>“My daughters are obsessed with Billie Eilish. The same thing is happening with her that happened with Nirvana in 1991. People say, ‘Is rock dead?’ When I look at someone like Billie Eilish, rock and roll is not close to dead!”
“My daughters are obsessed with Billie Eilish...
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Never have I been more confident that Kurt Cobain was the reason Nirvana was good
Isn't this the same goof who said Lorde was the future of Rock 'n Roll?
chinlet struggling to stay relevent lol. at least billie is more original than this shitty dad rocker, kurt is rolling over in his grave
Kurt didnt even like dave. His best friend was krist since high school. If you read any autobiography of nirvana they talk about how the drummer was basically irrelevant and basically replaceable also kurt would always crash himself into the drum kit during shows and trash the drums forcing the drummer to have to buy new drums
billie ellish is just lorde again but dressed like a sound cloud nigger
Dave was always considered hired help. Kurt brought him aboard because he was known in Seattle as a Bonham-style power drummer and his skills were considered desirable as the band was making the transition to a major label.
I suspect that old looser just wants to grab some teenage pussy
kurt kinda spoke on that if you want to take that POV
They never even take him when they went to sign Nirvana to a label
Kurt was so dope dude I love every second of this
i mean kurt was cool, he was actually authentic, like listend to alt and indie but also like sugary sweet pop rock music.
Dave is a boring motherfucker, you can tell he just grew up wanting to be robert plant or some arena rock dude
Kurt didn't even like krist
A long time ago it all mattered and now it doesn’t. You did a lot for me, sometimes, and mostly you’ve done less than nothing. As for now, NIRVANA is an embarrassment, my soul cant take it. My
body can’t. I am going to start another band - actually I’m going to keep NIRVANA and have others in it. I tried to tell you this twice now but you’re
too drunk, fucked up, judgmental and in denial to even hear. So I’ll be blunt. It’s over. You’ll always be rich and you deserve it for the
time you spent. But that’s as far as it goes. For years I had to shut up and listen to your opinions about my songs, my ideas, my band. I wasn’t put here to please you or Buzz or fuckin Calvin Johnson. I’ve learned to hate the idea of this band with you and Dave. Obviously you guys will call lawyers, with his greed but it’s over. I have told our lawyers and managers. It’s my band and as hard as this is to do. I have to do it.
You won’t miss my smelly crust or old man urine. I am officially stating on record, for the last time: you’re fired, Dave's fired and I’m firing myself from this nightmare and starting over with others.
Honestly, I don't like Nirvana, but at least Cobain had a character, you know. He was fun to watch, and people listened to him because he was charismatic. Dave on the other side looks like a dummy they'd put on the back to make it look like drums are being played. This dude is a fucking retard that took his fame, accept and success for granted.
god I want to eat Taylor's butthole
He thinks Dale Crover sucked?
You should have known from the very start.
Kurt Cobain liked Swans, Scratch Acid, The Shaggs, TVU, The Vaselines
Dave Grohl liked Aerosmith and Kiss
memeing aside, there's a reason why she hated dave so much (until the past few years, or whatever) and barely had any issues with krist
If you can't tell that this was an emotional response written in the heat of the moment intended to get a response from an emotionally dead junkie than you must be on the spectrum.
It just reads like a good friend at the end of his rope trying to snap his friend out of a death trip.
Is trash
can you imagine being a 50 year old gen x'er and sitting around that hellscape where the famous people are bieber and taylor swift
Courtney don't care as long as people are looking at and paying attention to her.
I wish I could talk to Kurt's ghost and figure out what the fuck he saw in her.
>implying Nirvana's tour bus didn't have a KISS sticker on it
>implying Kurt didn't have Rocks in his favorite albums list
>implying he didn't talk about how when he was a kid, he listened to Queen on the 8-track in his dad's van so much that he ran the battery down
>implying he didn't try to cover up the fact that his first concert was Van Halen
Dave's real dream was always to be Bon Jovi ie. set out from day one to make lighter-waving stadium rock
Ok fine, so he was 13 and started out with entry level buttrock like everyone did. The point is, his music tastes grew beyond KISS, Dave's never did.
Kurt liked KISS ironically, same with Melvins.
i fucking hate this faggot
Every rocker of that generation was a secret KISS fan, they were babby's first rock band for most of those guys.
dale crover was never really a part of the band, just a temporary drummer
So many of the great musicians you love were influenced by stuff you don't like.
I swear that as time goes by, people completely lose perspective. Things weren't like they are now. Sometimes the radio was all you had. There was no Bandcamp, no SoundCloud. You were lucky if you had friends cool enough to make second-hand copies of tapes of shit that wasn't in the Same Goody.
And don't you dare try to boomer meme this post. This is real talk.
That was written by Kurt for Krist...
>Dave is a boring motherfucker, you can tell he just grew up wanting to be robert plant
And he didn't even succeed at that. Instead he ended up more like Foreigner.
Dave was scheming to get a solo deal almost as soon as he was signed to Geffen. He's on record as saying he had no intention of being in Nirvana for 10 years.
Big deal. If this were 1991 they'd just be posing with Vanilla Ice and Whitney Houston instead.
I won't deny Nirvana had pop rock influence, they definitely did. Kurt also was influenced a lot more by 80s underground stuff than Dave ever was and was more open minded musically.
She's ugly btw
Kurt's music list was surprisingly deep and advanced for a guy who lived before the Internet age when you couldn't find non major label releases without ordering from catalogs or browsing hole-in-the-wall record stores.
kurt said when he was a kid he was really into shitty cock rock like aersomith, zepplin, van halen, kiss, etc.
But when he got older he got into punk and alt music.
those were the guys you made fun of and mocked if you were an alt kid back then. See this is the problem with poptamism. Pop artists think they are people
Didn't he help create Melvins' debut
No it wasn't.
But I invite anything you have to back up this assertion.
The equivalent would be a Millenial who just listens to Blink 182 and A7X on repeat and never digs deeper. That's Dave's mentality.
That's why Dave is so cringy nowadays by posing with people like that and glorifying Billie Eyelash. I wonder what his 19 year old self would have thought of Tiffany.
He played guitar on one song on the Houdini album, which was far removed from their debut. He was a roadie for them for a while in their early days.
Jesus, what a diva
I think Kurt thought too much of himself
all of her peers were uglier or had the personality of cardboard. after he died she surpassed almost all of them in looks anyway
michael stipe is the man
Dave Grohl was luckier than Ringo
I guess he just understands nobody cares of him and if he doesn't gain attention on hyped shit he will dive into obscurity
Let's be honest that Kurt's good looks were a plus in getting on MTV. All the big four grunge frontmen were attractive guys and it's no coincidence that a cave troll like Buzzo never conquered MTV.
the only buttrock on there is aerosmith, while they suck everyone has their guilty pleasure from their teens
Is that Neil Patrick Harris on the right?
Lane Staley kinda looked silly and ridiculous
he was qt
I know, right? At least guys like Plant, Steven Tyler, and Lemmy actually lived the degenerate hedonist rock star lifestyle. Dave wasn't hard enough for that.
I agree. But growing up, as a kid, at the time... Even KISS was exciting as fuck.
Chuck from Death cites Kiss as one of his major influences.
They're regular guys that grew up in an era where the radio was THE SOURCE for music.
Yeah late 90s was easily her peak. Honestly though I thought she would end up looking like present day D'arcy, so it could have been worse
I think that was the big generational gap between boomers and Gen X. Boomers were already adults when KISS were a thing and mostly pretty much couldn't stand them but the young teens/kids at the time were like hey this slaps.
Looks like Peep here desu.
She remindes me of Divine somehow
Thing is KISS is still rock
Bill Eyelash is pop music
>herp di derp theyre the same thing
No they arent and you know it
D'arcy was driven to insanity by Billy's asshole behavior. He abused and called her names when she was pregnant even.
I don't get what point you are trying to make, other than trying to apply Yea Forums elitism to the pre-internet era.
Care to elaborate?
My dad was in college back then. Nobody took them seriously, at least nobody in college. Their fanbase were all 11 year olds and he said one record store where he went in had a Destroyer poster that the manager intentionally positioned way in the back where it was hard to see.
And then there were the older guys who were all like "Bunch of makeup-wearing idiots. Rock is dead. I miss the Woodstock days when the music meant something."
Dave Grohl is one of the most awful people in the world. I've never seen a more sniveling, sycophantic, opportunistic fuccboi.
Courtney has far too much of an ego to ever end up like that, also she lives a rich, comfy life off of Nirvana royalties while D'arcy is probably making about $12,000 a year now.
I only wish he really loved Kurt as much as he says he does.
Dave reminds me of the unauthentic version of Andrew W.K. Where Andy is a genuine dude who loves rock, and his fans, and getting people into the groove, Dave is a boring asshole.
I've never seen an interview where Dave talks about anything much beyond being a rock star and how AC/DC and Motorhead are the only music you need.
I'm sure a part of him was sad when Kurt died. I know a bigger part of him was already scheming about how to turn it into success for himself - as he did - the second the bullet left the chamber.
gen x are people who grew up as kids when punk new wave, and hardcore were a thing. And shit like the beatles and zepplin where considered classic rock.
As much as I love his work on Killing Joke's S/T and QOTSA's Songs For The Deaf... He loves Kurt's wallet. That's it.
Prime example of separating the art from the artist.
I'm sure Courtney loves his wallet just as much, it's why she didn't end up like D'arcy or some of her other peers (unfortunately).