Even the fake news is conceding Joey B is a complete fuckin failure

Even the fake news is conceding Joey B is a complete fuckin failure.

Bring back the orange man and his mean tweets. At least gas was cheap, inflation was low, and the globe peaceful.

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The establishment, corporate and western backed president everybody. Going well.

No wonder why those in power didn't want to officially investigate the fraud and interference related to the 2020 election: reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-security-idUSKBN2763E3


they turned on him because he didn't turn out

And yet still better than Der Fuhrer.

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Typical moron. "I only like the news when it tells me what I like the sound of"
We already got at least three us politics shill threads

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They're about to have Venezuelan type inflation coming soon.
>US money printing machine goes BRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!

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Not according to approval rating. Sorry but you're WRONG.

You mean the guy that helped the average American worker see thier first inflation adjusted wage increase in 40 years?

Yeah. He was fucking terrible for the oligarchs that control the media you consume so you support your oppressors

Interesting this thread isn't getting flooded with libtard programmed talking points.

Are the steeple waking up?

Bump just to see how many libtards have no response to this.

Fuckin retards

200 days is a long fucking time.

wasnt bush jr in the 20%?

Never thought I'd see the trump cultists side with the communist news network

Bush junior was post 9/11 at this point in his presidency.

That Cia psyop had most of the country sucking his dick

No no, the guy who had a historically failed pandemic response, historically large administration from all the firings, resignations, and... imprisonment?

The guy who let ZTE off the hook, so his daughter could expedite her Chinese trademarks

The guy who profited hundreds of millions from tax dollars for his corporation by having staff and secret service stay in his hotels and resorts.

The guy who profited off his cult like supporters, laundering their contributions through an offshore shell company.

He's not a fucking god dude.

You forgot the Jan 6th fiasco and the whole undermining our entire election process..

Even if all that bullshit was true:

>inflation was lower
>gas was cheaper
>globe was peaceful
>wages were increasing faster than Inflation

Also, because you are obviously a leftist retard. All us government billings were billed at cost by trumps properties. I know you probably don't even know what that means, but it matters

>The guy who let ZTE off the hook, so his daughter could expedite her Chinese trademarks
wohhhhh what the fuck? they also gave him like $500M??? when the fuck did this happen?

You mean the election process that resulted in Biden assuming the office of POTUS?

What exactly was undermined?

still seethn' comrade?

no. they saying he most unpopular. nowhere do they say he failure.

kys ivan.

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>helped the average American worker

you buy this shit? the nigger jumped this inflation... remember the tariffs? remember the bailouts.. remember subsidizing over 100 billion to soy and pork farmers?

sure have a shot memory

trumptards so delicious

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>inflation was lower
Of course it was, his economy was pre him printing trillions of dollars to pay for the historically failed pandemic response. Maybe inflation and how it works is beyond your limited comprehension.
If you print more money, money go down in worth.

>gas was cheaper
Yea, oil also crashed to $-17 and I bought a fuck ton of oil stonks. Still holding.

>globe was peaceful
Didn't russia put hits out on our soldiers in syria? Also, we abandoned the kurds and split even more from NATO and our western allies during trumps term.

>wages were increasing faster than Inflation
Again, you print money, money worth less. Are you retarded? Do you know how much trump printed in a short amount of time?

>All us government billings were billed at cost by trumps properties.

>muh leftists
Nope, I'm far from left.

>What exactly was undermined?
Not him, but Trump egged his supporters on to think the election was rigged. He just failed, as he does with almost everything. He "attempted" to undermine our presidential election process.

>You mean the election process that resulted in Biden assuming the office of POTUS?
Yea, what an amazing transfer of power that was.

biden is a complete failure like all democrats

well then specify "attempted" you fucking faggot

>Didn't russia put hits out on our soldiers in syria?

No, that turned out to be bullshit, just like the Steele dossier, and just like calling the Hunter Biden laptop "Russian disinformation".

Please tell me what I should be saying.’ Text messages show Sen. Mike Lee assisting Trump efforts to overturn 2020 election


cope and seethe

Pandemic response was controlled at a state by state level. Trump stated many times shutting down the economy and pushing out stimulus checks would make the cure worse than the disease

If you still think the Russian Afghanistan bounty story is legit you need better news sources. Was a complete lie. Totally debunked

keep seethn' faggot Ivan
>yikes kromrade

Cope and seethe fat fuck

>Totally debunked

So you admit the process played out and the results were finalized with no obstruction then.

So. What did Trump do exactly to end democracy?

FUckin retard

naw look at you seethn'
>jimmies rustled

>Was a complete lie. Totally debunked
Got an actual source backing that up?

>Ad hominem and projection in a single line award

Cant debate my argument, so you attack me personally, lol. Pathetic.

So a republican senator helped a republican think about possibilities to overturn election results which led too?...... ultimately accepting the election results.

JFC you people are retardes

>Trump stated many times shutting down the economy and pushing out stimulus checks would make the cure worse than the disease
Yet he did it and wanted to sign his name on the absolute failed handling of our dollar. He could have said no, and not printed trillions upon trillions. Biden absolutely sucks too, but to blame him for our current inflation is beyond retarded. This is from trumps print. Boomers shouldn't be in power.


Attached: Best president.jpg (764x480, 48.71K)

Use any search engine besides Google and learn for yourself


Meant to respond to


>copy and paste is hard
You must be a non-tech savvy boomer schitzo. Go back to facebook faggot.

Doesnt matter.
He did not win his way into this presidency. Public opinion is irrelevent. USA is a market and companies have bought off the government since a long time. This is just the next stage of that takeover.

>What did Trump do exactly to end democracy?
Someone already corrected it and said "attempted to undermine" lol, but you're still on about this. He definitely put cracks in our democracy, but thank God he was too incompetent and his supporters too unorganized and retarded to end it.

>At least gas was cheap
Because of the pandemic lol
>inflation was low
Oh yeah, worldwide inflation that started before he got in office is all biden's fault
>and the globe peaceful
You know what genius idea trumo suggested for the current sutuation casued by his buddy putin? Painting the chinese flag on our planes and bombing russia.

Why are trumptards so stupid and brainwashed?
Also if you're trying to pretend to be a moderate or even lib who was convinced over time you probably shouldn't call anything and everything that triggers trumptards "fake news", really gives away the act

How about no more boomers presidents, you fucking cuck.

Trump still caused less havoc globally or witin the US than biden did in less than half his terms. Same with cocid deaths and econmy.

Trump just hurt Lib feelings better.

Corporatocracy and Techno feudalism is real. Get rich or literally be a slave.

Make them look left, make them look right, but don't let them look up.

Think about it from his perspective.
The DNC was going to crush the economies of their states no matter what.
Trump could either let the people of those states suffer, or give them checks to offset the retarded policies of their state govergovernment.

8 months before a presidential election. Which would you choose if trying to get reelected

Well deserved.

Can't agree with this more. If you're going to die before you see the outcome of your fucking decisions, you shouldn't be a fucking leader.

Its getting tough to defend Biden.

Lol we investigated again and again and again but you retards just wouldn't accept any resukts that didn't fit your feels
Talk about not investigating, you know trump didn't spend a cent of donations "to stop tge steal" on any of this bs. He just paid off canpaigb debt and reportedly pocketed over 600 mil for his family and cronies through a kushner run shell company.
You were sold a pack of lies to milk for money, you were scammed, by a guy already famous for scams lol

>You know what genius idea trumo suggested for the current sutuation casued by his buddy putin? Painting the chinese flag on our planes and bombing russia.
>Why are trumptards so stupid and brainwashed?

No way this is a non troll post

Absolute state of zoomers kek.
You deserve the shit you are born into.

Yes. Google doesn't censor their search results whatsoever!

Do an experiment. Search "ruby freeman election fraud" on Google vs duckduckgo. Analyze the results"

Exactly. Boomers just intend to keep looting the world because they'll be gone and it won't be their problem. I don't know why people keep shilling for them and voting for them.