*convinces a new generation of girls thats its still cool to be a whore*

*convinces a new generation of girls thats its still cool to be a whore*

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Other urls found in this thread:


Every girl should have an abortion by 16!!!

Will that mean you incels will finally get to have sex then?

Shut up emcel

No, they’re only whores for Chad.

It can't be that fun larping as a faggot on a Congolese CMLL forum

This. Women would rather share one Chad than have a loving and passionate relationship with an uggo.

How many Chads do you even know irl?

Several. In fact, most of my friends are Chads and I’m the odd one out.

which music will you be saving your daughters with Yea Forums?

For the most part Chads are genuinely good guys. I mean it's hard not to be extroverted and charismatic when everyone worships you for your looks.

They didn't need convincing to begin with

Bruv, and they haven't helped you out? Unless you've already had gfs before, I would think they would try to help you out if you're an incel.

I know, I experience it first hand. It’s been weird hanging out with people that have women flock to them. They are very good dudes, though. Happy to have them as friends even though I don’t really value people that much in general.

Hanging around attractive guys will guarantee you never get laid. Always stand around people uglier than you.

I’m voluntarily celibate. I’ve talked about it with some of them and they understand to a degree. One of them in particular (the biggest Chad) has repeatedly tried to set me up with girls and I’ve declined every time.

SHE HAS SHOWN INCREDIBLE STRENGTH AND MATURITY ON HER LATEST STUDIO ALBUM THANK U NEXT. The title track alone is an incredible shock when compared to the BLATANT immaturity of MOST mom DRIVEL that comes out nowwadays. Ghostin has got me through PLENTY of hard times. And Nigger Break Up with ur Boyfriend im bored is a slap. Imagine making 3 singles slap as hard as Ari did. Huh

What's it like having a daughter in 2019? Do you just close your eyes and act oblivious to the whorish behavior when they grow up? How can you sleep at night knowing what your beautiful little girl will become for some random guy.

as if they needed convincing


Thank you based Ariana Grande

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>not having sex with your daughter first

while this is true, also, most of them are women-like, in the sense that they don't mature past certain age (most of them), but we don't get to see that immature part, only the girls that have a relationship with them get to see that, and chances are the girl is just as immature, or willing to put up with his bullshit just for the sake of having a chad bf

>*convinces a new generation of girls thats its still cool to be a whore*
This is what all industry plants do... Nothing new.

Welcome to the world of American popculture where integrity has a dollar sign.

>nothing new
What does that have to do with anything? Are you trying to justify it?

>Men love looking at whores all day for sexual gratification and want them to be as whorish as possible for this sole reason
>I don't want MY woman to be a whore

Men were a mistake

How is that wrong? Some women are trash only good for sex. Others are for marrying and loving forever

stop doing this

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I'm a 19 year old grill and I enjoy merzbow and brain eno and can, but I'd be lying if I said I didnt love sucking BBC to queen Ari. You boys need to have sex. Ariana is Yea Forumscore whether you like it or not.


What makes her Yea Forumscore?

Fantano gave her an 8 and thank u next was extremely amazing

The faggotry in this thread is off the charts. You retards want to blame everything but yourselves for your problems. Get over it.

>sex is bad because I don't have it
have sex

I have sex every day after work and I still hate whores. Promiscuity absolutely DECIMATES your ability to pair bond and leads to stds. Youve been tricked by corporate Jews and nigger beats. Free your mind, meditate a little.

have sex

>19 year old grill

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have sex incels

ok i n c e l

literal filthy roastie

I like it when women are whores bb

Having sex doesnt just magically change your morals, are you guys actually just underage?

Incels: All women are whores riding the dick carousel
Also incels: No woman will ever sleep with me

Fucking retards


Lift weight

yeah lol

ITT: Thank u, next

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flippy shit doesn't draw dimes

>falling for the chad meme

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keep in the ring

This stuff is just the female equivalent of like what guys like Zeppelin, blues artists before them, rappers after them, etc. did with sexual themes. But it's a girl this time around. That being said I think Beyonce did it better due to being a better vocal performer and having a superior team of songwriters.

That makes it ok?

>enjoy merzbow
nobody enjoys merzbow. exposed fake

>Women get sexual freedom
>Go back to being whores

why'd you photoshop a picture of arianna grande over cardi b?

can we all agree that her work is completely and utterly devoid of any artistic merit?

Kind of proves their whole concept of hypergamy, doesnt it? Women only going for higher class men in terms of looks or status? An entire demographic of men not getting laid yet the same doesnt exist for women? Incels may be bitter virgins but they do make some very valid points which are always just met with "have sex" which ironically validates their entire ideology

Not to poptimist teenagers on Yea Forums

No. Fuck this stupid bitch and anybody else who makes music for the world control system.

No fuck you.

You all seem to be the same shit for brains in the Vampire Weekend threads making the same argument, if you can call "Have sex incel" being an argument. Beginning to think you are bots, or just fuckin' morons repeating each other because you think you are being clever trolls by mimicking one another. Most likely the latter...
PS - I'm married and have sex every day

No it is not the equivalent. And fuck Beyonce. She has a talented voice I'll give her that but I wish she would drop dead and vanish and stop having that whorish impact on the female youth.

She should at least have to get naked.

they have 0 valid points
the only thing they're right about is they should kill themselves and that they should hate themselves.

if you're a virgin over 22 you should be euthanized by the state

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Imagine seeing girls dating men that are not yourself and believing it's Arianna Grande's fault

Adult virgins are the people who turn to political extremism and terrorism. The best case scenario for them is becoming Chris Chan tier manchildren who collect anime figurines. The worst case is mass murderer. Stamp the problem out before it grows.

If you think about it, we have depended on the rich, media owning moguls for role models for many generations. But now that kids are plugged into social media more than previous forms of mass consumption, there is a possibility of actual communities taking that power away for them. We should start looking at which musicians are positive role models for the youth, and vote with views, wallet etc now that we can

bono is a good role model for kids he gives his money to africa and doesnt afraid of anything

she's a terrible person

69th post best post

incels unironically should be genocided

>that guy's talking about whores! he must be talking about ME! >:(
roastie hurt itself in its confusion

I agree but so should you

these posts are invariably by trannies who only attack incels because they're desperate for a group they can "punch down" at.
but here's the thing: even incels are better than you. your penis will never be a vagina. if you cut your penis off, your septic crotch hole will never be a vagina.


I'm not a tranny, I'm a man who actually has sex and is sick of seeing your whining on every board. Nobody gives a shit if girls don't want to have sex with you, sex is a fact of life and the reason life exists. It won't go away, people like having it, get over yourself and stop trying to ruin it for everybody because you're ugly.

There would be less whining if the whole
>have sex
meme just died out. It's a particularly annoying way of sliding threads and derailing discussion.

everybody hates incels

>have sex
Imagine using high school bullying as an argument.


>I'm a man
I know.

They're anonymous trolls on Yea Forums...

It has nothing to do with some dumb flavor of the month meme. These posts have been here for years. Every board there's some thinly veiled thread for virgins to whine in and /pol/tards posting about how sex is degenerate or whatever. I come here because I want music recs and to shitpost memes, not participate in aspergers group therapy. Go to /r9k/, /pol/, or /adv/ for that.


You're posting in the aspergers containment thread...

Not after this I'm not, I just scroll down the front page. Point is holy fuck don't we have boards for this shit.

You could go to an on topic thread, but no you come here and spend time interacting with the people you find so repulsive. It's as if you go out of your way to do this when it would be easier to just go to a chart thread or a thread about new music.
Fuck off retard.

No you just get baited and can't fucking help yourself. You're lucky that you have a therapist like me to point this out to you.

he's 100% right though, it doesn't belong here at all
this is literally a music board and if you're not posting music threads you need to leave
YOU should be posting chart threads or threads about new music
nobody cares about muh degeneracy here

Nigger this is the have sex poster containment thread. (Yes they have assburgers too)

the world would unironically be better without you in it, im dead serious when i say incels deserve to be genocided. you have no value.

>triggered by whining virgins
Maybe Yea Forums isn't the site for you

whining virgins belong on /pol/ not Yea Forums

They can complain about music though, yeesh

Even Hitler killed incels.

Weird hobby you got here

>Those considered asocial included thieves, murderers, nomads, and Aryans who engaged in sexual relations with Jews. Women deemed to be asocial included prostitutes, nonconformists, and lesbians.

I dont listen to vampire weekend, and I dont care if you "have sex" everyday, because you still talk like a person who needs to "have sex". Ya feel boy?


What kind of meditation do you do? Are you on the path which leads to enlightenment?

leftists lying about history, imagine that

>All of the whiteknight virgins in this thread defending Ariana Grande.
Kek. The absolute state of this board.

the female fanbase is also turbo autistic.

Feminists complain what men cling to outdated, stoic ideals and don't open up emotionally enough. When men do open up emotionally and reveal that they're in a bad spot in life or wounded in some way, those same feminists call them subhuman losers (incels) and make a laughingstock out of them.

>LGBT symbol

How the fuck is being any of this related to LGBT except for being a lesbian?

>women won't have sex with me? fuck those stupid whores i hope they die they're inferior and cant think for themselves ban all degeneracy white sharia now
>w-why do you hate us

Strawmanning, the only people that get called incels are misogynists who blame women for not being able to have sex and complain about other people having sex.

Holy shit both sides of you fags overgeneralize like fucking crazy.

Lesbians didn't get the based pink triangle. Imagine not getting your own triangle and getting lumped in with the murderers and thieves.

only an incel would defend incels

Your fallacious argumentation is tedious.
Muh no-true non incel.

We're all incels here boy, even the once who slay puss.

Eh... I just have a lot of hate in my heart for those who corrupt the world. Don't think any sex will rid me of this and I will carry it with me until the day I die. So no, your reasoning is pretty dumb.

I do not do well with sitting still doing nothing, so no meditation in the traditional sense. And I wish I could say I am, alas I am victim to my vices which hold me back, try as I might...


lol you convince nobody
you're not special for being a virgin, nobody's persecuting you. you're just a fucking loser. get it through your tiny little heads.

youre a fucking idiot and sound like the HOT GARBAGE they serve up over at reddit. I'd defend anyone you nigger, no matter how much you dislike them

>Doesn't realize the top 20% of guys get 80% of the sex

You'd defend Elliot Roger? Actually don't answer that.

you know that men don't just get called "incels" for being sexually entitled. otherwise the word wouldn't come up every day on a music forum. it's a slur for disenfranchised men in general at this point.

>Nobody is persecuting incels
>Proceeds to call them fucking losers
So inarticulate retards just spend time looking for threads related to sex and just spew retardation in them.

lmaooooooooooooooooo stop pretending you're a victim you fucking bitch go talk to a girl

"traditional" meditation doesn't exist. Its just about realizing selflessness. You can do this by focusing on breath (anapanasati), practicing "cutting through" (trekcho) and "direct crossing" (Tögal) where you just look at a thing until you see a pretty mandala, or you could practice tantra and do DMT/LSD and fuck very passionately, or you could find salvation through union with the lord through prayer, or moksha from yoga. Its not about what you do necessarily, its an "internally intuitive process which is spontaneous and part of our own inner nature". In a way "doing" the right things to travel down the path are just side effects of the internally intuitive karma working itself out.

Thank U, Next had 3 hit singles and "Fake Smile" "Needy" and "Ghostin" all slap too.

>women are people, don't treat them like sex objects in some sexual conquest
also leftoids:
>lol go slay more pussy nerd you're such a virgin looool
the left has no real principles. at all.

I really don't know what these people get out of incel posting. It's a strange thing to get delusional about.

i'm not a leftist i'm a capitalist who believes in survival of the fittest and little bitch boys like you actually taking what you want instead of whining and trying to ruin the fun for other people. incels are sexual socialists, they're leftists.

lmao thats a reddit as fuck thing to say too. Of course I can defend Elliot Rogers, do you fucking know where you are? lmaooooo. Not being able to see other peoples points of views isn't a special superpower you have, its a hindrance you set upon yourself.

I'm deconstructing your shitposts, not claiming to be a victim. I am mostly interested in what retards like you are getting out of all this.

Sure you can, and if you do I think you're a piece of shit who should have been at the end of his gun.

>person who refuses to see other peoples points of view continues to refuse to see other peoples points of view

very progressive of you hun, go post this on reddit and show them how you showed up those big Yea Forums incel bullies now!

You hate me because I don't hate people. Okay, sounds like youre issue not mine lmaooo

I mean just get a load of this guy. Sure he bangs hot sluts, presumably in the vagina and asshole, but at the cost of his humanity. I guess he thinks he's being funny.

I hate you for defending a murderer

I wouldn't defend Elliot Roger's murder spree.

Weren't you the one dead serious about incel genocide? Yeesh

No that was someone else
Incels are pieces of shit, I don't think we should kill them but they are pretty morally reprehensible people and should fix their worldviews.

wait, you have hate in your heart? Fucking why? Seriously do read some Buddhist shit. Hating people is only a hinderance. You never gain anything by hating people. Its literally only a hindrance. Everyone is just a person, the same as you, who were born into their specific conditions with their specific genes and had their specific experiences which shape them into who they are now. It doesn't mean you have to agree with everyone all the time, since their experiences might have lead them to ignorance or hate or something else unskillful. But it does mean that you shouldn't practice being compassionate for ALL living beings.

Everyone on this site should be assumed to be a fat disgusting nerd until proven otherwise

Nice, and what exactly do you gain from that my love?

I don't think that what he did was a positive thing, but I understand that people are in negative places and do negative things and so I don't have any hate for him whatsoever.

Im dont understand this post

not either of them but uhh wtf

Nothing justifies a murder spree, especially something as petty as blonde girls not liking you. If you're in a negative place, there are many many many other things you can do than fucking shoot innocent people.

*tips fedora*
I hope some of you have gained from this dialectic. Don't be an asshole on Yea Forums and check yourself before going all in on some retarded gimmick like incel shaming or unironic woman hatred. The best you can do is on topic music discussion.
I don't choose to listen to Ariana Grande and think top 40 pop is generally garbage. I have found that you don't need to be well versed in top 40s pop to get by in social situations and there are girls who will unironically think it's interesting that you like more obscure music. But if you go around saying that they're just listening to jew brainwashing that will turn them into sluts it probably won't get you very far, unless you know the girl is jaded with shitty pop music.

>incel shaming
jesus christ stop

Reminder that non-virgin Volcels are the master race

It's a gimmick, it's useless

Incels and alt righters are obsessed with making themselves victims and make fun of others for that mentality, it's pretty funny.

>portray women as dangerous sexual objects over the entire course of western civilization
>create an entire society around hedonism and irresponsible individualism
>get upset and confused when they internalize it
Stacy is a creation of Chad.

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Well I have practiced breathing techniques but I do not dedicate portions of time daily to the activity or any of the activities you listed. I did too many shrooms once and seen some mandalas and developed an anxiety disorder. Ha. I would say I'm a pretty selfless person though in general. Could use some improvements without a doubt.

I respect your opinions on those songs and have no doubt they are the best production quality money can buy. :p

THAT BEING SAID... I can only agree with the lyrical content of "Fake Smile" and dislike the other 2. Hate how she talks about leading someone on while talking to other men and knowing she's ruining this other persons life by doing so, and there is no validation for this it kinda just goes along with her acknowledging this fact and never doing anything to resolve the damage she is causing... And nobody likes needy people... We do not need a billion needy little girls or whoever her fanbase may be...

This quixotic quest to BTFO incels is confounding. It's very strange that this seems to be very important to some people on this website. It's pretty easy to let it go.

What is it that you're getting positively out of not feeling compassion for Elliot Rogers? Is hating him just the point of view that comes most naturally to you so you think its the objective and correct way to feel? That sounds dumb lmao

The only thing I'm a victim of is how god damned annoying you people are.

Not even touching this bait. Have a good day sir.

Attached: Ari transformation.webm (640x640, 394K)

what the fuck

Bye! OH! *looks around nervously*
and uhhh *whispers* what time does the uh narwhal bacon?
*looks at you expectantly*

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Attached: Ariana Blank.webm (1280x720, 901K)

It is very important that I figure out who gets to have sex with this figure skater

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Jokes on them, I'm not even an incel.

Tryptamines like magic mushrooms and LSD and DMT help rewrite pathways in your brain. This helps people with PTSD rewrite the parts of their brains that are so stuck in their trauma. Conversely, its also possible to write your mind into a state where anxiety comes more naturally. Nothing that you can't naturally rewire with time and practice I think though

I see where you're coming from with the lacking meaningful lyrical content in lots of her songs. Obviously I don't know Ari personally but I always got the impression that she was trying really really hard to be big and have a wide appeal in the current pop climate, which means making a lot of lyrically lacking, superficial songs. Only a few songs show any maturity. To me 7 Rings sounds like satire but I might just be reading too far into it. The contrast between mature songs like "Thank U, Next" and immature songs like "7 Rings" is interesting. But yeah, theres a lot of superficial, typical shallow pop stuff in there.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy helped me out after taking too many DPH trips. (Like shrooms but guaranteed to be sinister, also everything becomes spiders sometimes.)
It would be crass to say just snap out of it, but ultimately CBD helps you do just that with anxieties.

Ive done the diphenhydramine stuff too. Very strange, straight psychosis. I second the CBT thing! CBT is just therapy where you encounter things and rewrite how you deal with them so its might help if youre written some unhelpful things into your brain (from my understanding of CBT)

Probably because of how you mentioned... My upbringing. Can't really help it, even though I know it's not good. I think I just get worked up in the moment, but I can chill after looking back on whatever the thing at hand is. I think it boils down to the corruption thing. I don't hate people, just the people that corrupt others, even though I understand that they may not even understand that they are corrupting others.

I truly appreciate the input, and probably the only intelligent discussion in this entire thread. I'm going to sleep though so I probably won't be able to respond before this thread dies unless it survives all night. Anyhow, farewell anons. Take care.

Night user!

Mariah Carey did it better. Not trying to hate on Arianna but I prefer MC. Emancipation of Mimi is my shit.

i love sex
and i say No to poptimism

nah it's more like
*convinces a new generation of white girls thats its still cool to wear blackface as long as you fuck black guys*

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Have sex volcel

>implying they need convincing

Maybe they should try harder at not being shut in fucking losers yelling at the internet then. Finding women is easy, if you're failing at it then you're not trying hard enough. Of course there's also the outside chance you have LITERALLY nothing to offer and so will never be an attractive prospect, in which case, tough break lmao

You're wife fucks other people behind your back

Elite truth bombs being dropped here, seriously if you're up to two full DECADES and never been a prospect someone would fuck, it's over. You've failed. Just accept it.

Interesting theory, but have you considered having sex?

I had sex with four of them and I'm really not any happier

Actually my dick itches pretty bad

Imagine not having sex

imagine being a normie hs chad today and swimming in all this porned up teen pussy

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Imagine being on Yea Forums and taking everything super seriously so you get mad at two words on a screen

Have sex

Attached: 1486Riko.png (512x720, 105K)


The thing is, beyoncé is a fucking goddess compared to Ariana, just the though of having to listen to one of her songs makes me fucking sick.