Attached: lockscreenjpg.jpg (675x1200, 78K)

Other urls found in this thread: friend how are you doing/ sharkman in/'s feet/ yeji doing this/ for yeji/



Best looking group in kpop

Attached: 768.jpg (1400x1066, 250K)

bangtan sonyeondan

ariana is thirsty


any BIGWHITEbros in

Attached: D5_70ONV4AAmWqD.jpg (2160x2160, 601K)


Attached: [121004] T-ara in Bangkok.jpg (650x975, 201K)

based white male

koreans living in big white countries want asians, but koreans living in korea want big white. i dont get it.

bangkok more like banging my cock to this picture


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Attached: woogiefeet.jpg (749x1124, 96K)

Where were you when the small brown threat got eliminated in the last thread?

Attached: yeonwoo c2.gif (350x490, 2.66M)

look at those angry gooks in the back lol

Attached: MC_(5).jpg (775x1730, 579K)

yeji's feet

>luhan liked xiumin’s shaved head selfie on ig
lmao the absolute state of this guy

The grass is always greener in the other side.

it's the exoticism

Attached: 1556901292703.jpg (1017x1920, 522K)

yunabros ww@?

Attached: 59998461_133774241065564_4838772253810385663_n.webm (480x480, 1.12M)

hes just supporting his bro

Attached: kisses.png (852x906, 1.01M)

In my mouth.

my mouth


Attached: D58MscAUUAAQAFt.jpg (2048x1366, 277K)


i've got the feast in my sights


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this explains it noob

Attached: 005WU77zgw1ex8nfq72bfj318g0tojye.jpg (1600x1068, 253K)

has anyone else been crying all day? he's really gone...

Attached: D58mHu5UcAA6yY4.jpg (288x283, 13K)


Attached: 1556848681751.jpg (800x1200, 93K)

Luhan is one of the more friendly traitors as he still follows all the EXO members after leaving

Attached: D5xAFkBUEAE3DyY-orig.jpg (2048x1366, 332K)

where are my nakybros

meant for

Stop being dramatic

still here huh

Attached: 1535272435522.jpg (500x879, 418K)

cute jisoo

Attached: D5x2II1VUAAg3a6.jpg (1080x1350, 239K)

Bacon doesn't have anyone to keep him in his place anymore but he still will miss him

Attached: D50CZI9VUAAcLiG-orig.jpg (682x1024, 139K)

nice posts

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nice baby

Attached: IMG_20190226_160154.jpg (612x533, 29K)

everybody here is a nerdy asian guy or a fat white woman. white men don't listen to kpop.

thinking about SinB...

armys, blinks, and ariana fans all seething at this for some reason

Attached: 58410417_417972015653806_1984518943880266092_n.jpg (639x639, 68K)

>listening to the music
i only fap to the mvs and fancams


mental illness, probably one of the worsts posters in this general friend how are you doing/ sharkman in/'s feet/ yeji doing this/ for yeji/

Literally angels

Attached: WinterFrame-1059801173685788672-20181106_213424-img1.jpg (1333x2000, 643K)

Attached: Kronk bait.png (500x337, 25K)

>Yea Forums

choose one

this is a gigaflop unless Mnet subs it quickly and consistently for the ifans

blinks get mad at anything

peep this

Attached: have a better look.webm (608x1080, 2.49M)

This looks shopped.

how do i fuck twice after the show? there has to be a way.

his head really is a nice shape

finally some pretty girls

dubu's legs tho

post her beautiful smile

word it looks like any other ship edit

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 12K)

Attached: D56gCX0WsAMGLN2.jpg (750x1334, 88K)

Attached: 1546334487887.webm (1280x720, 2.83M)

It rhymes with grape.

there's literally no evidence that an appreciable number of white people listen to kpop. all the videos and photographs of kpop concerts show that the audience is entirely asian or fat white women

why would blinks give a shit?

Attached: D56gCX2WsAAucqN.jpg (750x1334, 91K)

theyre mad for some reason

jk is unironically probably an upgrade from ariana's past bfs. or at least most of them

they just don't kpop like this anymore

Attached: D56gCX5XkAApPlO.jpg (750x1334, 87K)

>be a billionaire korean handsome CEO
It's not that hard

Attached: 201812251754776885_5c21f0669c58d.jpg (530x912, 52K)

that's what i want to know too, i think it's mostly just people who hate bts and or take shipping seriously fromt hem

Attached: 1548244769079.png (1920x1080, 628K)

some boards have a lot of them, look at the soc camwhores or cgl

Attached: D56gCX8XkAEe4nr.jpg (750x1334, 80K)

You're on Yea Forums tho. It's mostly white guys.

Attached: sone 1.jpg (640x480, 73K)

this pairing is kinda hot not gonna lie hopefully someone goes on an icloud hacking rampage again and uploads their sextape soon

any miracles saving up their cum?

ugly tranny lmao

you're forgetting BIG VIRGIN - I mean BIG WHITE

too many furries in exo

Attached: 2018011117213218400.jpg (530x447, 46K)

post puffy vulvas

fantasies of a cracker virgin ass

Attached: 2018-12-02_8.jpg (960x720, 258K)

sneak into their hotel room and commit yes or yes

Attached: 1527439811553.png (1800x1200, 2.78M)

kpg has already been exposed as mostly short asian men who role play as white. who are you kidding?

So proud of our boys.

Attached: 1557026038460.jpg (2048x1536, 405K)

it's literally just chanyeol

He's the ultimate upgrade compared to all the other ones.

this BP anti from last thread is a literal roastie

Attached: DZhlU7pVoAEWgBX.jpg (539x810, 72K)

want to see what happens if he releases an ariana song cover right now spontaneusly

Tzuyu looks like their mother.

egg and shindong are the same person

prettiest girls in the world


Attached: cat.jpg (694x694, 55K)

shippers will get even angrier
even some ariana fans are already mad for some reason, they really hate bts

I'm white, so clearly I'm not kidding. I'll prove it soon enough too. You'll know me cause I'm the only Miya poster.

Attached: Miya 2.jpg (720x960, 101K)

become extremely attractive, famous and wealthy

i'm here now

Attached: 1540449677290.jpg (1080x1082, 229K)

>BIG WHITE meming suddenly stopped
>cracker virgin ass posting starts
what did false flagging negro mean by this?


Attached: jin.jpg (750x1334, 94K)

sure feels good being a 6'4 white chad with a huge cock.

i can tell you're white by your superior taste

>a bts roastie fighting a blackstink faggot
You people deserve each other.

Attached: 1556324906474.jpg (1024x759, 158K)

FUCK you
cute kitty

I hope you're all making your parents proud.

Attached: 1549859321613.png (815x1273, 1.35M)

>mommy tzuyu will never be the group chaperone of your school fieldtrip

Attached: twice_onceS2-1012660018242416640-20180629_193217-img1.jpg (750x750, 75K)

the asians mog the roasties so badly it's embarrassing

i'm not
i'm still a neet

Attached: 1545428618233.jpg (384x384, 14K)

i dont get it

post her ass you cowards

yeah it does. if i was nonwhite i'd kill myself

>shippers will get even angrier

you guys like BTS?


Attached: D54lzy1X4AAxshm.jpg (2048x1536, 323K)

yass except i need to save more recent pics of them

if they went on twitter where they belonged kpg would be a better place

Why thank you. Once I get more of my Miya merch in the mail, you'll see pics of it all + a timestamp of my beautiful blue eyes.

tfw being white and tall never got me anything i'm still ugly and can barely function in society

did you hear the news about ham though, she's gonna have some japanese comeback

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Attached: Big white.jpg (767x1080, 140K)

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t. small brown

Move to Asia. Not even joking.


its literally opposite, I've never seen a Korean American date a nonwhite. Although the white guy is usually a loser

south korean army defeated by a single twink oh no no no

Attached: baekxiu.jpg (475x181, 13K)

tfw big and white and all the azns at uni threw themselves at me but now there are no hot gooks in my area


theyre based

i dream about this every night

Attached: reddot0614-1012644832529952768-20180629_183156-img1.jpg (1024x682, 91K)

blinks triggered


Attached: 0F6452BF-201D-4318-B0FB-978878D61046.jpg (667x1000, 43K)

damn he wasn't looking

Attached: mushroom head.jpg (1000x1500, 92K)

>guys like him can't even find a date
what a fucked up world

Attached: 1557083005978.jpg (425x491, 52K)

streambotting to be the most toxic fandom

Attached: 1553177853951.webm (640x360, 943K)

i literally look like this, but i'm 5'1

i just want drake to collab with bts
fromis is going down the dalshabet route

Attached: D53hNMyWsAAYpqT.jpg (1536x2048, 419K)

how did you get this picture of me? i'm a twicechad btw

no you're not roastie

someone mentioned "her" smile

Attached: 1546303112597.jpg (682x1024, 101K)

Attached: D53hNMyXoAAvxnl.jpg (1536x2048, 473K)

nah, the Russian/Norway are the best looking
Jap one is cute too
USA would be cute if she lost about 5kg

Fucking whore

just glad we all agree there's no better feeling in the world than a yellow bitch twerking on your bwc

just because you have a big fat head doesn't mean you look like him sorry little guy

>small brown blinkie

scanning the audience for big white

Attached: 1557109042957.webm (292x248, 2.7M)

this is what kpop fans actually look like lmao

Attached: kpop fan.jpg (1165x803, 848K)

teeth or no teeth?

Attached: D59Wzg4UUAADcZW.jpg (800x1200, 120K)


Attached: CjERkDuXEAApz0j.jpg (1200x1800, 149K)

I doubt an autist can get something as simple as a passport

The Original BIG WHITE.

Attached: 13847422424452.jpg (1920x1080, 467K)


freaking CUTE

thinking about big white

am I right guys or what? guys...?

Already got mine, along with my Japanese gf to be my ticket into Japan.

finally an attractive boy


this one

Attached: big white chad.jpg (530x752, 64K)

keep listening to twice and your face will slowly mold into that shape, keep at it

It’s been a minute since I’ve seen or heard of T-ara. What’re they up to nowadays?

Attached: 8520036A-DC27-4CDD-BE41-A27D81B7210E.jpg (1080x1350, 210K)

yes please.

fuck she looks like someone I know. that's hot.

finally an attractive boy.

The comments under Aris photo...


Attached: Nana.webm (798x590, 1.27M)


Attached: temp_3a0fecea5fc83baaf78caa296fde1d15.jpg (640x960, 77K)

whats a good kpop fandom to chat with online

>it's an uglyzshitter forcing this gay "big white" shit in every thread
>the only two uglyz fans besides him are a black cripple & a SEA filipino mijoo shitter
what did he mean by this?


Attached: 1556996727615.jpg (428x427, 19K)

Rose poster is shaking at the competition.

Luhan is based af

Attached: 68D30D64-5A16-4634-864D-6AED28D80CEC.jpg (1080x1080, 1.53M)

wujuchads are the coolest and most interesting kpop posters by far

sweet girl coming through

Attached: 1556741376153.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

nice suit faggot

Attached: 59589207_1052485661627292_481995171420962816_n.jpg (768x960, 46K)

Americans aren't white. They're just plain ugly.

i'm starting to think he's better looking than lay
wayamin..hold awn..


Attached: IMG_20190508_013103.jpg (730x304, 68K)

sweet pussy juice


oh, they didn't get molested after all
based nugulife
based NCT

Attached: NCT-127-limitless-vid-2017-billboard-1548.jpg (1548x1024, 409K)

Attached: 1528730609424.jpg (600x810, 453K)

Attached: 1544523883084.webm (1920x1080, 2.81M)

the ABSOLUTE state of blinks


great kpop discussion guys

he's almost 30...

>the delusional state of blackstinkers
Holy shit lmao

Cant believe theyre seething because of one photo

Attached: 20190507_233122.png (1080x1707, 234K)

s a p p h i c


which kpop idols has had the most big white cocks

>I'm sorry I don't care don't care really don't care

Attached: 1557261899124.webm (608x888, 2.89M)

luhan if you're into pretty twinks who look 12
lay if you're into handsome men

>go to gaypop concert
>fuck the fangirls after the concert
how much of a chad do you need to be to pull this off?

fuck the sixers

Attached: IMG_20190325_232518.jpg (1536x2048, 420K)

>bald bangtans in a couple of years

Attached: 1550077387227.gif (268x268, 1.96M)

Red Velvet or SNSD

i've literally haven't seen a single normal looking white kpop fan lmao

not all blinks care because it’s just shippers


Attached: 1556248946575.webm (446x902, 2.94M)


gaypop roasties are ugly and stink.

why is there a scar on her shoulder?

The new Run episode was so fun.

Attached: IMG_20190507_162759.jpg (1440x807, 96K)

could've picked a way better Sunny wallpaper, what a f*g

DAMAGE CONTROL, uglyzshitter

Army's are pretty mental in the head but it's also stupid to get worked over someone's header

you have to look like a gaypop, it's the only way

bighit has more than enough money and reason to fund top tier hair transplants

shippers should all be killed

someone insulted my oppar on twitter better tell kpg all about it


i liked it a lot

Who do you think you are to give me or-

Attached: 1556841238906.webm (302x672, 578K)

based (but only if it actually gets read by her)

Attached: IMG_20190507_232646.jpg (1241x495, 61K)

Based poster who added this to my collection

Attached: BIG WHITE 23.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

When's Rose's solo so rosefag can spam the thread since she's my secret shameful waifu.

they have to shave for their military service though

Fromis is maximum comfy

Attached: D59XWTVW0AAgHrF-orig.jpg (1080x882, 68K)

fuck YOU

Attached: americarin.jpg (1365x2048, 989K)

Attached: sana.webm (446x902, 1.52M)


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Attached: B6B5F680-E39C-46AB-ADF7-9A7532DD5CCA.jpg (1080x1312, 463K)

Reminder that Egg is even shorter than Xiumin

tiffany is old and plastic



Liking Rose shouldn't be shameful, everyone should have a sticcfu or two.

Attached: D6ABwY-XkAA5VGk-orig.jpg (670x1200, 143K)

the absolute state of army roasties

Attached: DqKpLJ4UUAAim0S.jpg (717x1105, 283K)

strong neck muscles CEO nims gave her a good workout

i don't have to enlist but i'd wish i'd look half as good as he does

Attached: D5uYmAWUcAAyrs3.jpg:orig.jpg (1212x878, 147K)

Yeah. I like her kind of beauty.

Attached: images.jpg (236x312, 10K)

>Police to request arrest warrants for Seungri and Yoo In Seok tomorrow


i dont see anything

Attached: D542skJUYAAl4Vj.png (1000x1500, 1.2M)

egg but skinny..

Attached: fatty.jpg (1024x653, 62K)

No, seriously, your imagination is running wild and the sad part is that I think you actually believe the things you're saying

It's like you're paranoid, always looking for the uglyshitter boogeyman

I think a anonymous board is probably not good for your mental health, you're always talking about and seeing these uglyshitters everywhere

At least you make the threads a bit interesting at times, but sometimes I actually worry about you, you seem very sick

BTS paved the way

that's our fridge

Attached: 1549261371317.jpg (960x680, 59K)

he's already skinny

So majestic. I want to brush her mane. Does she have any tramp stamps?

Attached: Rose tramp stamp.jpg (1255x840, 392K)

He was so close to the stage

Attached: IMG_20190507_234939.jpg (1024x577, 57K)

Word but Big Bang

>all those phones trying to take a picture
makes me disgusted desu, it was supposed to be a private event

Just be Filipino.

>this kills the blackstinker

Attached: D1CatCcXgAAlX3C.jpg (798x1200, 82K)

how the fuck do you spot him in a blurry pic?

after all these years that it's been posted I still don't know if that's really Tiffany or not

reminder their names are eggsoo and eggxiu

i post mijoo and I'm not sea

Attached: 1554221905330.jpg (682x1024, 132K)

>thank you bts for paving the way but we'll take it from here, you can go have fun in the retirement home

Attached: e221c879747b43d0a6f24ccacba53d12.jpg (900x600, 83K)

can you roasties stop spamming bts and bp? our girls have arrived in new york.

Attached: 59933524_2133958523571244_5197427553222284051_n.jpg (1080x1080, 122K)

Make me cum with 1 webm.

The pink hearts.

>implying the uglyzshitter doesn't exist

He's literally here like 16+ hrs a day shiposting every other girl group because he got BTFO like 3 years ago and he's a NEET.

Attached: D5zj1RoUwAASq9v-orig.jpg (1365x2048, 233K)

fucking dubu so hard she shits herself


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Attached: 1554182697330.webm (1080x2048, 2.82M)

she doesn't look too sticc in korean media but when i saw her in coachella even i got worried about her health, how the fuck do they do it

Big Bang paved the drugged rapesluts

Attached: 1555023806639.webm (880x750, 2.48M)

need to pour syrup over that and go to town on it

waiting for big bang to save kpop from BTS

Attached: 1550008839173.jpg (1280x1898, 386K)

eggsoo and eggmin are better

Attached: 58454019_595820894253943_6607031362057756471_n.jpg (1080x1080, 154K)

that's pany

Attached: 1543138912003.jpg (700x394, 69K)

good boy

Attached: D50XqcIWsAA3QL1.jpg (1536x2048, 559K)

nice reddit spacing. feel free to go back anytime

no yejibros noooooooo

just vomited

I'm still mad about twice's tour

Just don't make a mess.

Attached: 1556472639148.webm (460x1000, 2.42M)

even more nugu than nct

No homo

yeah we know

Ok, if you say so, but I'm not him

I'm not your boogeyman

Attached: D55X3lhXoAEUw0d.jpg (1636x2046, 250K)

finally an attractive girl

Attached: D2rLfNlUkAQ0Q1y.jpg (718x1382, 82K)


wow pretty

Attached: 1557005498732.jpg (1434x2151, 431K)

that's literally the ugliest shit but nice try samefagger

Attached: literally the ugliest shit.jpg (492x605, 23K)


Attached: IMG_20190508_015004.jpg (750x1624, 160K)


it's funny how many groups make him seethe. almost everyone made fun of uglyz back then so i guess it makes sense

Yea Forums spacing cool
reddit spacing not cool

d-do I fit in yet guys?


that doesnt even rhyme moroni


will top actually come back? he looked pretty fucking done with the industry before enlisting

Attached: 1554758897325.jpg (1080x1440, 216K)

only in korea

Why do negros love Lisa?

Word but Seo Taiji and the Boys and H.O.T.

Attached: 51dcb008044ccbce2ee30ca20c65a2c8.jpg (1059x813, 118K)

Another gaypop thread please.


Attached: Hana10.jpg (1280x1920, 1.14M)

fuck, she's pretty

it's not about the rhymes it's about how well it goes with their own names

Attached: egg poop.jpg (1200x1800, 456K)


i'm out call me when we stop posting twitter and facebook screencaps of random people

you're replying to different people. anyway, that guy is right. the uglyzshitter is right here seething and samefagging as usual

nice try slugroastie everyone thinks sluggo is the ugliest shit

meant for