Drawthread: Raccoon edition
Drawthread: Raccoon edition
Colorsimp attacks again
Requesting her riding on user's dick or hugging him
No new thread till page 7 = raccoon thread.
You know the rules and so do i
Last one just reached page 6 tho
You are seeing things
Request: Me getting my 12-yo step-sister pregnant on her birthday
Requesting Cece squished between tittymonsters
says 7 to me too
dubs get. /r/ing boy in pic related with bat in hand
Taking nsfw requests from anyone but the three posters above me
I only have a sfw that I posted last thread
did you just wake up like I am going to be autistically combative for no reason today or what
Well good for you. /r/ing nude Matoya, witch is rarely seen nude.
Fuck off icarusnigger
Requesting sex
I don’t like you, it’s not difficult
Just told you I’m not doing any of your requests
Getting started once I get my tablet plugged in
Also for most faggots, I got Yea Forums x, if you use drawfag name field labels, like mentioned by some sporadic faggot does, those names are censored for convenience. IE: Cece, Dante, etc.
Give him my thanks for that, as you won't be seeing my response from the roll call list.
I request uhhh
I requesssttt mhhhuh
nvm, i have twix
Was gonna post this at soren but he left :(
Fuck off dramafag
BB needs a fresh tampon
what do you have against peruda
he's drawn gore at me and people I like a few times and he's fed trolls harassing me several times. He's kind of a douche.
I aint pecil nor that kid icarus faggot that shits up threads with dante and cece.
Who asked; who cares and looks like shit kys.
requesting phineas fucking candace from behind while on a sugar rush with an optional view of insemination.
you're kinda fucking retarded
I just ate milks I’m fine
Requesting VShoujo Silvervale stroking one of her subscriber's cocks and swallowing his cum
>confirmed cece was the one harassing peruda to apologize to gote last thread
/r/ abusefag's thoughts on this oskar pls x3!!!
Here's a quick rundown on cece/shotanigger/tumordick, now updated:
>Harassed ena after she ignored him
>Harassed snacks, wl and vy to draw for him after they told him no
>Actually made vy filter him and then kept harassing them and trying to get around filters
>Drove away ena from threads
>Spammed hentai until BB of all people called him out
>Talks about personal information and private conversations in threads
>Disrespected milk's wishes by continually requesting rapey stuff with her character
>Spammed rape requests at kurochan (initially denied having a rape kink)
>Parades his deliveries around acting smug whenever someone draws for him
>Preys on newfags who aren't aware of his history
>Spammed threads as a false flag attempt
>Was caught changing IPs to samefag
>Creeps on drawfags that happen to be female
>Admitted that he shits up threads on purpose for his own amusement
>Leaked an artist's twitter to the thread after he found it
>Is an ingrate who ignores deliveries then goes back to requesting
>Holds autistic grudges against drawfags for drawing pictures he doesn't like
All the drawfags that hate him:
Witch user
Fuck off dramafag
>waaaah he draw thing me no like
Why am I supposed to like him again...?
no one said you had to like him you fuckin donkey at least thank him for drawing you free shit
I'm good. I've asked him to stop drawing at me before.
Oh btw as a safety reminder, there are artists and commissioners that dox people. Rumor has been going around for this.
Ungrateful fuck, you deserve to have your face bashed in with a bike lock
End of October last year
So you know what it’s like when people tell you not to talk to them and you keep doing it?
i can recall you thanking him for a drawing just a few weeks ago
Why does this matter?
At least dante isn't an ingrate, just saying
I have a feeling that someone is stealing my twixes
requesting faith shyly kissing/holding hands with a cute tomboy girl please
>goes back to spamming pics from kai's twitter because people are shitting on him
>Drove away ena from threads
>Leaked an artist's twitter to the thread after he found it
>Spammed rape requests at kurochan (initially denied having a rape kink)
Both invovled
it was this guy Duke/Dante
Patterns + Archive
He is, 2 weeks and hasnt done his part of the trade with dwell
nice deflection cece
>literally no one wants to draw cece's shit despite his constant begging
>gets a free drawing from peruda, shits on him for it
you can't with this nigga
On picarto, Jamkat mentioned it on a multi livestream that rumor had it that there was artists that would dox people. If you'd like to ask them more, their Eka's portal page Jamkat is their go to.
I searched kt and Brenton's pages but haven't seen enough proof that it happens, so it could likely be a discord thing more commonly than a thing seen on kt and Brenton's website where dox can be posted as a paste and not come down.
How tall and do you have a full body ref
Because cece is a piece of shit and needs to pay
Thats cece
of faith or the tomboy girl?
Nigga did I ask
not cece just an archive surfer
This feels true… it reeks of Dante and same thing here Whole list is connected to Dante in some shape or form. Even obscure ones like suncat. Dante gave him a pepper png and suncat drew alisa for him.
Why should we care about cece?
everyone draws her differently but she's 6'2 and kinda chubby, this one is the best one
Only enatranny simp niggers care.