Republicans are stupid shit eating hillbillies and should be out to death!!!!!

Republicans are stupid shit eating hillbillies and should be out to death!!!!!

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You want your pole back?

suicide might be only cure for you you are sick

I'm not going to say you're wrong, but you're not exactly right either.

Whenever I see a republican irl I cringe so hard

low quality bait, try harder please

nice bait

Putin would do the world a favor if he'd send his nukes to the US.

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Whos going to protect your weal ass if the US is gone? You would be trounced by Russia or China within a week.

Please save us, Uncle Sam!

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Weve already got enough nukes and dont really need anymore. Thanks anyway.

My sister say's my penis is bigger than
his micro toad was like a qtip in a hall way!

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shit the diaper again on the golf course!
change the diaper dumpturds

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smell that loser??? smellls like a pile of big macs leaked out of the orange diaper again!

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DeSantis 2024

Schizophrenia thread

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Men who identify as women belong in women's sports

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Have you seen the state of America recently? Have you seen the state of the west recently? Thank god we've returned to normality after the tumultuous Trump years, right?

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idk if people are just trolling or as stupid as they seem when they don't consider the party switch

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Yeah. Doing an impression of a disabled man should have been the end of his public life. What sort of adult behaves like that?

I miss the days where faggot republicans weren't on Yea Forums. Then one day reddit purged them and they came in to curse us. Fucking retards. Even Nazis have a better grip on reality.

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This. The real redpill is that /pol/ primarily comes from reddit.

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Libshit lives literally dont matter.

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Aside from the utter retardation of comparing national-socialism to actual socialism, you must be one of those faggots who believe that democrats are leftists

Don't take the b8 m8

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Where's the wall that Mexico paid for?

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Democrats are the left wing if the US govt. Republicans are the right.
Dont try and weasel out of your own mistakes now snowflake.

Biden shut down on its construction.

Most democrats are wet conservatives. You'd have to live in a hermetically sealed bubble to think otherwise

>Democrats are the left wing
But they're a centre-right party

I feel the same about Democrats. You people are a plague upon America.

"one of those faggots" spotted

Lol. Great self-awareness

Ok liberal pedophile advocate.

All you have to do is ensure that American party politics is radically polarised. The American governmental system is predicated on the idea of divided powers. This means for the government to function the main political parties have to engage in diplomacy and compromise to pass legislation. This is a far cry from rather romanticized view of the POTUS being a "strong leader" who can force policies through by the power of his will alone.
Promoting fringe far-right and far-left stories have been an instrumental part of the Russian agenda to sow discord into American culture/society and to empower fringe wack-jobs who ultimately grind the machinations of government down to a withering halt .... which sows more contempt leading to an endless cycle.

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> complaining about pedophiles on Yea Forums

Ah yes, dems, the party of Gaetz, Moore, and generally of the people who want to lower the age of consent

Ok, Groomer.

this shit ramped up in 2016 tho, as a fellow Yea Forumstard showed before. Trump and Trumpism are the quintessential representation of the overabundance of chromosomes of american politics in general

this isn't facebook you retard

>durr facebook durrr
Wow, solid comeback you lefty faggot.

ah yes, "ok groomer" to a list of facts sure was a better comeback than that, try harder and go back to /gif/ posting cuck threads

Daily reminder. Democrats falsely impeached Trump after he started asking questions about what crackhead Hunter Biden and the CIA were doing in Ukraine. Now we all know the answer. They were trying to start a war.

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DSA spammers having a tantrum again?

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You have voters remorse. You'd have to live in a hermetically sealed bubble to think otherwise

>a list of facts
you listed zero facts, groomer

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