Yea Forums btfo

Yea Forums btfo

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Is Titanic Sinclair in this thread? I wanna kick his ass.

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blocked. what was it

the jokes write themselves at this point

she's throwing shade at Billie Eilish you retards

literally who

Oh it's Poppy! The bitch who's for arthoes and sad virgins who still listen to Marilyn Manson and death grips and the garden. Stop posing this cunt please :)

>ywn watch her get blacked

Dont talk shit about MaryMansin he's v good

shitty youtubecore industry plant

why does Yea Forums have awful contrarian music tastes


you were blocked from her YouTube?

I want to kick his ass too ;_;

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oh yeah I get that too, like why does he care where his trash is watched, it's still trash

Poppy is cute and I kinda like her but honestly she has no real talent for singing. It doesn't sound good enough for a bigger stage
She has some acting skills though. When interviewers try to make her act human or make her laugh etc. she barely cracks in, I couldn't do that

Are you a dumb phoneposter or something? Where is it blocked?

>Implying you could

Billie BTFO. how the fuck will she respond


Her church members get to do that every sunday
Must be lame to be a nonbeliever

w-where to I sign


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Fuck off and take your hand puppet with you corey

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>i only like country
>old town road pls
>no one listens to hip hop
>metal is just screaming, not real music


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Blasphemy. M*riah does not exist.

Wow you got me completely wrong

Don't think so

*exists in your path*

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That channel banned me from commenting that time they messed up and kept in their laughs for mentioning it
Posted on Titanic's channel beforehand and I unironically think he hated me lmao

Who doesn't

She sounds alright with her natural voice which is a bit darker. But she barely uses that voice as Poppy so in a way it's holding her back.

If Corey hates you, you are likely a pretty based individual

Well you can't claim to be a complete chad in music and not like pop.

One of the stupidest things I’ve seen that wasn’t from a tripfag

hello mr. sinclair

I want her to make an erotic hypnosis recording

Is that her? Jesus she used to be cute