I saw a post some time ago that says after the Fader article he has stopped pandering, but I honestly don't think he ever did. What does /mu think?
Do people actually think he was alt-right?
Other urls found in this thread:
he's a braindead leftist mental midget that is okay with fascism as long as those in control oppose those whose political views he disagrees with
he also has shitty taste in music and despite making a living from reviewing it, he never made any good music himself
now can you please stop posting this retard here all the time
Faggot piece of shit subhuman spamming fucking Fantano threads fuck you I hope you get raped to death by a pack of wild niggers I hope there’s an accident and you lose both your hands so you can never post again I’m sick of this bald fat faggot on this board I don’t give a shit about what good album he rated poorly or what bad album he rated highly he’s a stupid fucking idiot we know that we’ve always known that but you retards come here every fucking hour of every fucking day saying “durr wait why fantano be dumb bald man not rate album how I rate album” why don’t you pull your head out of your ass do the world a favor and get a fucking shotgun and end your posting career early I’m sick of coming to Yea Forums and seeing this subhuman and always the same fucking complaints about him just stop fucking posting him he’s not a musician and his videos aren’t even interesting just stop it I hope the skull is ripped out of your head and your brains are split in two and then they’re both put back and the process is repeated over and over I hope you live in abject misery I never want to see a thread about him again I hope your spine is split in half I hope your heart is clogged with cum I fucking hate these stupid fucking low quality threads we need a permanent ban on these threads so I want the mods to just fucking end this and I don’t even like them fuck off just do it stop posting yes we get it he’s a moron you’re the moron for posting him whether you like him or not you’re a fucking cancer cell killing this board eat my whole ass I’m sick and tired of you people being alive if theneedledrop were deleted off youtube this board would probably suck for a few weeks or so but then it would be so great as people realized he was never coming back I’m fucking begging you here please stop posting him stop posting about how you like and support him and stop posting about how you dislike or hate him just stop making threads about this shit
>that is okay with fascism as long as those in control oppose those whose political views he disagrees with
where are you getting this ?
Ironically, he has always been very liberal and specifically said in a video long before the Fader article that he voted for Bernie.
he claims to be free speech but celebrates when conservatives get banned from youtube and twitter for being conservatives
ahhhh shit yeahhhh, im cumming right in Matt Pats wife again because your post was so gooood, ahhh fuck yeahhhhh off shitt my cummy is going in matt pats wifes bummmy ~~
whoa, that’s crazy. so they got banned for supporting lower taxes, or government deregulation?
no, for opposing open borders policy and uncontrolled mass migration
I hope you realize that fascism is not the only branch of authoritarianism... Historically, conservatives have always supported fascists.
she has the body of a boy
I, respectfully call you a nigger and assert that Thank U, Next was a fucking great album with lots of great songs
I’ve never seen a single leftist politician who supports “uncontrolled mass migration,” as you describe it.
>Historically, conservatives have always supported fascists.
funny how times are changing then eh
Authoritarian is not fascism,
Fascism is fascism.
He was never alt right, he's always struck me as liberal more than anything, but he certainly viewed SJWs with a lot more disdain compared to now, where he just panders to them. See video:
nope, ariana grande is shit and you are probably gay
They oppose those who try to stop it and label them as bigots, racists and xenophobes
all fascists are authoritarian, but not all authoritarians are fascist. that just academically doesn’t line up at all.
Look here nigger, we southern boys don't give a single FUCK about this piece of shit critic thing one thing I know for sure. Is that if you doing that talk you better walk the walk cause If you don't Respect this name, you gon' be forced to worship southern fried dick. Fuck Hip-Hop
Where is this unregulated mass migration happening? And who are these politicians in particular who support it?
Yeah, youre right, the three singles from that album totally didn't do great and totally aren't still being played on the radio consistently
>Historically, conservatives have always supported fascists.
Stalin was a conservative?
From mexico to us, from middle east and africa to europe. You're gonna tell that leftists dont break down in tears when trump speaks about building a wall to stop illegal immigrants from coming?
Every new-wave Dem is openly for “no borders, no human bean is illegal, only Nazis have a problem with this”
I think it was Tulsi Gabbard who said “maybe there still needs to be some form of control” and now she’s public enemy #1 to the DSA types.
Even the old boomer libs are being pushed left on their current position, which is at the very least to go two steps back on the minor improvements Trump has made
please read the doctrine of fascism if you think stalin was a fascist.
This is a 18+ board, please come back when you stop getting your opinions from your stepdad's conservative tv talk shows
literally an npc
come back when you dont get a mental breakdown when someone disagrees with you
Im an NPC because I can point out facts about how well songs are doing? Okay...
Well, according to the fascist manifesto, fascist Italy and nazi Germany were not fascism, so...
Just like le ebic twitter meemee!! I recognize that reference!!!
>popular music popular
>therefore good
Hitler would have invaded the USSR if him and Stalin didn’t agree to sign a deal to split up Poland between themselves. Stalin was devastated when he figured out that Hitler had betrayed him, and remember, people weren’t really aware just how evil the Nazis were at the time.
In other words, Stalin didn’t have much of a choice.
he used to make unironic "feminists OWNED" videos and rip on "SJWs" but then he got called out and started ripping on "anti-SJWs" to save face
I'm left, and I honestly just don't understand from what ass /pol/ pulling out all this shit about me. It's not even worth it to argue anymore because this idiotic boogeyman of me is much more appeling to you and this whole situation becoming more and more mainstream.
>minor improvements Trump has made
You faggots need to get off his dick hes done shit, the economic growth is a result of the past 8 years or more, when he does "based" shit, your go to reply is
>B-but obumma did it too, check mate libs
Like wtf why didnt you suck him dry too?, Oh yeah i know why, because tribalism fucking idiots
>this much projection
Every talk show is a liberal propaganda outlet, it's clear people like you are completely delusional
No, its good because I like the way it sounds, and its popular because lots of other people do too
Doesn't change the fact that, historically, tankies have supported fascists.
you completely missed his point
stalin was a fascist himself
Keep flip flopping little fishy
It does, though, it’s the context behind Stalin and Hitler’s NAP.
Which other tankies are you referring to?
So i got it right? Lmao
Nah he's done plenty. It's amusing how much you guys jump around with this
>we NEED to get rid of Trump! He's ruining the country with his changes!
>pfft he hasn't changed anything! Haha!
The Doctrine of Fascism is much more comprehensive and updated, not to mention the fact that it was written by a man whom Mussolini himself referred to as the philosopher of fascism. Dumbfuck.
>but I honestly don't think he ever did
His videos prove otherwise
Thanks for proving how far up your ass are m8, there are mainstream conservative media outlets, even youtube channels about owning libs that totally are not propaganda
people like you aren't supposed to be on this board
go back to twitter you fucking NPC poptimist piece of shit. Fuck you, Fuck Billie Eilish, Fuck Ariana Grande, Fuck Ed Sheeran just fuck off retard
>a man who helped fund the anti-nationalists during the spanish civil war
>was a fascist
Do you know what fascism is?
>He's ruining the country with his changes!
I didn't say that.
Most complains are about what he wants done, not what hes done , wich isn't much
stalin was an authoritarian dictator that did not allow any opposition. Those are the main qualities of fascism. What exactly separates stalin from a fascist?
my nig, that a i n t m e. I've liked some of what I've heard from Billie but I haven't really listened to her stuff and
>Ed Sheeran
Confirmed that you're just discounting everything that is "pop" as bad. You just can't get over the fact that I listened to Thank U, Next and I LIKED IT
oh right, stalin was not a nationalist, which makes him just a communist authoritarian dictator. He's truly a good guy now since he's not a fascist
very simplistic understanding of fascism. read a fucking book.
>What exactly separates stalin from a fascist?
the fact that he was a socialist and not a corporatist
the fact that he murdered/imprisoned clergymen
the fact that he vehemently supported women’s rights (whereas fascists support a much more conservative outlook on women)
the fact that he funded marxist-leninist movements internationally
need i go on?
he saved the world from the nazis fyi, show some respect.
literal brainlet tier
Only fucking retards who think they have the HIGHEST AND MOST REDPILLED VIEW of communism would say that Stalin WAS a communist. He claimed to represent communist ideals, but just filled the power gap left by the peoples revolution with more authoritarian state run bullshit. He was fascist as shit
>im pwebby an im pwoud
wow so brave dude
oh no he liked an album by some who is black. black people don't make good music so that makes him racist
you don’t know what fascism is. it’s okay not to know some things, user.
yes, you're right, stalin was not a fascist by definition.
But this whole argument started because someone called fantano a fascist for wanting to take away free speech from those that he disagrees with, pointing out that stalin technically was just an authoritarian dictator and not a fascist does not make him look any better
stalin was a communist
even if I don't know what fascism is and he wasn't fascist, he clearly wasn't communist by any standards
He would rip on retards and still rips on retards. Ben Shapiro is as much as a retard as some fucking dumbass lib who thinks there are 75 genders
He also was a communist trash that killed way europeans than hitler
If u think fantano has changed his political opinions for profit you are a retarded cunt end of discussion
how and why? because he had a state and was authoritarian? are you gonna tell me that lenin wasn’t a communist either? or castro? or sankara?
no, he attempted to create a powerful state to control everything
Who tf thought he was alt right. He's an interracial dating vegan. And he's a memester. oh right memes are alt right. I forgot about that/
yeah you pretty much got it. Cant say for sure if Lenin or Castro or Sankara were "communist" but people sure think that their ideologies are what "Communism" is. I do doubt that any of them actually lead to the creation of any real "communist" state.
Fantano's a centrist that's able to discern when something's being played up for politics hungry incels. He's pretty agreeable if you're not an edgelord.
>praise him for wanting to regulate what we can regulate, gimme more cummies daddy regulate it please, dont let them scary libs regulate just you can regulate my boipucci yummies, regulate the regulations daddy
hes a pro capitalist neoliberal? how isnt he right wing?
Is that your bf m8?, He cute tho
He's never been even slightly right-wing. He probably gave a mediocre score to one of the left's pets like Kendrick or Beyonce.
Wtf even is alt right.
a term made up by hillary
At the Southern US border, and in the southern European borders. Have you been living under a rock for the past decade?
Its not even that deep, he was clout chasing as the kids say, hanging out with "alt-right" youtubers and celebrities on his podcast, and got labeled as one lmao
Oddly enough hes never said he opposed them on their views...
The Alt Right is a group of anyone that the media doesn't like. Like, Jordan Peterson and Sargon. It's literally just a term to demonize people they don't like and make them appear bad to people who don't know any better.
Sargon is a memer and doesn't like the goverment controlling every little thing. But he's a bad nazi because currently the hot topics have to do with retard feminists and trannys
Something for racists, fascists, and sexists to call themselves
Jordan Peterson is just a retard
but he doesn't want to go to jail for misgendering someone. which is illegal in canada now btw
he got popular for opposing that law
Being a straight white male.
I don't care, he's a faggot with shit taste either way
What? No thats like fascism. Fascism is the one with the state that controls all the things, like what Stalin did.
A cult made up of socially inept teenagers, basement dwellers and actual retards. They're from all over the world but they think they're experts on American politics
feel bad for his fans, they're getting played and still insist on doing free PR for dude. not that he's some evil mastermind, he's just making the best living that he can. blame is on his weak-head fans.
speaking out against mass migration or communism
ariana grande isn't black
back to twitter
Well everyone always needs to be fighting each other, their fellow poor person. That's why we have two political parties, there just doesn't need to be more, we just need two opposing factions for everyone to funnel into so they can fight each other. So when we started getting the "SJW"s, we needed an opposing group to balance them out, so the opposition grew and it was called "alt-right". Now all the young people can fight each other by funneling into "SJW" or "Alt-Right" and filtering all their opponents through these lenses. In reality, we're all just poor people yelling at other poor people, while all of us get manipulated into yelling at each other by people with power over advertisement and big data.
national posadism is a good idea
>they demonitized me
>well if i cant do it for money then i dont want to
what a faggot
No one ever claimed he was himself alt-right. Like most people on Youtube for a period of time, he came out with an "anti-sjw" stance and was making videos about shitty memes. Those in themselves aren't alt-right, but I guess there is a link between that sort of content and alt-righters. Plus his links to Yea Forums didn't help his case.