probably.
>Visual Basic
oh no
What's wrong with Visual Basic? I still know how to program an "end" button!
Ya I know you homo can just tease you into oblivion
What do you like about CS? Work with big data? Machine learning?
Bruh, you a big boy. Girls aren't the only ones who want a big strong motherfucker to hold them tight and rail them into the sunset. For me: as long as the other dude has a fat back side, I'm a happy camper. Also, weedcat, yes. Pokemon came out with a new grass starter a lot of folks are simping over. Haven't seen any femboy variants yet.
Just know that fancy code stuffed where single lines are overloaded with 9,000+ moving parts doesn't mean good programming. Clean and basic readability is the real key to being good.
Ikr! The bottoms are just circling like sharks, they see a switch and just brutally assault them with cuteness and wanting to be loved. Always end up wanting to go along with it. Bottoms converting switches to tops, a long stereotype!
Awww I really do, I wanna hold a boi close and make them feel safe in my big arms. Give them big cuddles and hold on real tight. Watching TV together while snugging like this I'd be in heaven. I don't think it's possible for me to not be big spoon but that's okay because I wanna get handsy :3.
Oh yeah nice! Been doing a bit of lifting myself but dropped it for mass pushups. Crunches, squats and massive cardio are my way. At work I walk about 10,000 steps (5 miles) a day. It's really good to get /fit/. I play basically anything as long as it's with friends, I can't play single player games but I LOVE playing with people. I play Lost Ark with my IRL friends I've binged MMOs with for 12 years. Recently, DRG and inhouse Halo with the furbois. As well as lots of Civ5 and Age of Empires 2. HUGE fan of RPGs though ^^.
Awww that's good to hear, I remember him describing it to me as everyone wanted to be the "top gay" and were generally vile to each other. That and there were lots of cliques that had a massive ingroup preference. All of that is super uncomfy I want all my bois happy and loved!
Even talking about it over text makes uhhhhhhhhhhh... things.
wow it's not like I did it maliciously. I'm just a mega-bottom who wants to get railed.