Is Death Grips a left wing band?
Is Death Grips a left wing band?
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They're LHP. Not left wing.
No, Death Grips are alt-corporate right wingers like all of the other p4k approved jew cucks
Politics is surface reality and they're not interested in surface reality
Reminder that Death Grips are objectively left wing.
Subjectively however they could be perceived as right wing or even centrist
>objectively left wing
>I think the biggest misconception is in the sense of the music. Where our heads are at is much different than most Hip-Hop and rap artist heads are at. For example we are pro-homosexual, pro-feminist and progressive. We’re anti-closed mind, anti-conservative and anti-homophobe. We make aggressive-macho sounding music but we’re definitely progressive.
Who cares
any intelligent thinker is left wing, bb
le based
Probably, but that isn't much of a problem since their music isn't very political in the first place.
Keep crying, tr-mptards.
We. Will. Take. Him. DOWN
stefan rails against the police force on exmil and their output from money store through government plates is a critique/satire of the alienation produced by a society where everything is commodified and corporatised
what the fuck does this even mean
jokes on you, I'm not even american
he got the ridiculous part right
read pynchon faggot