Music for this feel?

Music for this feel?

DUmb bitch of an ex gf went total moralfag and left me out of the blue , but no angel herself and is FAR from perfect
The bitch skinned me alive because i shot up heroin at her sisters wedding in front of everybody on that gay ass camera they leave on the table to take pictures with, it was a fucking joke too but. she is such a fucking hypocrite little fucking bitch its insane. Because guess what guys. She HAS A CUP OF COFFEE EVERY SINGLE MORNING in addition to that she vapes like a fucking chimney, its fucking gross and makes my care smell like fruity chemicals!!!! what in the actual fuck is wrong with her? Shedoes FUCKING DRUGS every single day yet she skins me alive when i do a little dope every now and then? Like I dont even do "my drug" every day, I switch it up using heroin one day, percs the next, Benzos and coke the next to avoid addiction, but not her, shes so fucking tunnle vsion she cant even see her own addiction and has the never to put me on blast for dabling in the shit.
Fucking hypocrite baka... (scoring more heroin)

Attached: reddittt2.png (1080x1920, 193K)

I hope you choke on your own vomit.

Is that the new SWANS record i keep hearing about?

Wow what a bitch!!! You're better off without her OP


Wow who cares

jane doe.
hope you end up fine user

Life of a loser desu, don't do drugs you cunt

>i shot up heroin at her sisters wedding in front of everybody
>wow what a bitch it's her fault
Seek help

this isnt your blog faggot. also you sound like a complete fucking loser.

its a larp. i've seen this convo posted here before

>doesnt do drugs
>no music
>calls other people losers
lmao back to plebbit you go

>triggered retard
Do more heroin and OD no one will miss you

>implying going on 4channel isn’t a harmful drug in and of itself

Epic blog! how do I unsubscribe?

Woah really no way

Reminds me of my old texts I’d get back when people still cared

>implying going on 4channel is somehow equivalent to doing heroin

>reacting to a pasta thread this seriously

seek help if you believed this shit for a second

op attention whoring instead of trying to solve his problems how does it feel to be a child brah

>people are responding to this like its not a copy pasta


Drugs are for pussies. You're a pussy.

This unironically.

fight me irl virgin
Im in better shape than you and would kick your ass despite my drug usem literally

based drunk driving heroin shooting lad

nothing based about it I lost my best friend to a drunk driver 2 years ago
All drunk drivers deserve to be locked away
Also 0.08 is WAY too high, imho 2 beers or standard drinks should be the limit for who can drive, honestly no macho tough guy shit lets be 100% honest after 3 beers your reflexes are impared and you feel slightly dizzy unless you are a 300 lb fat ass

>you're probably not entirely wrong on that one lol.

you are a spineless faggot who doesn't deserve a girlfriend. what a pathetic response filled with signals of insecurity.

Nah I weigh like 130 and can handle a car totally fine after a couple cold ones. You have to be able to predict and compensate for your impairment.

And that will be the end. user was fated to pretend.

Some of you faggots are unbelievable falling for this shitty copypasta.