Post loli pictures while I do nothing and watch people argue about the pictures

Post loli pictures while I do nothing and watch people argue about the pictures

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Requesting sucky sucky pics, I dont have much,.

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who's the artist?

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N-no more l-loli? Why, anonymous, why?

because i came

She looks like she does anal

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Happy easter

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Wow this first loli is super sexi. Perfect age, like 13 looking babe. I opened my mind to the possibilities, and I found that I am not at all attracted to actual children. However, girls in their teens of any age I can be attracted to, I found. They have passed puberty, have tits and ass in some stage of sexual formation, and I feel no guilt being attracted to that which my body without my consent if telling me I am attracted to.

In fact, if I lived in some other country with a lower age of consent, I'd definitely fuck a girl as low as 16. The way girls act when they are 13 or 14 kind of turns me off, so I wouldn't fuck them in real life, but the fantasy is fine. But as low as 16 I've known girls who already have some grace and reserve, so that would be totally fine if it were legal.

Thailand? What's a good place for that shit?

Hello MR. FBI guy


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Attached: Ilene, Pixiv ID; 77624162, Member; LuimiArt, 1625816137867.jpg (1500x1142, 324.79K)

>watch people argue about the pictures
no no no OP that's not how it works. every thread ever goes along the format of 1-4 people who actually post images, then 1 guy who says he's a lolicon and not a pedo, and that pedos aren't welcome, then half the thread calls him out as an obvious troll, and the other half endlessly argues with him calling him a pedo in denial. usually once that happens the 1-4 loli posters leave. Gotta love newfags

You forgot to mention how the liberal cucks proceed to fill the last 50 images with nothing but gay porn or tranny shit

>like 13 looking babe
lol, you haven't seen a 13yo for a while have you? in 2022 she looks about 10.

? The fuck are you on? In 2022 a 13 year old looks older than ever because they are copying all of their social media idols and trying to look older faster. What about 2022 makes you think they look younger? They have tiny tits, that was my point. I know I wasn't wrong about that.

>the liberal cucks
you're needlessly bringing politics into what retard spammers do. we've had that shit since loli threads were first posted, even on the loli board before it was removed. it has nothing to do with politics it's just white knight retards. Hell the spamming happened before most people even knew the word liberal or cuck


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>liberal cucks

lol nice try sergei

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Any more from this artist?

Attached: (3, Pixiv ID; 81417386, Member; LuimiArt ..Creator; jeff macanoli, 1627638529570.png (1200x1788, 1.29M)

oh you are talking about the first loli pic in the thread? Ya she looks 13 to me. If she was ten I doubt she'd have tits at all so probably not 10 mate.
naw, it's always liberal bitches. They are the only ones who can't let other people live their lives their way. If you don't agree with a liberal they do all they can to stop you, anyone else just keeps doing their thing. Liberal's whole "thing" is that they are the new moral police of the world.
You have a lot of learning to do bitch. You might even be a liberal cuck yourself, with how offended you got over me calling them that.
cope harder faggot

... can you not read you stupid fuckwit? in 2022 she looks 10, TEN! that means she looks young! You stupid mindless retard fag, that clearly means real 13 year olds look much older!! YOU STUPID FUCKING FUCK CUNT RETARD FAGGOT! HOW FUCKING DARE YOU REPLY TO ME WITH A BRAIN NO BETTER THAN A DRY FUCKING SPONGE! KILL YOURSELF YOU STUPID MONGOLOIUD PRICK! HOW BRAIND DEAD RETARDED ARE YOU YOU CAN'T EVEN MANAGE BASIC COMPREHENSION!? FUCK YOU!

>If she was ten I doubt she'd have tits
so you haven't seen kids since 1990 then?

idk but searching Yandex with that image brings some spicy results

no it doesn't. Some flat chested models and porn stars? Grow up kid.

search harder faggot

Our fuckshit president just signed a bill that increased our age of consent to 16 (from 12). I'm mad.