I spent 4 years in a Seminary studying to become a Catholic Priest. Ask me anything

I spent 4 years in a Seminary studying to become a Catholic Priest. Ask me anything.

Not meant to be a religion/theology discussion/argue thread. That is a waste of time on Yea Forums. But whatever you want to know about the seminary culture or my experience go ahead and ask.

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What is the deal with sacramental things? do they have any power or just visual deals? i mean i put a cross in my room and helped me to stop fap

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I think it's a blessed object so there is some spiritual benefit

Is there gay overtones or sexual tension in seminary culture?

I remember you.
You're the asshole the Church kicked out for being too reactionary.
Too reactionary for Rome. Imagine that.
Lucky for you Ben Shapiro is in the market for a sidekick.

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What would you think and do if God shrunk all Protestants to an inch tall?

Is the Vatican council II cringe, bluepill fake and gay?

How many years did you spend there before they taught you how to groom boys?

I'm thinking about becoming a priest, but I'm living in sin right now. Any advice? I know I should go to confession but imp just too ashamed.

some guys are flamboyant but if you step out of line with the gay stuff can get thrown out now. not as gay as a lot of people think. I only got propositioned once.



Vatican II was a failure

No advice to give. Just get over your hangups and move on.

Time to transubstantiate.

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Before joinging, did you ever have sex in one way or the other with a woman/man?

If so, were you expected to confess it as a sin before you could join?

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Do lots of seminary people have autism or are weird and shit? Do most have strict traditional parents? What type of people choose to be priests and deacons?

This also what's your guess at the real percentage of priests that are child molesters?

yes. It was just expected that you go to confession regularly.

Was there any mention of child molestation while you were studying?

He didn't join. That's what he was trying to tell you in the wording of his opening post. He didn't even make it long enough to get defrocked.

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some definitely on the spectrum. Mixed bag with family backgrounds. Some from very traditional families, others from dysfunctional families. Most, like myself, just got into their religion more and entered to try it out. some stay, some leave.

Nothing human is alien to me.

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just don't do it or you'll get thrown out and put in jail.

We read about it all the time.

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Or you could be made Pope ad maioram Dei gloriam.

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How much do the students drink?

brush up on your Latin user

They let us have all the holy water we want.

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Today, we are having a massive Beefburger & Sausage Barbecue with Spit Roast Hog & Suckling Piglets, to celebrate the glorious sinking of 'SSPoS Moskva'

> ( Slava Ukraini ! )

It seemed like the most important thing to do for the rest of the day while we're getting adequately pissed.

> "... go ahead and ask. " ;
QA: and you?

definitely a drinking culture. not all do but some weekends we hit it hard.

not op, this is literally the satan media trying to disrupt things
if they were agains pedos they would be against gays
1%-5% of the humans are pedos the priests, as expected, are in 1,68% not an anomaly and i hope they burn in hell

how many little boys do you plan to rape?

>I only got propositioned once.

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Why weren't you ordained?

you think priests facing the altar will be a thing again?

A nod's as good as a wink.

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I was more gung how when I first went in but after some time I could tell it wasn't right for me. I was getting close to being ordained a deacon and decided that it was a good time to leave, because things get more long term and serious after that point.

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Shhh! That's a secret!

1. Roughly what percentage of students do you think were "true believers," rather than those with serious doubts or reservations about their faith? How do the doubters cope as they advance through the program?

2. Does the program cover any non-religious topics? Are there gen-ed type elements to take for basic worldliness?

3. As the Pope shifts the message about evolution, gay marriage, climate change, etc., does the teaching curriculum get updated, too, or are they still teaching the old-school beliefs and values?

You get one internets for referencing the good rocky horror picture show.

It already is. Most younger priests and seminarians are traditional with that kind of stuff. Pope Francis does not approve though and there is a lot of dysfunction in the Church now with the ideological clashes and corruption

Hard to answer. I'd say that the majority believed and tried to engage the program to see if it was right for them. I don't know the state of people's souls, but I can't imagine anyone who did not believe at all being there.

some psychology as well as philosophy and theology.

Pope Francis is problematic because the "shift" of the message is ambiguous and chaotic. If it clashes too much with Catholic theology, then the whole system is a joke and comes crashing down.

will the next pope live in the apostolic palace or continue the virtue signalling precedent?
I get hated on for this take but if the next pope is African I don't see the virtue signalling continuing. I don't think Africans would be worried what the left wing press thinks of the apostolic palace. They might even discourage immigration. Pope Francis asked for black men to wash their feet a few years ago, I don't see an African doing stuff like that.

do priests jerk off?

I have no idea. Lots of virtue signaling and chaos now. I hope the next pope does not try to play that stupid game to appease global elites.

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I'd imagine some yes, some no

Where do you think the altar candles come from?

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religious goods stores. traditionally they're supposed to be 51% bees wax

Per omnia saecula saeculorum.

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so 49% holy spunk
got it


The correct response here is 'Heil!'.

do you know anything about annulment stats? Does it follow divorce stats where the majority are initiated by women?

I know that most annulments are granted. I do not know about if the man or woman initiates the process more often

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Are Catholics allowed to have private beliefs at odds with church teaching without being considered sinful for it? For example, the church is against jerkin the gherkin. I'm not trying to argue with that, but one of the arguments they give for the sinfulness of flogging the bishop is that YHWH smote Onan for it. But biblical scholars now understand that what YHWH was all worked up about was that Onan was shirking his duty to provide his brother's widow with children by having sex with her then pulling out and blowing his load on the ground. So traditional church teaching has misunderstood the meaning of the Onan story. Is it sinful to believe that?

Did Paul make it to Spain?

Are Protestants going to hell?

What's the deal with Catholic clergy wearing jew hats? Jew hats are either way too big or way too small. Sort your hats out jews.

If you are a Catholic or member of any religion, I would think that you would take the beliefs seriously. Otherwise, what is the point? Not sure what else to say, this is not a theology discussion thread. You're also way to hung up on masturbation user.

don't know. don't know

I think they used to cover their tonsure years ago, like when the monks had shaved bald spots on their heads. Don't think they're "Jew hats" proper

not OP but masturbation is still a lustful act and lust is a sin. The Church would call it disordered because of the medieval philosophical belief that masturbation is contrary to the nature of the genitals. I don't think the text about Onan is a major part of the reason it is called a sin.
I can't say whether or not masturbation is a grave or mortal sin. Most Catholics would say it is.
t. mst. in theology

the jews actually took it from the Catholics, if you mean the zuchetto. It was more of a Mediterranean thing first.

reasonable enough explanation. Thanks user

>Don't think they're "Jew hats" proper
The kepi is common to all Abrahamic religions.

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>If you are a Catholic or member of any religion, I would think that you would take the beliefs seriously.
This doesn't answer the question.
>Not sure what else to say, this is not a theology discussion thread.
My question wasn't theological.
>You're also way to hung up on masturbation user.
It was just an example. The question is simply whether a Catholic can disagree privately with the church's teaching on a matter of a biblical story without being considered sinful.