MILF thread

MILF thread

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These ladies were in an ad on Twitter and I’d fuck every one of them repeatedly

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Is she a MILF? Sometimes I jerk to her.

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More of this one please looks kinky

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1 3 2 5 4

single cum-starved mom of teens so desperate for attention she dresses like this around her sons, tits on display any time she bends over or there’s a chill in the air

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>TFW no fuckable fifty-something to repeatedly pump cum in to.

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Fuck who is this

Post more

More my Yea Forumsrother

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just begging to be used

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Nice. Deleting it afterwards is a cunt move though.

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is she your aunt or your wife or your mom today?

My aunt

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presenting herself to be fucked and filled

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I would slam her very hard

top tier milf without question

Guess that’s the only one you have of her

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56 years old

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She’s so hot my fucking god I’m throbbing


Why tf are their ice cubes in her martini glass

no idea, some sloot on a milf subreddit

Let’s keep this going, here’s a pic of Jen when she was 46

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MILF and daughter

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More ? She is hot.

She's in heat

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Great tits! Fuck!

TFW a mid-50s MILF sent me a spark on Fakebook Dating, then disappeared when I liked her back.
I saw her on there again today and sent another like. No match back yet.
I just want some barren pussy to repeatedly creampie, bros.


Great tits, tight body. Ughn.

what is she gets preggers accidentally and decides to keep it?

That's why I want menopausal or infertile ones.

post pic

More? She's a major babe.


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Can't get per pic until she matches and she may not.
She's reminiscent of a poor man's Helen Mirren.

Keep going

Damn moar!