Did someone say Friday night secrets thread?

Did someone say Friday night secrets thread?

Friday night secrets thread b/ros

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My best friend has jerked off to my wife’s pussy

Dry anal guy here?

… It's me Adejo again yes, how did you guess
'Cause last time you were really impressed
And I'm bolder c-c-cold, getting colder
And at the very same time I heat up at a party
And sold her but not with solar power
For far too long made mistakes and allowed
A fat and ugly thing get in my way
Now I'm suitable and I'm say
I'm no in-between top of the rank
Like Pearl and Dean and if you can't take the heat
Get out of the kitchen
Ain't got no time for your boo boo Betty
… Adejo
Adejo just doin' the do
And you are through
And there's nothing you can do
… Adejo
Adejo just doin' the do
And you are through
And there's nothing you can do
… Hoodlum
That what you you called me rebellious
You can't ignore me but nevermind 'cause I know that I'm sweeter
Your time is up so put more money in your meter
You say I bully though I know I'm no goody goody
But what I do know is that I'm fully in control
… You're on a roll fat as a roly poly
And on the whole you think that I'm a threat
… 'Cause I'm the best that you could ever get
I never made the teacher's pet and ease yourself
I know you despise me you criticize
And override me but I'm better and a whole lot cleverer
… A go getter, you know a trend setter
I'm all the rage and all the craze
Come on, change the record gotta turn the page
… Adejo
Adejo just doin' the do
And you are through
And there's nothing you can do
… Adejo
Adejo just doin' the do
And you are through
And there's nothing you can do
… I'm sorry if I upset ya to get the better of me
I wouldn't let ya any time of the day
I could get ya you come running to

>Me Adejo

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The fat man had his arm around Adejo's uncle's neck like they were old friends, every now and then pulling him closer when there was some particular part of the song he felt he needed to share more intimately, singing into his uncle's ear and making him smile in a way that looked painful.

Whoever the fat man was – and Adejo couldn't imagine his uncle ever being friends with a white person – he seemed to be the only one who knew the words of the song (that Adejo thought might be Irish, but then he hadn't heard Irish before, at least he didn't think so), blasting out the lyrics with a viciousness that made him look like he wished he had something to kick while he was singing.

Adejo still wasn't quite sure how his uncle had got caught up with the two wedding guests in the first place. He had never been to a wedding before and had been excited until his uncle made it clear that they weren't really going to the wedding. 'We're just going to the kitchen, to pick up the bags. We won't even see the wedding. I'm sorry Adejo. You'll hear it though. I can promise you that.' For a while it seemed that they wouldn't even hear the wedding, let alone see it, because when his uncle parked the van and went to the steel door that led to the kitchen it wouldn't open, no matter how many times his uncle tried pressing different numbers into the pad on the wall.

In the end they had to go through the front doors of the hotel (clearly an option of last resort evidenced by his uncle's mutterings beneath his breath), although Adejo felt as if he was entering a palace. The floor was tiled with shiny stone, with four pillars (pillars, inside!) that stretched up before disappearing into a high ceiling.

'Come on Adejo, keep up! And please don't touch anything.'

The rumble of music and voices got louder the further they walked down the corridor, and when his uncle opened the doors at the end a sound hit Adejo the way the cold had slapped him that first time he got off the plane at the airport. The sound was outrageous, and Adejo immediately covered his ears to try and block out the blur of music and voices, before ducking as flashing coloured lights cut through the gloom as if a flying saucer was about to crash land on top of him.

He kept close to his uncle as they weaved between huge round tables draped with white cloth. They were like giant versions of the mints Adejo's uncle had in the van, only they were speckled with stains both dark and pale. A middle-aged woman watched him with one diseased looking eye as he passed, as a younger man kissed her hard while sharing her chair. An old man stirred a thin, plastic stick around his tall glass while examining something at the bottom of it. He passed another table, where a girl his own age sat alone looking at something on either a huge phone or a tiny TV she held in her hands, the images from the screen painting her face an ever-changing palette of muted colours. Adejo tried to sneak a peek, but his uncle grabbed his arm and dragged him on before he had the chance.

The kitchen was as bright as the big room was dark, a blaze of quivering florescent lights and shiny metal surfaces. A thin man with the dishevelled appearance of an artist wore a food splattered apron as he wiped the surfaces with a cloth, creating smeary waves that adorned everything he touched. Adejo's uncle asked the thin man something, and he pointed them deeper into the kitchen.

The air felt sticky, like it had been bundled up, fried in oil, and then released back into the atmosphere. They hadn't gone far when Adejo's uncle reached a huddle of black bags at the back of the room. He lifted one and thrust it unceremoniously in Adejo's direction. It was bulging and heavy, and it almost dragged Adejo down to the floor, but he managed to wrestle it back up with sufficient manly qualities that he hoped would impress his uncle on what was his first night at work. Adejo was keen to prove his worth. He didn't want these first impressions to be clouded by sympathy. With Adejo wrestling one black bag his uncle effortlessly carried the other three, before two men on the dance floor (the fat man and his emaciated sidekick), blocked his path, the skinny one snatching a bag from his uncle's grip that he was now swinging around like he and the bag were old lovers.

Adejo slunk into the seat that the kissing couple had vacated. Numerous drinks had been abandoned on the table, and with no obvious claims of ownership in the vicinity Adejo was tempted to take a furtive sip from the glass nearest to him. He suddenly felt overwhelmed by thirst, whether from the suffocating heat in the room or the sickly kitchen smells now lodged in his throat. But just then Adejo was distracted by the sight of his uncle managing to break free of the commotion, and after a mildly aggressive game of tug-of-war with the bag dancer, his uncle persuaded him to relinquish his dancing partner. Adejo couldn't hear what was being said, but suddenly the bag dancer was shouting while trying not to fall over, and the fat man – who only a second ago had been hugging Adejo's uncle – was now jabbing a finger at him, his face all rashy and sweaty. But at least his uncle had the bag back, and was now moving away from the dance floor, a quick glance at Adejo confirming his own suspicions that now was probably a good time for him to move too.

There was a risk that the same shiny floors they were now navigating in the opposite direction would scupper Adejo's delicate balancing act, his hands carefully cradling the hidden glass pressed against his skin beneath his jumper. He tried to keep pace with his uncle who marched in front of him, dragging the black bags around one of the pillars before the glass doors miraculously separated upon some unseen command.

>I shot A dejo in Reno.

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My sister gave up my niece for adoption to a afamiot friend. Our families lost contact for two decades. Ended up moving out of state, and incidentally the same state my nieces family moved to. Ended up connecting with her. 6yrs later we were talking all the time. Pretty much all day every day. Got drunk one night and teased her about the fact that separated family members have a chance of being sexually attracted to one another (It's called genetic sexual attraction) and basically accused her of having incest fantasies about me. Fast forward a few months after telling her that I take jokes too far and I never lose chicken, where she sends me attached pic. Began fapping to her for the next week until her boyfriend caught us sexting and she blocked me on every form of communication

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I shot A dejo in Reno

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I faceswap my mom into porn for masturbation material. Just using some site that's not very good and limits you to only a few a day though.

>teased her about the fact that separated family members have a chance of being sexually attracted to one another (It's called genetic sexual attraction)
Have also had that experience. Apparently it's pretty common. I have half-brothers I met as adults and one of them isn't very good at hiding where he's looking.

>be me
>be 16
>babysitting my 12yr old cousin for the night while her parents were out of town
>her parents let her have a friend spend the night
>it's roughly dinner time
>go to ask them what they want to eat
>walk into her room to find them in her bed
>her friend was under the covers between her legs
>we all froze
>I closed the door and went back to the kitchen
>her friend was so embarrassed that she left
>cousin came into the kitchen all sheepish
>asked me if I was going to tell her parents
>I tell her no
>She ends up word vomiting things to me
>about how she doesn't like doing it but she likes it when her friend does
>ask her if she's gay
>says she doesn't know because she's never been with a boy
>I make a joke and say I've never been with a boy either
>She asks me if I've been with a girl
>I tell her a few times
>She gets all quiet and then goes in the living room
>I finish making dinner then make each of us a plate and bring it to her
>were both eating quietly on the couch watching TV
>we both finish still sitting in silence for an eternity
>after a while she gets up, grabs a blanket, sits next to me and rests her head on my shoulders
>I put my arm around her
>we sit there cuddling for a bit
>She looks up at me and tells me she really wants to know how a boy feels, and that she trusts me enough to do it right, and not tell anyone
>I ask her what she wants
>She tells me she just wants to feel a dick
>she reached down and unzipped my pants and pulled my dick out.
>began awkwardly stroking it
>im quiet this whole time and just let her explore me
>She throws the blanket off, and just stares at my cock while stroking it
>next thing I know, she's kissing/licking it
>She gets more bold and puts it in her mouth
>I let out a little moan
>She keeps going at it
>I can't help that it feels good
>after a minute I tell her to stop because I was going to cum
>She just looked up at me while continuing
>I let loose the force of a thousand sun's in her mouth

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My wife is passed out drunk with her pants off. I love eating her out so I’m going to go lick her pussy for the next hour and then fuck her while she’s knocked out. Yes I have done this many other times. Thinking of live streaming one at some point

retard should have sexd
sex sex sex sex sex sex

>Be liberal
>Wife is into poly
>Imagine her cunt getting stretched by a huge right wing dick

i have gay fantasies about all my close friends and jerk off to it regularly

Describe a fantasy? Do you top or bottom? One on one or group? Are we talking you fantasize about getting blowbanged by them, or about pounding their butts?

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Can I get uhhhhhh a dick pic and two ball pics and a butt pic with cheeks spread and one without cheeks spread. Can I get a tummy pick and a full body pic and a lip closeup with extra sauce

either one on one or more of a gangbang. im usually a bottom.
usually it starts along the lines of him being horny because he hasnt had sex in a while and kinda yes really raping me but im into it so it isnt rape

Nice. I've had similar fantasies about one of my friends. I know he's not getting any from his wife and I've definitely fantasized about helping him out with that.

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I’m functioning autistic (unironically) so I’ve always been shit at social cues and relationships, saying what’s appropriate or fucked up. I said some fucked up shit as a kid and got punched a couple times and got bullied a lot, most of the time no one talked to me or avoided me. I’m 24 now but when I was 17 I was at the beach and made “friends” with some kids, I was giving a really young little girl a piggy back ride in the water and her dad came at me and screamed saying I was a pedo and not to touch her, I didn’t know what to say just awkwardly stared, Cops came and my mom had to explain I was autistic but no charges were filed…most embarrassing moment of my life. The walk back to the car and drive home was awful

Wtf….just wtf. I have no other words.

Want to use my cousin

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gf likes to give head and due to a slippery slope, my friends now get blowjobs from her.

My gf was never bothered by pda's or public stuff, and she got off on the idea of possibly being seen and adored being watched.
I lost count of the number of people who saw me get head from her back in HS.
So we have our own place and after work I usually lie back on the couch and she slips my cock out of my pants and sucks me off.
It's a wonderful way to unwind after a stressful day and it becomes a regular thing.
One day a buddy comes by with me and I'm on the couch with him chatting and drinking a beer.
She comes by and just gets on her knees and starts working my dick out of my pants and jams it in her mouth.
Buddy is shocked and laughs almost uncomfortably and asks what she's doing.
She stops long enough to say it's important to help her man unwind after a hard day.

That's fucked up. The only mistake you made there was assuming that people weren't going to assume you are a pedo. Men just aren't socially allowed around kids these days.

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So I'm a little uncomfortable but the old mindset kicks in when her tongue is caressing the head of my dick. I tell my friend he can leave if it bothers him. He doesn't and mostly watches, making hilarious small talk to hide the fact that he's clearly getting horny.
So weeks pass and now I get my afterwork bj, no matter who is there during. Co-workers, my friends, her friends, ect.
It starts to become a thing my buddies look forward to and comment on a lot.
So one day I get home from work and she starts licking and suckling my cock. Not long after, a dude I know comes in, sweaty as hell from doing the landscaping. I tell him that there are beers in the fridge and he grabs one and sits right next to me.
After I finish, he comments that he'd love a good blowjob to unwind too, clearly in a joking way.

So she's still on her knees, cum on her lips and she reaches towards his crotch, giggling and saying he clearly needs one. She looks towards me, her hands fondling him through his pants and asks if she's allowed to.
I'm stunned and as she waits for my answer she starts rubbing her face against his crotch.I honestly don't know how I was going to answer, but before I could, he unzips his pants and slaps it against her face. She's clearly pleased by it and takes my lack of saying no as a yes.

So my evening has taken a crazy turn. I'm now watching my gf stroke and slurp on the cock of a dude whose last name I can't remember. I can't look away and I say nothing, a million thoughts racing through my head. Halfway through I'll never forget seeing him, moaning and his hands on her head, one trying to grab her breasts, only for her to slap it away but continue blowing him. Minutes later he pushes her head down and I hear him muttering all kinds of dirty shit as he finishes. She looks right at me and makes a big show of swallowing, smiling after she does it.

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So it's later and we're in bed. Landscaping guy left pretty much after he nutted in my gf's mouth. I'm freshly showered and she starts stroking me. I'm getting a little hard and she starts talking about how cool a bf I was and how hot she thought it was when that guy was slapping her face with his dick. And whether I disliked what had happened or not, a part of me thought it was hot too, and that part made me swell in her hands. She rode me, talking about how nice it was to get two dicks in one night, how great he felt in her mouth, how she had two different men's cum in her belly. I think I came in her three times that night, each orgasm followed quickly by getting excited all over again.

There's no denying it afterwards. I just had the best sex of my life, and it was because some guy blew his load in my gf's mouth. We talk about it a little over the next few days but everytime I try to explain why I feel torn on the matter, she gets excited and plays with me and talks dirty, which gets me excited and she either sucks me off or fucks me, all while talking about it.

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i caught my neighbor fucking my dad. confronted her about it. the deal is that she sends me pics of her daughters when theyre not looking. ive been fapping for weeks

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So about a week passes since she sucked him off and he is due to return for lawn upkeep. I can feel my heartbeat in my head all day and when I get home he's outside and nods to me.
I calm down and head inside but see my gf in front of the couch, on her knees with a strangers cock in her mouth. He's wearing the same jumpsuit as the other guy and he is moaning as she works his member in her mouth. He sees me and nearly jumps up, but my gf assures him that it's ok and that "it's just my bf..."

I'm pissed but also getting hard. I can't just keep quiet about this and tell her she can't just do this without my permission. Without stopping, she says I never told her no and her hand just slides to my crotch and she laughs, saying I clearly don't mind. She tells me my afterwork blowjob will be a little late and works the guys prick with her lips for about fifteen minutes before he nuts in her, standing up and walking back outside like his break was over. She smiles and tells me he gave her a lot, helping me sit and working my cock loose from my pants. I was hard, so hard and she knew why. She's stroking me and before she takes it in her mouth she tells me she can't wait for her third load of cum that day.

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So it's clear that two men, the landscaper from before and his co-worker, have both enjoyed my gf's mouth that day. And just like with the sex, her appetites are worked into a frenzy by talking about it, occasionally stroking me with her hand while she reminds me of what she's done, how much she loved feeling them between her lips, and how wet she became when they climaxed in her mouth. Meanwhile, I'm mad but also moaning while she strokes and blows me. And it doesn't help that the more descriptive she gets, the more I twitch in her hands and leak precum in her mouth.
The landscapers come back in and when I see them approach, I can't help it. I try not to but I cum, and I mean I moan loudly and nearly fall over. They chuckle and make a few comments about her being talented. The lead landscaper, the one who first enjoyed her, came up to me and reminded me it was the second of the month and it was time to pay him. I felt almost ashamed when I fumbled with my wallet, gf on her knees giggling, my cock dribbling cum as I paid the man who came in her twice now.

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They leave and I lay on the couch for a long time, just thinking about everything that's transpired. It feels almost unreal, like I'll wake up any moment. I eventually make it to the shower and just like before, I'm greeted by my gf who is voracious and wants my cock while she reminds me of what she allowed them to do to her today. She takes great pride in describing the blowjob I missed, saying he was so excited it didn't all make it in her mouth, so she used her hand and tongue to clean up in front of him. I can't stand how much I love hearing it all, giving her what she needs while she talks about how happy it made her and hoping it's two of them next week as well. I finish and am excited enough for another bout before I collapse. She kisses me and even though I know she's brushed her teeth, it's like I can taste them.

So for the next few weeks, this repeated. When it was time for them to come and maintain the lawn, they'd take a break or two and enjoy my gf's loving mouth. And despite how conflicted I was, the sex was great and she was very happy. About two months after it all happened I was home with a work buddy and we grabbed a couple of beers. At this point, I no longer had her blow me after work unless it was a day they showed up. We hit the couch and were shooting the shit and my gf comes in and we're all chatting and having a great time. It feels normal and I honestly forget myself, getting up to head to the garage. I take out the garbage while I'm out there and grab 2 beers and a wine cooler. I get back in and she's on her knees stroking one of my best friends, licking it eagerly. They both see me and he just starts muttering excuses but she cuts him off and says "don't worry, he won't do anything..."

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So I'm just standing there watching her stroke him and lick him up and down, assuring him that it's all fine and that "I love it..." He says some stuff but he quickly just relaxes and is lost in my gf blowing him. He doesn't last long and he finishes in her mouth, apologizing either to her or me, I'll never know. I sit down and sure enough, it's my turn. She says stuff I don't want a life long friend to hear, strokes me and kisses my cock while telling him all the sorted details of the past few months. She says that she can make me climax so easy now, just needing to remind me of her on her knees, stroking and sucking other men. I cum before she even really sucks me off, cumming mostly on her lips and below. She laughs and says "see?" before cleaning herself and me up with her tongue. He has an almost deer in headlights look and leaves not long after I came, making some excuses to get out of there.

So rumors creep about and now anytime someone wants their cock in a warm mouth, their first thought is my gf. I am painfully aware that while I'm at work, she is on her knees, stroking, licking, and sucking. The sex is still amazing but she is now way more into controlling when I cum. She loves to make me ejaculate before I want to, saying dirty things she's done and how much she knows I love it.
I ask her how many men she's had since we've been together and she doesn't know, comparing it to knowing how many cookies someone might have for a snack.

Can't see his face without remembering that he killed 2 people.

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Got photos of the daughters?

My girlfriends sister might be mine

I committed the Whitechapel murders

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>My girlfriends sister might be mine
Your girlfriend's sister might be your sister?
Fucked up, dude.