what's on your mind user ?
be honest.
What's on your mind user ?
Miraculous ladybug condoms
korea huh?
creampie now that i saw this gif
My wife fucking someone else
Lexi Belle...she's always on my mind...nubile fresh Lexi, fat frumpy Lexi...there is no bad Lexi...
wondering why the girl that rejected me, is still very affectionate with me
Right now? Sony's incompetence.
>my profile shows Fortnite, a game that I've never even downloaded, let alone played
>Spring sale has a section called "games under $20"...on EU store
because she still sees value in you...not that she'll ever see you as anyone mutually important as herself, mind you...
should i do the Yea Forums thing and sperg out?
or be a human and stop talking/seeing her?
How I have 40 more years of life and the monotony has already set in. I’m not special and the only thing of value to me I ever did was start a family. Maybe this is what a midlife crisis is?
I would like to masturbate right now. I'm not horny in the least. But maybe bored. In need of some dopamine. But I'm in my office. I have work to do that needs to get done. And there are people around.
Just now?
Annoyance at hiding 8 shill threads so far.
It's a power thing. She's compensating for lack of control in other areas of her life. Human nature, in other words.
What are your hobbies?
What volunteer work do you do?
I'm tired 100% of the time. I keep active, eat OK. I thought maybe diabetes, but I bought a monitor and have never seen the level outside of normal ranges. Two sleep studies -- no apnea or other shit. I'm just fucking tired.
Why are those condoms so small?
i really should learn for my finals
Americans. I'm a European and have to think of Americans and America all the time. Also traps. Rent-free.
Chronic fatigue syndrome, probably Long COVID. Same here, it's quite common recently.
10 now...
Gotta poop, wanna bang a whore (this is kinda consistently in my head), pumped to take my kid fishing for the first time today, might smoke a bowl
moving to a new city and picking up a new trade
Trips checked, you will have great success
This milf I know fucked an 18 year old
Why work sucks
You chose the wrong work if it sucks.
Thinking about my lunch time blow job
Nothing but suicide. When its not that, my mind is complete blank. Its like I dont exist.
Precisely, you’ll get through it
the military seemed like a good choice to learn a trade for free and get a security clearance but now I'm just not into it
The thing panties i am wearing
Do you have any social interactions you still enjoy?
If so go have one of those and notice which person you are during those.
sex with my mother in law.
She probably emotionally likes you but she's got some dude with a big wang making her full.
Yeah, all the time. Surrounded by friends and family yet I still feel empty. I noticed that I dont respond emotionally to certain events anymore.
For example, I was watching a movie with my friends recently where everyone bursted into tears, while I was just there, staring blankly at the screen. If somebody told I would die in a few minutes I wouldnt react.
Fuck. Typing this made me realize something- I need professional help, don't I?
Why are y'all so obsessed with us?
Yeah you should get some help user, it sounds like you've numbed yourself in a sort of self defense and now it's not helping you anymore.
You have no idea how much you helped.Thank you.
I've been in your shoes, so I've got some notion of it, but you're welcome, I'm glad my posts helped.
I was just trolling, because that's what many Americans actually think. Actually as soon as I close all Yea Forums tabs America becomes something like Cameroon or Timor Leste, I'm vaguely aware it exists but it isn't relevant to my day-to-day life.
environment, suicide, a way to start a preciousplastic point, suicide, sex
My legs hurt a bit due to the my working out session yesterday, I slept like a baby.
The fact I just got caught cheating on my GF for 3 years and idk what to do with myself now
>inb4 kys
my mind is free and clear
Because once upon a time I liked watching your movies - action, thrillers, drama, crime, SciFi - and now you can't even produce that. It's just capeshit and X vs Y capeshit.
The only difference between, say,
>Batman vs. Superman
>Sharktopus vs. Pteracuda
is the budget, but both movies are equally awful and unwatchable.
buy a new tv.
lol bait
I am so fucking lonely right now. No friends to play vidya anymore. Wife only like Minecraft and Sims. Might divorce her just so I can kill myself soon.
>kill myself soon
don't do that
there's "people" on this planet that don't know you and want you dead
don't give them the satisfaction
stay alive just to make them seethe
kill someone you think deserve it first
I used to have that mentality a decade ago.... Now I am back on Yea Forums cause I have no where else to go. Feel like this is the sign I needed to end it. Don't even have the motivation to jerk off anymore.
Too much of a pussy. If I cant kill myself rn how would I take someone with me?
In all honesty?
I had been near death and close to death too many times already since young, I was even in the military getting shot at and I wouldn't bat an eye because I thought I subconsciously didn't care to die. But it was all a a lie.
I'm fearing dying alone with not legacy, no offsprings nor anyone to remember me for whom I was.
For the first time in my life I fear death.
>Feel like this is the sign I needed to end it
it isn't
Pretty sure my wife has cheated on me our whole relationship even prior to marriage. I don’t have solid proof though and she’s a lying bitch so I’m the crazy one.
I’m going to cheat on my gf of 2.5 years tomorrow. Things have been dead for a while and we’ve moved long distance recently. I met a local qt I’m seeing tomorrow.
I don’t even feel a little bad about it, this relationship has been pointless for ages. I’ll end it soon.
What makes you think she's been cheating?
Why not end it now then, why wait?
I feel you. I used to do crazy fucked up wild shit putting myself in harms way without a thought. Now I can hardly leave my house without fear. Yet I still wish it was over.
Why not? I don't even have the balls to find friends anymore or talk to anyone with a name over the internet. I have to come here just to feel like I am being heard by someone.... anyone....
Then just end it due to you being unhappy and no trust. You'll live with that weight forever if you dont get out in front of it.
it's a woman
of course it has been cheating
friends are overrated and don't exist
only auaintances with ulterior motives
might motivate you to do it since youve murdered
I was asking that user though, not you.
Is that how you treat people or were you hurt very badly by someone?
Getting dicked down for the first time in a day or two. Almost jizzed in my pants just thinking about it.
I don't feel that way. I miss it. Even the drama. I just want someone to fucking talk too and play games with. Cant bring myself to even do that.
Too much of a pussy. Can't even talk to someone anymore lol
she keeps you as her plan Yea Forums guy.
Sounds like you need to do some changes in your life. Figure out the smallest change you can do to improve your lot and then do that. Once that is done look for the next thing you can improve.
Do this consistently for a while and you'll be surprised at how far you've gotten when you look back.
Just wondering why women are such toxic cunts in the modern day. Feminism is going to literally destroy our society & noone's doing a thing to stop it. Future societies will look back on us as a lesson to be learned rather than a culture to be admired
Idk, part of me still really enjoys talking to her
That I need to go clean the house and cut the grass and I really don't want to.
lik i give a fuck, faggot
personal experience
you'll learn