Why don't white women want white sons anymore?

Why don't white women want white sons anymore?

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Because the imposter is sus

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Thats a jewish bitch. Nice try.

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don't be like OP. take mental health seriously.

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Because the white race is finished

>black abortions are WAY overrepresented in black women
>black women in the US are 70% likely to raise their children themselves
>unlike coomer bbc cuck fiction, these are real facts

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bbc is a myth. koreans have bigger dicks than niggerians

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we do and that bitch isnt even white lol

ask a black introvert anything. niggers are trash. cope

She's a jew

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Cute baby.

women are emotive beings that act more on their instincts, they just look for the best genetics

Ever notice how all the trannies are white? A symptom of a dying race.

They see other races as equals, therefore it is neither a negative nor a positive to have a child of any race. They aren't racist like you, you are a living relic of the past, this is normal now.

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I use ashleymadison for my infidelity. Of the few dozen or so profiles I scour through on a daily basis maybe 5% of the women are looking for niggers. Of that 5% the majority are either whales or some faggot husband who wants to see his wife fucked by a nigger. Do a google search for local escorts. Most ads aay no niggers or no niggers under 40, and even at that cut off the whore is still putting her life at risk. This is for black and white hookers. The point here obviously being the trannys can post as much of this as they want - the reality is niggers are, by a good margin, the least desireable race to fuck on the planet. This will never change.HPSZG

most of the people in the country are white. but yeah it's a sign of a crumbling civilization. that doesn't mean "we wuz kangz n shit n black ppl gonna rule da world". that's fucking hilarious mental illness.

the us has been infiltrated by marxists and being too accepting of mental illness. it's a serious problem. you know who's hurting the most? niggers. they're killing each other in the street. they're drains on society, net negatives because of welfare and low taxes, because no job. low iq. more likely to be their kids. 70% chance they won't be there for their children. get sent to jail/prison for petty shit.

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She is not white buddy

If this bitch is white I'm fucking transparent.

some do, some don’t. i doubt most women who get into relationships care about the race of their baby. why obsess about it?

That's the conclusion your draw from a picture of a happy interracial family? Take your meds faggot

I believe these women disagree with you.

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You seem like a closeted homosexual attracted to black men

biracial kids are cuter don't @ me

I could make these 6 bitches fake-worshiping me for 30 usd (total)

You seem white. And jealous.

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I can tell you're American with a single post
If parent's are cute then usually their kids wll be too
Wether they're monoracial or biracial
Americans can't understand this and just blindly worship race mixing because of their fetish for black people

Take your meds and touch grass you coping schizo

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And then he went out for cigarettes

it's cute when their deformed brains fail to perform in school and can't graduate. as long as they can make cute tik tok videos, they'll make a billion dollars and get their own reality show. cute biracial wins.

You need to stop being white my friend. Jealousy is never a good look.

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Post arm with timestamp
If you don't then you're a pussy larper

WOW and no black eyes

You first bitch.

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You are a confirmed larper
Hope you enjoy wasting your life obsessing over blacked porn

You are a confirmed whiteoid.
Hope you enjoy seeing your women getting fucked by your former slaves.

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>Dude in pic is jacked
Hey neets.. post your body ITT. The denial is hilarious.

Threadly reminder that this thread was made by an Asian or jew (or perhaps a tranny) in an attempt to demoralize you. It is propaganda. What's funny is both of these groups are known for not being well endowed and statistically have smaller penises than Whites. Also whites are one of the least likely groups to breed outside their race.

Get a job
I will be praying that you stop being addicted to porn and stop being an incel

As a Jewish woman, I have to say, I am not at all attracted to Jewish men. Every single one of them is a neurotic little weasle who has mommy issues. Although I have no intrest in Jewish men, I am engaged to one right now because if I do not marry 'in the tribe' not only will my parents disown me, but so will my grandparents and most of the rest of my family. Still, I cannot help that I have zero, and I mean ZERO, physical attraction for Jewish men. I haven't slept with my fiance yet, he still thinks I am a virgin, but I go out at least twice a week and bring home sexy black men. Last night, I brought home a group of four of them and they all fucked me so hard that it could be considered borderline rape. All four of them ended up taking turns cumming in my asshole. I can't imagine my Jewish fiance ever having the kind of animalistic, raw, primal lust that those four sexy black gods had. I know that I will never stop taking black cock, but the thought of allowing my Jewish fiance's cock anywhere near my pussy makes me sick. I know that I definitely don't want to carry any of his children, so I have decided that anytime he gets me pregnant, I am going to get an abortion and keep it a secret from him. If a superior black man gets me pregnant, I will carry it and love the child with all of my heart, and if my Jewish husband to be doesn't like it, he can just divorce me and give me half of his assets, which will be plenty to raise my beautiful black child.

Do you have a female partner? How do you know she hasn't been with black men in the past?

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>Call kids schizo
>In obvious troll thread
>Gets mad at straight porn because the dude is black

She hasn't and i can tell that you'll never touch a woman because porn has destroyed your brain


White men are the most desirable for all races.

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How do you know she hasn't been with black men before? She knows you're racist so she'd never tell you. Do you have access to her complete sexual history?

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I'm not racist and you are Unironically mindbroken by porn
Seek therapy

Definitely a hapa. I'm sorry your mom was colonized and now you're forced to be an incel but at least you aren't living in a mudhut eating shit, right?

If you're not racist why are you so upset at seeing black men getting laid with white chicks?

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First world women don't want kids anymore. Why abortion rates as so insanely high. The black community also doesn't want kids as they are the number one aborter. Overwhelmingly

It's spammed 24/7 and annoying
Why are you obsessed with spamming it? Answer me question

>Why are you obsessed with spamming it? Answer me question
To fight back against white supremacists that use this board as a place to groom impressionable teens into becoming Neo Nazis.

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You're creating more racists by being annoying
Just be honest and say you have a porn addiction and get off to spamming it
If you truly wanted to fight le neo nazis you'd go to /pol/
Either way you're just a porn addicted incel

Can you unequivocally condemn white nationalism to prove you're not being intellectually dishonest?

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Whites don't exist retarded american
Europeans Don't call themselves white they call themselves german, italian, swedish, etc
Only you fucking Americans are so obsessed with skin color that you spam blacked porn
Commit suicide

Can't wait for holocaust 2.0. You're next jewboy

Are you against the immigration of black migrants to Europe?

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Call it what it is.

ACKed. For trannies only.

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Not gonna answer anymore questions because no matter what i answer you will continue to spam porn because you don't care about le neo nazis and only want to coom

I promise to stop if you can prove to me you are not racist.

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No you won't lol
And i can't prove I'm not racist because no matter what i say you'll say I'm lying just so you will spam more porn

I promise to stop posting interracial porn in this thread if you
1. Condemn white nationalists and Neo Nazis
2. Accept there is nothing wrong with black migrants coming to your country, as long as they are peaceful. You are also ok with them having sex with the women of your country.
Say you agree to these 2 points and I will stop. That simple.

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not that guy but you sound like a cuck

Because white men don't want white women anymore.

Commit suicide you retarded american
I am not racist but I'm going to start being racist just to spite him

Why can't you accept these two points? Are you saying you agree with Nazism? Are you saying you have a problem with peaceful culturally assimilated black immigrants? Fuck you, racist piece of shit.

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