Do you idiots realise how dangerous musk buying twitter is??...

Do you idiots realise how dangerous musk buying twitter is??? We as a people can not allow this to happen! Do you even care that it will singlehandedly start WW3???

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Uh huh... Explain or take your meds

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these people are retarded

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'Nuff said.

I wonder what plans musk would have for twitter

murder all the niggers and tranny libtards

As you can see, just the possibility of making it open rather than the one-sided banning has sent them into a tizzy.

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So 90% of their user base.
Something tells me a hyper capitalist like Musk isn't going to give up solid profits in order to fuel your genocide.

You should look into who and why twitter bans people.
Its not just the Right that is banned. Its just those are the only voices that you personally hear.

>Elon Musk buys twitter
>twitter is now african american owned

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No I go out of the way to check both sides, know your enemy so to speak. Banning is definitely lopsided in all social media. Some demographics are given way more leeway in what they can say compared to others. eg La Raza is OK but 14 words is not even though both are equally race-centric. If anything La Raza is even more "racist" because in addition to promoting self it also promotes denial to others.

it should be against the law for social media platforms to censor any legal speech. If they don't like it they can cease operations.

musk is full of russian propagando

You understand how retarded that image is on an American image board yes?


That's pretty dumb actually. Who cares who the owner is?


Found the Jew

>WW3 will happen if we can't ban people for disagreeing with us.

All authoritarians should be shot.

its owner doesn't matter its already fucked up nazi community but there is no saving for it he was begging bitcoint currency on livestream and what if he will push bitcoin agenda harder now ever then we would lose dollar and lose free speech for ever Trump won

this thread just proves people on Yea Forums actually follow elon musk unironically

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lmao how do you find the most cringe people you retard tranny

yup, if you want to activate the secret following mechanism code on Yea Forums you actually have to delete the russian propaganda backdoor in your system called "system 32"
then you can vote against the following of elon musk and hopefuly save the world

>lose dollar

Good, all fiat currencies should be abolished and replaced with real money.

like the device he is on he prefers the world to be censored and locked down instead of having free will to say and do anything you want

what the fuck am i in 2004? shut the fuck up you retarded piece of fucking shit

If your ideology is destroyed by free speech you're probably worthless.

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Good, if Elon buying out a private company that banned the now former president of the US while he was still in power leads to wwiii we need it. I hate Musk

I'm embarrassed to have to share a planet with you fucking retards

lol type that on twitter you will get 6k+ likes fucking bitch

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fuck twtiter, fuck you, and fuck elon musky tusk


nah i agree with you elon musk is shit. just saying that post would get you likes on twitter

not sure if he's a master troll or not

Hahah! Go cry somewhere else with your delusions.

how terrible... the blue checkmarks would have to go elsewhere to spew their hateful garbage opinions unchallenged.
i hope this ends with a large number of blue haired nitwits going to soup kitchens.

They should just learn to code.

Rightoids btfo

Twitter banning Trump and saying "Fine, it's our property, we do what we want" okay.
Someone buying that same company and deciding to unban Trump? Suddenly having private property is a problem?

Fuck you. Hey, didn't you tell the outsiders that they have the right to "Build their own" anyway?

Sounds like a bunch of pussies just cant handle when their games are used on them.

If you can't take it, don't dish it out, bitches.

shit bro i dont like you fucking pussy

Backstabbing is a problem and brainwashing you can't save nazi community twitters reputation and you are leftist trying to destroy country and be careless he was begging bitcoint in his stream and her wife has also called him communist it was his ex wife if I remember right. If we lose USD we lose free speech Trump won

Glad I have no clue who this faggot is and live my life without twitter faggotry. Feelsgoodman

Yeah liberals crumble when you apply their own tactics back. Beta losers.

>Do you even care that it will singlehandedly start WW3???

If it causes people like you to have their heads explode when they think about it, then, No. Not one little bit.

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so ? start your own twitter.

bro y7ou just repeated what i said about you you fuckin pussy

The cathedral won't let it happen. Also lol at the 1 cent toothbrush guy.

So much this. What the right don't understand is that allowing some people to speak frightens others into silence. True free speech requires the banning of certain speech

Doesn't he realise he can block people he disagrees with?

You are really scared of all the evidence of conspiracy, collusion and election fraud, along with enabling child porn, trafficking, censorship, etc., that he gets along with the platform aren't you ? When every aspect of your reality is as fragile as a house of cards and one little thing can bring it all down maybe its time to evaluate your philosophy. Do you really think you are going to be able to live the rest of your life without something like this happening ? If faggots like you are able to seize enough control for you to live the rest of your life without something like this bringing it all down, what can of world do you see that as being ? A nightmare reality for everyone ? The longer the current state of affairs continues the more the goblet of public wrath against you fills. The truth will eventually come out, the house of cards WILL fall. Do you want the supermajority of people you are seeking to oppress to be mad enough to round you and everyone like you up and put you in ovens ? You need to seriously and objectively think about this. Those who can't learn from history will repeat its mistakes.

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Why use it all? The only reason why they use these things is to be absolute virtue signaling faggot NPC's complete with a shitty fedora hat and muh Ukraine flag. Fucking disgusting shit man.