I created a song called Right Wing Death Squad, it got content restricted today, imo it was crap, it had close to 950...

I created a song called Right Wing Death Squad, it got content restricted today, imo it was crap, it had close to 950.000 views, nothing in the song itself nor description was offensive, the comment section was great while it lasted

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Lies jewtube leaves on profitable content

Did you use uncleared samples?, Thats a rational explanation

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This is the cringiest shit. Im so glad you got banned

Nope, the only samples were drums, snares, etc

Thanks. Will be reporting toy YouTube for Nazi content on the platform.

surprised it was up for so long

Are you sure?, lyrics?, If someone reported they freeze your shit until its inspected, you can fight back.

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You fashwave subhumans are trash, please leave and don't let your """"""""""""aesthetics"""""""""""" hit the door on the way out.

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maybe you shouldnt have titled your video right wing death squads dude
be more subtle, dont forget that youre not a nigger and you cant be outright racist or hateful

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Didn't know you post on Yea Forums

same thing happens with all of xurious' stuff
it could be that its because of all the comments but its just as if not more likely they jewtube/google doesn't give a fuck about whether rules are broken or not when it comes to anything far-right related

btw i liked this song.

>btw i liked this song.


it was a good song user

JFC I'm reporting all of this shit and associated content to YouTube. Enjoy it while it lasts.

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it's good that this happened, i hope you get banned next

Good luck. Banning it will only bring more attention to it, just like with the moonman

All you can do is meme. I'm actually affecting change. Soon all Nazi content will be de-platformed from all major services. Crawl back into your holes and hide.

Why? I'm not often on Yea Forums, seems like this board is full of liberal sjw scum who support censorship

>comes on Yea Forums to whine about some shit
>gets laughed at
>posts epic onion meme in response

Trump supporters are uneducated shitbags who unironically vote against their own economic interests

Its fascinating how kids love fascism, like always attracted to nazis and shit, ironically or not.

>b-b-b-b-b-but SÖY!!!!!!!!
Go fuck yourself NPC, I bet you're more of one than I am 16 year old discordbro. Saged.

We have people supporting trump and shit every day, acting persecuted just like you, talk about music faggot

Solidarity anons.
Nazi content WILL be censored. Hate speech will not be tolerated.


>Why? I'm not often on Yea Forums, seems like this board is full of liberal sjw scum who support censorship
Yes. And? I don't see a problem with this.

censorships just makes people double down on their beliefs and makes them even more extreme though

>Yea Forums
ok bye

surely silencing any rightwing rhetoric into complete isolation while calling them monsters will have good outcomes
mad as fuck trannylovers

Good riddance.


So you accept you are nazis?, Wtf lol

Censorship prevents bad ideas from spreading. If you don't agree you are just as bad as them. Prove me wrong.

You sound like a complete fucking norman

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>silencing any rightwing rhetoric into complete isolation
Thats false and childish to think

They are crypto fascists or too weak to admit it.

dude I actually loved that song, that was you? we should collab some time

no u

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He replied to a post that said nazi content will be banned, practice more reading my brain damaged friend

Nazis had censorship too. According to you they were preventing bad ideas from spreading too right?

woke leftists actually believe anything close to fox news is unironically fascist and should be done away with just like "whiteness", anything to the right of obama is nazi.

Why do uneducated whites have such dogshit politics?

Cringe. An hero now.

No, i'm not a nazis and never have been. I was just saying that censorship doesn't really work the way most people want it to

If anything censorships makes people want to spread their ideas even more. It seems like you feel threatened by other people's beliefs. Why feel threatened by a nazis or someone who is alt-right. They're retarded and it's not hard to call them out on their bullshit and prove how they're wrong.

>haha u look like this unattractive guy in my pic if you believe in x
right wingers absolutely btfo
how will we ever recover bros?

Its a mix of edgyness, retardation and propaganda.

>Right Wing Death Squad
>not offensive

its almost like they're reacting to something that strongly affects them

I see so you're a transphobe as well. And yes, right wing rhetoric should be reported and censored when come across. It's already gaining momentum on platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Soon even Gab will not be able to function as a hate-speech mechanism.

Degeneracy, moral degradation, irrational hatred due to having a bad childhood or lack of a hobby and general direction in life.

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these are all right-wing talking points and are therefore invalid. try again.

Why are elitist whites such pretentious worthless cunts?

>woke righties actually believe anything close to CNN news is unironically fascist and should be done away with just like "idk what the fuck you meant", anything to the left of trump is communism.

Fixed it for you user.

>No, i'm not a nazis and never have been.
None of you Nazis ever admit to being one. At least grow some balls and admit what you believe in.

dear retards in this thread that don’t know or are acting like there isnt a serious difference between “censorship” and “de-platforming”, please shut the fuck up

Why the hatred, lad?

i'm a fascist though.

stop projecting discord tranny

>Why feel threatened by a nazis or someone who is alt-right.
maybe because white supremacists make up the majority of terrorist attacks in the united states?
maybe because /pol/ is brainwashing white people into isolating mental illness on a daily basis?

because they have no understand of history or politics and just base their entire ideology on their feelings

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>wahhh why can't I spout my psychopathic murdering ideology on the internet wahhhh

i hate elitist that look down their noses at the "poor" and "uneducated", devaluing their experience.

Alright :)

Don't worry. In time the white population will be bred out of existence in a few generations and we will not have to deal with this bigotry.

this but unironically

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>No, i'm not a nazis
Are you retarded?

What does affect them?

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>y-you're right wing
>you're a nazi
but i'm not though

have you seen the pictures from /pol/ meetup threads. most people on /pol/ aren't even white

there will always be white people who aren’t into racial mixing, myself included. it’s that simple.

seeing edgelord shit like this makes me shudder thinking back on my own phase. you'll grow up one day, lil faggot.

Why do poor uneducated trump supporters vote for elitist tax cuts, cutting social programs and economics policies that hurt them?

>maybe because white supremacists make up the majority of terrorist attacks in the united states?
>maybe because /pol/ is brainwashing white people into isolating mental illness on a daily basis?
/pol/ just exposes you to the truth. twitter and facebook are brainwashing white people into allowing their countries to be invaded by foreigners
and unlike twitter or facebook you can post your leftist propaganda on /pol/ too without getting banned. You wont because /pol/ users can call you out on your bullshit without getting banned

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>most people on /pol/ aren't even white
and yet a good amount of them there, judging by the incredible amount of pan-europeanist rhetoric on the board.

>there will always be white people who aren’t into racial mixing, myself included. it’s that simple.
You are bad at simple arithmetic as well.

no you will live in the ruins of a post-european shithole ruled by the chosen people and orientals, good luck.

Black commit crimes due to historical circumstance perpetrated by whites. Your chart proves that.

how does the chart prove that?

does this chart account for death count?

Thank you. Enjoy the wheels of progress.

i don't know im not american, but i still think they deserve to be listened to, even if they are poor and uneducated, and are easily duped and misled into to voting for what doesn't benefit them

>into racial mixing
There my friend you could have said, i like white girls or boys, but you HAD to mention the race mixing factor, interesting, isn't it?

you better not be a nigger then. Hispanics and chinese hate you far more than white people and they dont have any white guilt bullshit stopping them. Now white man is a scapegoat for everyone's problems but when he's gonna and there's no one else to blame all that hidden racial hatred is gonna come out and its gonna be nasty

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based jewtube, even if you put politics aside the song is absolute garbage

I agree completely. They just need to stop voting based stupid manufactured cultural bullshit issues like muh guns & abortions and white idpol alone

>Hispanics and chinese hate you far more than white people
Not really

It's sad that songs with offense content are allowed if they're hosted by major labels. But bangers like Alek Mennesian aren't allowed on youtube.

>i don't know im not american, but i still think they deserve to be listened to, even if they are poor and uneducated, and are easily duped and misled into to voting for what doesn't benefit them
Wrong. Poor uneducated Americans that vote a fascist into office should not be able to vote. This country needs a minority as commander in chief to effectively understand the needs of the people.

m8 they dont realise the shithole they'll be living in when we're gone, it's hilarious.

really? how come asians that have been discriminated against too have such a low percentage?

Fucking kek, rarely are they affected. Just undeveloped brains without empathy and an overkill edgy sense of humor raised by the internet instead of parents. They'll inevitably grow out of it as their brains develop and come to hate themselves. That's only assuming they develop, though, some of these kids are broken.

That's besides the point. Stay on topic or gtfo.

everybody hates each others race, you aren't oppresed just because you're white, you fucking idiot

how is trump a fascist?

Yes, they should be allowed to vote, its their right.
The rational people who opposes trump, can see how he and his media propaganda machine, manipulate all those gullible voters, it even happens here in fucking Yea Forums, it honestly disgusts me.

then you can go fuck yourself worthless elitist cunt

where in that post did he say white people are oppressed?

the tranny leftists always call modern rightwingers "reactionaries" and they're right, but they don't realize what they're actually "reacting" to.
as they keep radicalizing under a false moral superiority even their class theory becomes a means of shitting on normal working class people, and when people who normally just want to be left alone start to lash back the leftists double down.
they're reacting to you, and you get blown the fuck out every single time in history.


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how is that besides the point? you claim that blacks commit such high amounts of crime because they've been discriminated against. How do you explain that asians have been discriminated against too yet they have the lowest crime rates?

I'm sorry. If you cannot see it with your own eyes then you are clearly hopeless and I pity you.

im not even american lmao. i don't keep up with american politics

when you get so butthurt you start making strawmans

Oh sorry sir, you can't buy these groceries. It says here your card was declined for illegal opinions.

Leftists are the working class best ally what the fuck are you on? Stop blaming capitalism problems on brown people

in other words you don't know, typical

Thank you. Another channel I can report for hate speech.

prove that you are an out of touch middle class elitist cunt, or a minority that doesn't care.

Nazi talking points do not deserve a response. Go back to listening to Death In June.

i bet you're ugly as fuck


Beauty is a social construct.

lol comparing basic discrimination towards asians to hundreds of years of slavery and another 100 years of government inforced jim crow laws

Friendly reminder that Trump supporters are uneducated inbred shitbags who unironically vote against their own economic interests

t. soilent antifa npc bot

this new ""alternative"" right wing movement is as fucking cringe and ridiculous as leftists, to me you're just clowns

>their class theory becomes a means of shitting on normal working class people, and when people who normally just want to be left alone
Most outrage comes from people discriminating, thats not wsnting to be left alone and work, thats denying a service, just because you dont like someone's personal life choices, the other thing is the taxes reduction bullshit, it didn't happen, only middle class Americans and up got a good deal, most people with a stable job think they are middle class but they are barely out of poverty, thats why they think trump did them a favor.

So you agree that whites are discriminating against blacks and asians? And I'm hesitant to put asians in there because they are basically white.

reminder you're an elitist cunt that looks down on and devalues other human beings


You mad that your Yatzee musick hate speech is being censored bro?

>reminder you're an elitist cunt that looks down on and devalues other human beings
Nazis are not human. Next.

>RT america
Thanks Putin, very cool

absolutely based

you use nazi as an ad hoc excuse to devalue a person, because you're a worthless elitist cunt

Being a righty bootlicker is based now, propaganda has consumed our youth

You centrists better toe the line and decide what side you're on because if you're 100% on board with us then you're 100% in bed with the fascists.

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people not wanting to flood their country with foreign workers that replace their jobmarket with lower wages is not "discrimination", its called common sense but to you its confirmation that the lower class is too dumb to understand that they're being oppressed by capitalism rather than just not wanting a bad transformation of their neighbourhoods and country into brazil
you're so smart. tell me more about how everybody is wrong but you.

i dont listen to that shit, but im not pathetic enough to report like you npc loser, monkey see monkey do you

No, I recognize that both asians and blacks have been discriminated against in the past
blacks now are the most privileged group in the us

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>vaporwave but 8 years late and fifty times as cringey
good riddence

>blacks now are the most privileged group in the us
Wrong. Black are the most oppressed group in the US. Stop trying to sow your Nazi talking points as fact.

>fascist is my favorite buzzword, i use it on anyone i disagree with so i dont have to defend myself logically lol

Here, is this numale source a little bit better for you sweetie?

>i dont listen to that shit, but im not pathetic enough to report like you npc loser, monkey see monkey do you
Ok so why do you care? In fact do you even care about anything? At least I have a purpose.

>blacks now are the most privileged group in the us

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>>fascist is my favorite buzzword, i use it on anyone i disagree with so i dont have to defend myself logically lol
You have no retort and thus resort to a pathetic green text response.

>not wanting to flood their country with foreign workers
Companies bring foreign workers legally to do labor and agricultural jobs, because is cheaper, also, jobs exist they just dont wanna do it, if you apply to the same position you get benefits and even better wages.
>Its called common sense
>just not wanting a bad transformation of their neighbourhoods and country into brazil
Completely irrational thinking, or denial of racism, what the fuck you care what others do or look like if they work and dont fuck with you?

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god can you even imagine how buttblasted the person who made this infographic was?

"Black privilege is being able to commit violent crimes against other races without people assuming you're racist"
Damn being white is so hard:'(

you're a politically possessed reactionary pleb, that is your purpose, you are the willing pawn for the controllers, you do your job, you think what you're supposed to think, you toe the line, you are possessed.

I have more respect for the mentally challenged imbecile who spends his days gardening and looking after animals

>Far Right

There are literally diversity quotas in workplaces, educated and smart whites and asians are denied jobs so dumb niggers could get them. Same white college education. You literally cant say a bad thing about black people or you risk losing your job and entire career where as the opposite is totally acceptable
Stop being such a whiny little. As a nigger youre more privileged than anyone else

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I'll join. Fuck these edgelords who blame all their problems on out-groups

>what the fuck you care what others do or look like if they work and dont fuck with you
hurr I don't care that you're selling drugs in the neighborhood or stealing from cars as long as you work at mcdonalds, pay your taxes and rape my daughter :^)

lol look at all these Nazis crying that their seig heil music is being censored. you're even worse than the BM, neofolk, and goth crowd.

and you cannot form argument outside of you favorite slanderous buzzwords can you. pathetic.


lol fuck you

Cringe, but redpilled nonetheless

>heh, on the right we would never use deceptive pictures that show our opposition as losers and us and glorious heros

politics have no deepness, it's all talk
you're an idiot for believing, for teaming, for having a sense of belonging

Whites are fat as fuck too man, most fat people who rides those freedon vehicles at Walmart are whites, and ive seen a lot on the street lately, shit is sad lol

its not cool to be a Nazi. so just stop it.

>moving goal posts
>constantly changing what far right means
They have a picture of Tommy Robinson who is literally a Mossad agent that criticizes Islam in Britan. I'm more right wing than Tommy Robinson

There’s not a single musical element to this thread. Why can’t /pol/shits understand that there not supposed to leave there hole

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>As a nigger youre more privileged than anyone else
There you broke him bois lmao

Affirmative Action is a tool used to right the wrongs of the past. If you can't see this then you are literally supporting systemic racism.

Same goes for all of /pol/s infographs and the picture above you

Your priorities seem fucked up man

don't know why you're replying to me, irrelevant.
it's not cool to be a elitist globalist commie, stop it.

>Companies bring foreign workers legally to do labor and agricultural jobs, because is cheaper, also, jobs exist they just dont wanna do it, if you apply to the same position you get benefits and even better wages.
>corporations should get away with hiring foreign workers for their own benefit because of the fact that whites dont want to work for half the wage that they used to
>this unfairness towards working class whites is justified because of my delusions of hate crimes and racism
btw always nice to see supposed working class allies argue in favour of trickle down economics. like pottery.

See I know you guys hate commies but when you look at a pic like this, is the phrase "late stage capitalism" not kind of applicable?

wrong. it's very cool to be an elitist globalist commie. look around you. can't stop the wheels of progress. in the future borders will not exists and we will be a worldwide inclusive community.

Im not changing anything, you are exaggerating the outcome of something thst may or may not happening, they wont ban you for voting right faggot

did you even read the pic? Why does affirmative action take race instead of economic background into account?
There are tons of poor white kids that grew up in shitty conditions too.
Niggers get affirmative action because they're genetically predisposed to be dumber lol

Affirmative Action is a way to prop up unqualified blacks into a system they don't belong.

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true but right-wing supporters should educated on their erroneous ways or be shunned as social outcasts

you should be able to figure out how the current far left is actually in favour of everything in that pic, its not rocket science.

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>into a system they don't belong.
Tell me more. You are soooooo close to just admitting that you are an outright Nazi.

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Hispanic here,and while I hate racism,most people in my country hates "negros de mierda"

>corporations should get away with hiring foreign workers for their own benefit because of the fact that whites dont want to work for half the wage that they used to
>this unfairness towards working class whites is justified because of my delusions of hate crimes and racism
Who did you quote m8? I didnt say any of that, also i said citizens get a better deal if they apply for the some job, so how is it unfair?, Is your brain broken bro?
I dont agree with letting corporations get away with it, i just pointed it out, the jobs do exist, go get them, and stop whining.

So this is the debating and reasoning power of the left

For real tho just throwing around a buzzword and saying it doesnt deserve a response just shows youre an idealogue who has no clue what you're talking about. If you truly believed this statement you wouldn't even have to say it, you would just stop arguing completly.

american politics are retarded
colonial racialism is retarded
benevolent prejudice is retarded
nationalism is retarded
internationalism is retarded
cultural preservation is retarded
global homogenization is retarded
christianity is retarded
scientism is retarded
traditionalism is a gay aesthetic
railing against traditionalism is old hat
the collective identity crisis is a coping mechanism
it's a waste of time
imperialism is not the solution
isolationism is not the solution
neo nazism is not the solution
social democracy with aggressive posturing is not the solution
liberalism doesn't have the solution
you don't have the solution
i don't have the solution
you're an idiot
i'm a genius
fuck you dummy

Le ebin fashwave A E S T H E T I C S praise kek 13% amirite we are so oppresssd bros subscribe to pewdiepke
OP, kill you are self

Are you from spain? Those guys are racist af
Does your country discriminate them to the point of segregation?, Not liking someone is fine as long as you dont attack them

Your poor choice of words reveals the scum that you are.

the jobs might aswell not exist in conditions like these, if you were an actual leftist you would understand you can just not let companies get away with paying so little and taking advantage of import-slaves. and then whites wouldn't be so fucking "lazy" you retard.

funny way of defining progress, unless you mean progress for the banks and corporate empires.
easily duped slave.

a coherent realization would be that you're being used as a tool, with all those topics that never really leaves from race, from crowd mentality, from muh jobs,
your feelings of denied heritage and the feelings of black's robbed heritage are exaggerated to the absurd, until you just don't even know what the fuck you're discussing

it's the same technique in every country, in evey city.

do whatever you want, but none of this will change because you "opened your eyes against ______"

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Nothing matters. Politics sucks right? Great good for you. You may not have an interest in politics but politics has an interest in you. Which side will you choose user?

>resorting to ad hominems
he's already losing it lmao

typical right-wingers devoid of logical thought.

maybe in america that is the case, but one shoe does not fit all, other place have their complaints with good reason, keep ignoring them and sooner or later chaos will ensue.


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>fascists so creatively bankrupt that they just steal vaporwave a e s t h e t i c s and recreate the Drive soundtrack but with le ebin redpilled titles

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yes, not wanting my country to become a crime ridden shithole, having my children forced to be confronted trannies and acceptance of pedos is surely because i'm being controlled by some sort of overlord that totally wouldn't support things like mass-immigration for massive short-term economic gain.
you're not thinking outside of any box, you're just a selfimportant faggot.

Yeah how dare someone be so unprofessional in the serious debate forum of the music board of a Mongolian comic book website

typical soilent lefty cannot form counter arguments

OP literally deserves to be hung

Yea Forums has been taken over by soieeboiiee essjaydoubleuuuus lol. fuck all this shite. ima go play vidya.

>just pretending to be retarded
damage control

Now THIS is redpilled woke and based

get fucked nazi

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Let them dig their own grave friend, eventually they will feel the fruits of their "progress".

yeah i can't say that federal agents are particularly creative

Why are you pol faggots such spergs

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yes and so will you.

that's not very tolerant npc, check your programming.

>so what team will you choose to change the world huh?
>red or blue choose user
>it's not like anything will ever change but CHOOSE

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i'm ready

nah it's overrun with tumblr plebs and shitposters
the old guard was very left wing but principled and educated. they wouldn't engage with any of this faggy shit to begin with

>politics is just 2 sides
you already proved yourself a brainlet, don't have to overdo it.


Please tell me how you are ready?

people don't even want things to work, they want to see shit fail and then blame the other team,
your serious discussion lacks all seriousness

>nah it's overrun with tumblr plebs
lol you Yea Forumstants let a bunch of tumblr plebs take over your board

There's only 2 relevant sides, your ebin lib-pwning third position is an autistic fringe

Okay so I know you have a blind hatred for right wingers for whatever reason. This is just an example that I've been thinking about lately that both sides could possibly agree on and maybe you can shine some light on it. There has been a recent outcry in the American government agaisnt "anti-semitism."
Criticizing Israel for their crimes against humanity is not anti semitic. But it is now illegal in all Florida schools and colleges.


actual text of the bill


There is also a wide push for ERPO laws to combat gun violence. >Extreme Risk Protection Orders a.k.a Red Flag Laws

Now imagine if you post a comment on facebook on an article on Hamas bombing Israel. You bring up how the Netanyahu is aiding Hamas as part of a plan to keep Palestinians divided. How this is all part of the Greater Israel plan.

Now the FBI puts you on a list and that triggers an ERPO. Now you cannot legally own a gun which is your absolute right as an American. The Police come to your house to disarm you for only words. Now your bank has been notified and your accounts have been terminated for the spreading of hate speech. Now your credit cards are cancelled for the same reason. The First Amendment should have protected you in this instance when all you were speaking was the truth but it did not because there are laws being put into effect to slowly chip away our fundemental rights.

wow. its almost like humans are inherently tribalistic and that should be kept in mind when creating policy.

no uh actually schweddy being contradictory and pedantic over first world minutiae is ackshully incredibly nuanced and intellectual

this is important dude the internet is for serious public discourse and you need to take this seriously please

how dare anyone have a preference between two things amirite

Numerous ways

Yes racism is bad

ok mr police

that doesn't benefit trans-national corporations, banks and authorities though, makes their profit lesser.

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sup reddit

Please elaborate.

Pretty much, getting a song removed for its politics is more of a faggot move than most liberals are comfortable with.

>Pretty much, getting a song removed for its politics is more of a faggot move than most liberals are comfortable with.
not politics. hate-speech.

OP here, funny how 2 years ago I took amfetamine, made this song in a few hours and posted it, I didn't know it would get this many views and one day become "dangerous content"

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It's clear that Blacks are underqualified if there has to be a system set up in the first place to get them into college or a work place. There is a known racial difference in SAT scoring and class has nothing to do with it. If I was putting together an Olympic track team, I would want the most qualified athletes regardless of race. Blacks are the fastest runners and there shouldn’t be a system in place to allow slower athletes run just because of their skin color. The same should be said for university’s acceptance procedures.

enjoy your short-lived youtube fame while it lasts.


They are unqualified due to injustices perpetrated over hundreds of years. Affirmative Action aims to correct those injustices. If that means less white people and asians in the workplace then so be it.

Work it out for yourself, how long do you think this peace will last?

Fuck off, hate speech is totally subjective. Anything could be hate speech, even the lefts precious communism, which im sure will be censored in due time by the big tech companies.

So you made this faggot thread, brought all these faggot 16 year old kekistanis into our board, and your faggot video isn't deleted? It just has a stupid warning?

I predict until October.



No communists are a protected class. You however are not.

I've worked it out for myself and I do believe that you are full of shit.

Spot the Liberal faggot

And what do you think will happen?

So you are admitting that the “communists” are in league with big corporations? Really makes you guys sound like a bunch of useful idiots

Spotted the literal Nazi

*biffs u 4 antisemitism*
oops better ring george habash oh wait

Full of shit for acknowledging the inevitable, good luck.

What you think/want to happen except the complete opposite of that user.

It has been blocked in nearly every country, I can see it because I am the creator I'm guessing

Did you come from tumblr or something you dull piece of shit? This is some NPC tier posting right here

I won't need luck. I have the correct side of history on my side.

ok mr police don't scuff ur oxfords bud

They're unqualified because they don't have the mental capabilities.

I'm glad you enjoy my work now gtfo.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-07-20-57-13.png (1440x2880, 424K)

What's exactly wrong with that?

/pol/acks and the type of faggot that unironically post about punching Nazis are both autists functioning far below the level of a human adult

oop lol. nazis btfo

Ok you are either a troll or a shill, not even the dumbest of lefties actually believe in “Dae right side of history amirite!”

one of many to come. burning the midnight oil bois.

>t. im afraid of different opinions

It's not banned in the only countries that matter, The US of A and glorious Nippon