Give me an anime to a watch that isn't about faggot high school shit or some skinny nerd geek with super powers

give me an anime to a watch that isn't about faggot high school shit or some skinny nerd geek with super powers

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Grow up and stop watching anime.

Tokyo Godfathers
it's about homeless bums

one does simply go onto Yea Forums and tell someone to stop watching bloody anime.

Hes an oldfag you wouldnt get it

so he's retired from being a 4channer then

A proud bath architect in ancient Rome starts randomly surfacing in present-day Japan, where he's inspired by the many bathing innovations he finds.

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I could genuinely get into this. Name?

Attack on Titan

world's finest assassin gets reincarnated in another world as an aristocrat. Think Fear and Loathing in Nilfgaard. Assassin dude gets killed, reincarnated by the cliche goddess, exploits the new world's magic system and creates industrial revolution and higher technology, basically becomes a nilfgaardian

Found the groomer pedophile

Read chainsaw man

Thermae Romae, it's on netflix where I am

All baths lead to rome
Outlaw star
Uh... yugioh?


just read berserk online

OK boomer. UwU I cut my wiener off. Now don't you feel silly

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ok that looks kinda fun

The monogatari series is very good, I recommend directly starting with the movies.

If you want a more mature protagonist, you can always watch Mushishi or Black Lagoon.

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no. it's got the shittiest, most childish, unoriginal or creative story of any entertainment media. everything that happens in the end is endless plot armor

Kemonozume. It's fantastic and the art is great


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Pretty good anime, also I am 90% sure it's very historically accurate, I'm suspicious about the short gladiator scene, but I haven't studied a whole lot on the Roman Empire, and I'm only about two episodes in.

been thinking about getting into this one, how is it? i only read berserk & aot (awful ending)

baki. The moost based anime out there

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There's a lot of little nods to interesting stuff, even from the first few scenes

bloody hell there's multiple touhou fanmade animes, which one are you talking about

i stopped watching the anime like an episode in when the MC starts getting his ass kicked by a ghost while "shadow boxing"

Belladonna of Sadness
Fist of the North Star
Golgo 14: The Professional
Violence Jack
Urotsukidoji: Legend of the Overfiend
Wicked City
The Rapeman OVA (2 Episodes)
Gunsmith Cats
Paranoia Agent

It's Golgo 13, NOT Golgo "14"

I see you're a man of culture

Cowboy Bebop
Welcome to the N.H.K.
Paranoia Agent
Cromaertie High School
Ergo Proxy
Serial Experiments Lain
Samurai Champloo
91 Days

Welcome to the N.H.K is giga based good taste user

Outlaw Star
Gundam Wing
Perfect Blue

Ima, Soko ni Iru Boku

Hellsing ultimate is the only anime ive seen and liked

Ergo Proxy is extremely underrated.

Also adding in Urusei Yatsura, Samurai Pizza Cats and Ranma ½

This is not the first episode lol.i think you messed the order up.

Big O
Serial Experiments Lain
Cowboy Bebop

Also the mobile suit gundam first timeline is the best

Really user?

that's how, bloody nice

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Based oldfag

I'm too lazy to torrents it, you can do that too


D E S U ~ N O

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I forgot to include...

- Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
- Soul Eater

Psycho Pass, think blade runner meets minority report

So boring it is unironically the only show or movie I have ever fallen asleep watching.
I wanted it to be cool, but it just wasn't. Way too much dogshit nothing going on in dragged out fight scenes, where, no matter how much someone gets hurt they end up totally fine in 5 minutes. No stakes, too much talking, a couple cool scenes and an awful show.

Girls Last Tour

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Dragon ball Z

Golden Boy
Black Jack

fma:b, based

that's if you want to get ptsd and no longer know the pleasures of conformities

Ocean Dub E01-E50
Funimation E51-E291

I have never even heard 1/4 of the anime you've listed. You must be a picky watcher?

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

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The anime isn't quite as depressing as the manga

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Gurren lagann

Good pick! Full Metal is on my top 10

This. Classic 90s fantasy anime before it all became the same recycled isekai garbage.

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yeah it's too bloody depressing that I have not even opened the remaining three other ones

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Welcome to the ballroom

the big o

You should; it's depressing but still amazing
And then read Shimeji after

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