Does Yea Forums like Dungeon Synth?
Does Yea Forums like Dungeon Synth?
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>Does Yea Forums like Dungeon Synth?
Probably not, most threads get four or five responses then fade out. Once or twice a year a thread will really take off though.
Forgotten Kingdoms is some good stuff though, definitely one of the more interesting modern DS artists.
yes but dungeon synth should not be discussed lest its aura of autistic otherworldly purity is fucked up
Good lad. I memed once too many times with Wojnar and made folks frown towards him. Been listening to Æptir pushende ar a fair amount lately, revisiting that record is always pleasant. Any 2019 releases you'd recommend?
Given how Yea Forums is, this is fair.
The Facebook group really fucked up that otherworldly aura surrounding the genre. Although the old school stuff will never lose it's charm in the drama and bastardization of the genre.
Yeah but I prefer digging up old tapes on blogspot, there's way too many autists making it in their basements now putting it on bandcamp and the mystique gets ruined
>too many autists making it in their basements now putting it on bandcamp and the mystique gets ruined
This. Finding an artist's work randomly, without promotion or fanfare is the best for me.
Ay I remember the Based Wojnar poster. I actually listened through his discography this winter, probably because of you. "Z Najglebszych Borow Piesni Wam Niose" has got to be my favorite of his. Just wish I understood Polish, as I imagine it would actually add to the music.
The new Elffor album is good. I don't listen to too much new stuff, only from artists that I know I'll love. With the amount of garbage being uploaded to Bandcamp as dungeon synth, only for it to be mediocre ambient with no passion is a shame.
Very patrician. There really is something beautiful about listening to some nerds music from twenty years ago and hopefully envisioning the same fantasy they did back then.
Loved the recent split between the herbalists, scrag, coniferous myst and owlbear aswell as the other toykeyboard/lofi releases recently. What I don't like is the renewed flood of generic dark ambient without feeling or character. If the album is digital only and seven dollars at the same time, I'll skip listening to it. There's enough to keep up with as is.
Hyped for /dsd/ every single year, comfy
I'm almost finished with my own dungeon synth project, some have recommended I upload it to bandcamp, but I'll probably just upload it to youtube and leave it at that.
Which equipment did you use and what's the subgenre?
>just upload it to youtube and leave it at that.
as long as dungeon synth is in the title, the select few will find it, and spread it around
It's too bad the threads slow down significantly after the first week, but if I remember correct I believe that last year we did manage to have a thread up throughout the entire month, which is a feat in itself. I honestly enjoyed dsd more than nbbmn last year, the nbbmn threads always devolve into nsbm arguments and other shitposts, while dsd its almost like everyone is very passionate about the music.
>while dsd its almost like everyone is very passionate about the music
That's because the listening base is so incredibly small. Really, dungeon synth is one of the only genres left with a very small fanbase. We had someone last /dsd/ asking for advice for an album he was working on, and said it would be be finished and released by next year's /dsd/, on the first day.
>tfw Aufhocker comes into a thread and promotes his shit again
This guy
>not Tyrannus
Very well said. People actually working together and discussing what they're making is actually a very comfy facet of /dsd/, even though I personally don't record anything.
Ask Dungeon Synth Archive to host/promote it, feels like they have every single album of it ever
I need some summer time dungeon synth. It's hot as shit, the days are super long. Generally not a good time to be a ds/bm fan.
And Fief ll obviously
Thanks for these, they seem pretty fun from what little I've listened. Will have to give a genuine listen to some of these, especially Skullbearer.
>summer time dungeon synth
look no further my friend
Your best releases of 2019 so far?
Ik Gihorta Dat Seggen was good.
The new Old Sorcery album.
The Vale of Ruined Towers has a summery feel to it.
>still cant find that one random fucking album that got recommended to me out of the blue again
Do you remember the album art?
It was a black and white and gray blurry face and the title was depressive/nihilisim/abyssal/whatever or something along those lines
Are you the guy from /metal/ that asked something similar? I think the answer was urfaust (going out on a limb here)
Probably but its definitely not urfaust
Both of these are very nice, thank you!
Insanely good album right up there with depressive silence ll
that youtube link, thanks for that one
Ended up listening to this. Is right, what an album.