Rym thread

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Other urls found in this thread:


we're here m8


oh fuck I'm gonna cumg

Laugh at them

Laugh at them every time when they mention their favorite African compilation

Laugh at them every time when they mention their favorite French philosopher

Laugh at them every time when they mention their favorite avant-garde artist

Laugh at them every time when they post their RYM accounts

Laugh at them every time when they post under their /daily/ trips

Laugh at them for simply existing

Laugh at them until they realize this place isn't their home

oinopa 05/06 03:25 GMT
dear hardboiledbabe: why does sean have to relate his own perspective about each work, given the list's function as a resource for sharing overlooked literature? it seems like you are moralizing about nonissues and pursuing some tired self-martyring sincerity olympics that prizes your own perspective about how people in digital spaces such as rym encourage individualist microcanonization without honestly reckoning with art on its own terms, which is for some self-neutering reason equated with expressions about personal experiences with media that often yield nondescript assessments of a given work's formal qualities that are scaled to a network of historical references and influences. not everybody needs or frankly deserves to act with an authoritative voice about the media they engage with, and you're really one to recurrently come after sean for compiling public resources on this site when you've done as such under more vacuously laconic terms. you act like you're approaching art from this superior locus of organic engagement when you're literally just another keyboard warrior with waning relevance and a failed art career




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>fake listens
>fake reads
>fake watches
>fake RATES
is there anything he can't do?

but why so many trans on rym?

fake having sex

some traps are cute

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Any games

Glitch wave

certainly not that thing


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post your favorite meme accounts guys

rateyourmusic.com/~Qwerty100 (RIP)


i dont get why everyone accuses this guy of fake-anythingying. there are many other acc's with similarly memetic tastes in avantgarde music and from when i've talked to him he wasnt insecure or obscuring anything

sarah is the qtest rymer and it's not even close

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in fact (and i risk a lot by spilling this) sean has a genetic mutation where his auditory and peripheral systems are sped up at least 3 times that of a normal person, which explains why he's able to read, watch and listen to so much media in such a short amount of time.

lad has a ghostrater

lad is literally just karl/crosshatches 2.0 with a better personality and no unhealthy antiwarhol obsession

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I had a conversation with Sean once about his ratings (his answers are in my chatbox, mine, of course, he erased).

According to him he uses 'the UHS system'. When I asked him what was that he said: 'it's very sophisticated pc soft (program) which allows you to listen multiple albums in the same time'.

Whatever he mean by that I say this is cheating RYM rating system, which I don't mind at all. But when people claim he's some kind of music king it makes me mad about it.

Just saying.

First time I've actually checked his other stuff:
>24 years old
>13,274 albums
>2,051 movies
>1,652 books
>1,152 video games

I Put $5000 Into Our Joint UHS Account And You Still Chasing Dick

Hey Sean, if you are reading this thread I want to know what your honest opinion of Antiwarhol is?

where can i download this UHS system

the darknet

i know a guy who knows a guy.. meet me at the bridge tomorrow at noon with 2 boxes of ziti. and come alone

imagine making this post

Hey Rich, if you are reading this thread I want to know what your honest opinion of Sean is?

already gave it here

He also sits in discord and has impressionable children (metaphorically) suck his dick all day

what the fuck does UHS even stand for


Attached: UHS-Home-Care-Vestal.jpg (1801x1233, 322K)

Cringe femcel

no such thing


finna write some angelica/sean literotica

Look at yourself.


i know, what a based lad


PC music, not even memeing


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all i got, sadly

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real shit, have a friend who's tangentially in that clique and... yeah, all of em buy into it lol

>vacuously laconic

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big words scare me :((((

>I can't recognize clunky writing because I haven't graduated college yet

can i get 2 crunchwrap supremes and a diet coke

is it still going on? that was the big thing in 2014/15 iirc

pc music is dead now but it was the precursor to what we have today
deconstructed club is the new tranny meme

who tf says "vacuously laconic"

the kind of person who writes this:
>vocal rayuela of a winged philomel in love with impossibility & love as the spinozist single substance & silence as the carrion of care. all after me the earth declines to a servile groove in the charter of progress…I am an unintended blotch of masi on crude vellum, shuffled under this mute alveolus.

I use RYM and im a cis white male and proud >:¬[

I miss when people actually wrote about music on RYM and it wasn't just a blogpost repository for failed poets.

*reads A Thousand Plateaus once*

vacuously lanoic has to be the most awkward shit i’ve ever heard.

oh okay, last i checked i thought rym trannies just listen to carly rae and whatever other top 40 pop and rap now

>when people actually wrote about music on RYM
[citation needed]

game recognize game

>deconstructed club
ohh... exitsense core

these people are just inventing fake genres and declaring the fake genres "dead" a week later to mythologize themselves and feel like they're "in on something"

lmao imagine trying this hard.

most based titan tier rym user?

do she and bratty really got aspergers or is that just a meem

oinopa is a sweetie, leave her alone

This... Girl's got PTSD.

riceshoes, they suffered for us so we could live

EtInArcadiaEgo (formerly radiodad)

I want to delete my RYM account. Imagine how much more free it would be to do so. Rating music is pointless.

be careful now, you don't want to buy USH by mistake like ~TriplePositive did

you don’t HAVE to rate music, you know. just catalog your shit and go about your day.

or join discogs, the infinitely better music database. fuck rym

it's not better - RYM makes it way easier to add niche things or digital releases - discogs is way uptight about additions

>discogs is uptight about additions

Thats because they have standards


this looks like bossadellic core

>RYM mods are terrible
>discogs have standards

pick one

all mods are cops, you're making my point - you can literally add whatever to RYM and then rate it and let people nitpick catalog number, etc. afterwards

She has OCD, and she said on tumblr that it influences how she structures her sentences, which she hates. Have any of you even talked to her or read what she posts?

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Speaking of which, holy shit. She apparently hung out with Toshimaru Nakamura.

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she wouldn't appreciate your classism basedboys

bratty has posted numerous times on tumblr about her autism, self-diagnosed or not she seems to think she has it


ikr, reminds me of peak rational ecstasy j_c
gosh this is just like astigmata

why the long face


>Have any of you even talked to her or read what she posts?
I avoid it if I can