I'm rapidly becoming impressed with republican's ability to trick people into voting for them

I'm rapidly becoming impressed with republican's ability to trick people into voting for them

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Nobody cares
Look at this woman

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Yeah it's amazing the former president is a really good example of how stupid people will believe in anything

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>Tell me you know fuck all about American history without telling me you know fuck all about American history
Look dipshit. Putin is the catalyst, oil companies & the economy are the reaction. Biden has the power to cancel out this reaction. Situations like this have occurred multiple times, throughout history and all Biden needs to do is to let out a tiny amount of the oil reserves. The reserves which, given the white house agenda, shouldn't even be an issue in the near future with the current push for clean electricity so what us wrong with doing it again to avert an economic crisis that is making the wealth inequality gap bigger than ever.
>tl;dr: op is a fucking retard. Again.

nice gaslighting meme, gas prices were high before war in ukraine because of speculators due to bidens policy to shut down Keystone XL pipeline

>2 party system
That's what you get for revolting against England faggot

>The reserves which, given the white house agenda, shouldn't even be an issue in the near future with the current push for clean electricity so what us wrong with doing it again to avert an economic crisis that is making the wealth inequality gap bigger than ever.

Biden is planning on taking from strategic reserves. (As of March 31st so who knows if/when it'll actually happen)

Though some say it won't be silver bullet you hope for.

Doesn't seem to be going much better across the pond

The push for "clean energy" is a lie and ruse, simple math proves this. It's because the Biden/Hillary admin don't care about whoever they're supposed to represent. There is no
acceptable argument against this...

Useless cucked brits are a joke. Enjoy sharia you faggot.

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Let me coloniez dat ass

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Hello Ahmed, heard you mutts are circumcised like mudslimes. Disgusting!

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Lol, seethe more you cucked faggot from your tiny ass flat.

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Look at what they own now. They've sold their future to the third world by supplanting their population.

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Should I ask for your pronounces before we further interact with eachother, faggot?

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It has worked literally every time its been done. There only unique thing about this situation, is the level of incompetence/inaction by three white house.

Oh boy ...

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Even if climate change is bad, clean energy is still an admirable/noble goal.

It's only a "lie" because the vast majority of pollution comes from global trade and industry. No matter what the consumer does, it's a drop in the bucket compared to the capitalist class that is destroying the earth for profit

Look at this completely normal street in your average American city. Mutts in all shades of brown doing mutt-things and defend their woke culture. Yikes!

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Niggers can't drive ...

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So fucking what? Who cares what some democrat shithole looks like. The vast majority of non-niggers never even see places like that except oin the news.

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Most of us aren't troons unlike euros.

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Call for global sanctions and try to cancel a whole country, just to then go cry that said country no longer sells you resources at the same prices. If you don't see the connection, you should probably seek help.

Hahaha, of course. The rest of the United Shitholes is well-mannered, educated and there is no such thing like a drug pandemic, endless waiting lines in the front of every foot bank and everyone is ""white"" and rich. Go outside, touch some grass nigger

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America is the one who started the troon acceptance shit
Places like UK are hated because UK has feminists that reject trannies

Seethe more brit. You've watched to much bbc and have leftism on the brain.

I have no idea what a ""troon"" is. Keep your faggot language to yourself

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Yet you're on Yea Forums. Quit being such a disingenuous shit heel.

We need to deal with the Jewish problem first.

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I am not British you cum gurgeling faggot but who am I to teach you about maps and geographic? As as you know all MARVEL superheros and the latest McDonalds advertisements, you are good cuttle and your masters are satisfied with you. Go on, blow Trump and watch some FOX NEWS

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>blames someone for not knowing their location on an anonymous board
You need to stop watching your choice of shitty leftist news and get out of your tiny bubble.

You know you do not have to open/read every tranny/BBC/faggot thread on this website, right? I have no interest to get in touch with this (American) faggotry your kind is spreading here 24/7.

Good luck for your next mass shooting and stay away from (American) tap-water. Oh, and watch out when eating (American) beef, the shit is full of Oestrogens. But you can wash it down with a 3 liter Pepsi bottle afterwards if the way to the fridge is not too exhausting for you, fatso

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What a joke. BIden killed off the keystone XL extension, tried to cancel even more pipelines, didnt issue any permits to drill on federal land and oh yeah, drilling is still banned in the gulf of Mexico.

You pedocrats are delusional groomers.



Oy vey, poorfuck McDumb and his left/right thinking. No wonder it is so easy to milk your country ...

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>spews stereotypes and thinks everyone in a country of 400 million is the same
I imagine a leftist like you considers themselves intelligent and abhors stereotypes and prejudice yet you spout that shit like crazy. Leftists are true hypocrites.

You cannot truly be this retarded. Can you?

>republican's ability to trick people into voting for them

Do you mean like: voter ID laws; voter "purges"; closing polling places in liberal neighborhoods; forcing people to vote during working hours; "lost" voter registrations; more restrictions on registering to vote; preventing college students from voting where they go to school; using a foreign power to hack election offices; using illegal foreign contributions to finance a campaign; telling voters that police are watching who is voting; saying there is election fraud and then voting in two different states; and so on?

Oh no voter ID laws. You need an ID to get on a plane go to the doctor or buy a car. You also need one to get government assistance. Why shouldn't you need one to vote?

Well we're firmly in speculation territory so: who knows/anything could happen.

Could in theory utilize enough oil reserves to set whatever price they wanted, but how many barrels that winds up being and how much or little the feds wanna part with it remains to be seen

>Democrats control House and Senate
>Democrat President 13 of last 16 years
>blame Republicans
Sounds about right

What makes you think I am left-wing you retarded cuck? Everyone knows you can't expect much thinking from a mutt but boy, you are really sticking out!

This lack of logical thinking is just one more proof that the stereotypes aren't completely wrong my brownish friend. Get away from this two-party thinking, the world is much more complex than your untrained little brain can handle.

But enough of this little intermezzo with the poor and uneducated. Enjoy your corn sugar, cuttle

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Rent free faggot, rent free.

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New Mexico has some low nigger rates and I'll tell you these wetbacks and wypipo shouldn't be allowed to drive and many probably aren't
had an underage kid too young to even have a permit run into a parked car across the street from my house
saw the whole thing from that side since I was next door drinking beer
Oklahomans can't drive neither; everyone drives about 5 under the speed limit and can't make decisions on roads
NM, TX, and OK all have stupid high DUI rates. everyone will tell you that drinking or drugs are the only thing to do out in shithole rural county.
too bad the meth, fentanyl, and covid rates are high enough to keep us nice and docile, in jail, or dead. at least recreational pot is legal in NM now, and OK has medical afaik
>t. NMDUI'er

apology for poor english

when were you when alex jones dies?

i was sat at home eating horse paste when pjotr ring

‘alex is kill’


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>(shows former USSR in Asia)
Using maps to think. Not even once.

Their recent strategy it to prevent people from voting against them.

Imagine an infographic so ignorant that it won't distinguish between "less than" and "fewer than".

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The biggest reason is that for many people, reality is a huge disappointment. They're ripe for the picking if you offer up an alternative answer to the complicated social problems that people face. They are quite eager to latch on to a different reality and especially eager to get some form of symbolic retribution for how much their life sucks.

Unfortunately, due to climate issues, all of the things that make people's lives miserable will continually accelerate for the next couple of decades, or at least until enough people die to ease the shortages.

I'm too busy being depressed that people are that stupid to fall for it

Isn't that Kevin Spacey?

Say, there's a hell of a great universe next door.
Let's go!
– E. E. Cummings

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he gained a few pounds.
would also explain the lack of a creepy christmas video this year from him

You mean Democrats, right? When have they ever told the truth to the American people? When have they ever not held the American people hostage for political gain? What you’re seeing in the country right now is exactly what the Democrats want, and if given the chance they will make it worse. And it all started on day one when Biden came into office with the Democrat congressional majority. It’s as clear as day and everyone can see it for exactly what it is - no Democrat lies, no Democrat spin can hide or conceal it. Every time that happens, the Republicans win. Every single time.

a new album coming out ? awsome

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Environmental Scientist here, we need every ounce of oil that's left just to build the infrastructure required to produce the 490 Exajoules needed yearly that is used by coal oil and natural gas. There is zero chance that renewables can do it alone we need small modular reactors to be mass produced. It's too late for the climate




glow harder ivan

Cause those pipelines would be up and running today. Construction doesn't take anytime at all...

You don't need ID to go to the doctor or to get government assistance

Unless youre in the military, of course

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three ducks in a trench coat here, quack!

production is higher then under orange man but keep seethn with your fake news ..




It's not hard to fool Amerifats. Just tell them Jesus said the Democrats are going to make your gun have an abortion.

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