So, I know a bunch of people who really need to go to prison

So, I know a bunch of people who really need to go to prison...

Amanda Mason is amongst them. She's acquainted with and chats with most people I know behind my back, and she and they are trying to kill me still. They don't want to go to prison...

She's a serial killer, serial rapist, serial abuser, serial stalker, serial disfigurer, serial disabler, and a global terrorist. She's acquainted with many such people, like-minded people, and they all belong in prison.

They're responsible for multiple nuclear disasters and meltdowns world wide, including Fukushima and the one near me, too. They're also responsible for The Corona Virus and World War 3, of which we are presently engaged in.

What do you know about Faux Anonymous? Amanda Mason is a member. They're a global terrorist group, for the record.

Picture related. It's a member named Derek dressed up as a female, but was born anatomically male and likely still has a male body regardless of appearances.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Derek dressed to look as his born sex.
Older picture, just like the original post's picture is.

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Amanda Mason, who belongs in prison, just like Derek, and so do all of the others.
Born on October 1st of 1990 in North Hollywood, California of The United States of America.
Might still be residing in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin of The United States of America, 54935.

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Derek Marshall Templin was born on March 16th of 1982.
He might still be residing in Salt Lake City, Utah of The United States of America, might be in Fond du Lac again, and might be elsewhere.

do you pay for her onlyfans

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They both owe me money for substantial abuse, sexual, physical, psychological, and financial, and multiple attempts to murder me.

Both Derek and Amanda, and many others do.

No, you couldn't get me to.
Dated the serial killer, serial rapist, serial abuser, serial stalker, global terrorist, et cetera.
He's as creepy and as psychopathic as his eyes suggest in the original post's picture.
Looks like a killer and abuser, and is.

Thanatos, you've gotta calm down and think this through!

Derek again.

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I'm Loki, though.
Crown king of Asgard.

you're in prison

a prison of your mind

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Also a potential member of the global terrorist group Faux Anonymous:


Lok'tar Ogar!!

That dork becomes that "chick".

Chris, you still out and free?

She is a colombian webcam model from OF. Not a serial killer, can you prove it?

Still own and run Yea
Work with Marcus Zuckerberg here and on Facebook?
Work for Google and YouTube still?
People's nudes, Chris, and personal data...

"She" writes like Derek when he's shitposting.
Can't say for sure it's Derek.
Looks like Derek.
"She" said she was Derek when she showed up at my house with other members of Faux Anonymous to kill and abuse me.
Surprise house visit.
Showed up to do horrible things to me.
Did such things.
Was fun.
Loved being abused severely and killed.
Came back from the dead.
Brain damage and other bodily damage.

Showed up together.
Amanda Mason led the assault.
Many others dropped by to assault me, too.
Included multiple counts of rape and other forms of sexual abuse.

Occurred for a week or so.
My mother and brother were in on it.
So was Chris Poole.
He raped and strangled me.

I was also gagged with rags.
Raped by a few people over the course of that week or longer.

My mother, my brother, Amanda Mason, and others were attempting to kill me and to disable me should I survive.
I think my mother partially wanted me to survive the attacks.
Same with the others.
So they were less likely to go to prison.
Life sentencing for successful murder.

Amanda Schultz (Married: Brach), Lindsay Kreis, a dude around my age from Lakeside Park, and others, showed up to assault me.

They owe me money.
They've all been going after me since before then and after, still.

Picture related.
A drawing of Amanda Mason.
She sexually, physically, psychologically, and financially abused a woman named Lydia Trewin for years, only to murder her a few years back.
Amanda Mason is a serial killer.
She's been stalking me for years and has sexually, physically, psychologically, and financially abused me severely for the entirety of our "friendship".
And she has attempted to murder me on multiple occasions.
She has also strangled me on multiple occasions.

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You have schizophrenia and shouldn't be allowed online. Go for a walk and take pills fag

Music video is about Amanda Mason and how she was going after Lydia Trewin at the time.
Or it's about her murder after she had died.

Amanda Mason appears to still be out and free.

Report them to the FBI

I was in a car crash, and Amanda Mason pulled me out of the wreck. I wouldn't be alive if it were not for her.


Nah, cognizant and sober.
Perfectly aware.
Wanna meet Amanda or Derek?
They're really personable and non-threatening.
I promise.

Never killed no one.
They have.
They're bad.
Really bad.

I have contacted the CIA, and the CIA has been after Amanda Mason before.
I feel some of them serial kill with her...

Also about Lydia Trewin.
Amanda Mason has connections and is from California.
And she's connected to and a member of Faux Anonymous.
Browses the channels.

Obituary of Lydia Trewin:

Derek Marshall Templin and others may have been involved in Lydia's murder.

Like Marcus Mueller, and probably others.
Could have been many.

Amanda on the left.
Marcus on the right.
Both still in Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin of The United States of America.
I believe.

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Cops, CIA, help!
Military, too!

Derek, Marcus, Amanda Mason, Amanda Schultz, Lindsay Kreis, Chris Poole, and the others might still be out and free. Still uncharged.

I keep telling Amanda Mason to go to prison.

Marcus Mueller and Amanda Mason again.
Also an old picture.

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Amanda Mason's face on the album cover:

They both look like extremely untrustworthy individuals.

Actually what is this? There is no context here. I think you are just a crazy person, or some weird troll, but either way I'm interested. Can you start from the beginning?

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She was involved in the making of this movie:

She was also involved in multiple other movies, series, anime series, manga series, songs, albums, and other things, from behind the scenes.
Talks to people online.
Threatens people and impersonates people.
Tries to get others to murder while also attempting to murder them.
Sexually, physically, psychologically, and financially abusive.
Serial killer and so on.

Amanda Mason?

They are.
Both have assaulted me.

She impersonates many on Facebook.
"Reznor Trent" is amongst them.
Just one.
She also impersonates or impersonated my mother online.
And some of her accounts are her impersonating her victims.
Sometimes she impersonates people she works with, killing and abusing together. Terrorism together.
She also impersonates multiple family members of mine, including my brother and my father.
She had me move near a nuclear facility she planned to have go into meltdown.
She finally set it off and there was a nuclear disaster/meltdown near me.
Multiple members of Faux Anonymous were in on it and in on others with her.

I'm not joking.
Amanda Mason really does and did all of that.

I do no fully understand her and her retardation.
She is criminally insane.

yeah am I supposed to know who that is? Why does she want to kill you? Who are the other people that want to kill you? Who are they and why don't they want to go to prison? No one wants to go to prison. Who are Faux Anonymous? Why and how do they cause problems? That's just some picture of a cam girl who's pussy Ive seen posted around /gif/. Why do you think she's connected? I like conspiracy theories, but this has no background or reason. You're just schizo dumping.

Like Bangor Maine? Fuck off you goofy faggot and take your lame-ass personal army request with you lest the rest of us turn on you too - odds are, you deserve it.

Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails:

"Reznor Trent" is her account(s) impersonating Trent Reznor on Facebook.

Of course she's horde. She probably has a Sylvannas Body Pillow.

Nah, I don't deserve it.
You like illegal activities?
Commit any crimes?
Know anything about the terroristic activies or World War 3?
Rape or strangle?
In on any murders?

Meds. Now.

Faux Anonymous member and global terrorist:

I never said I thought you deserve it, I just want to know why you think all this?

They did none of what you say. I personally created the tidal wave to initiate the Fukashima meltdown. I WAS THERE user....where were you?

You Faux Anonymous, too?
Why you guys speak in meme incessantly?
Even if you're a minor, you can be charged as an adult.

Vladimir Putin here - fuck off Zelenski.

She told me, personally. I witnessed shit, personally.
Still could have been an intentional nuclear meltdown/disaster.

You Faux Anonymous?
Criminal activities?

Everyone's whatever the fuck you call this. Don't you know that man? Everyone id out to get you. and only you. because you know to much chall70.

Faux Anonymous is responsible for The Corona Virus which is really just a code word meaning warfare and abuse are occurring. Many forms. Governments are in on it. Population control. Murder.

Involved in Faux Anonymous and The Corona Virus?

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I'm helping to kill you all with Supermassive Blackhole Sagittarius A as a result.
It's the end times.
Earth and humanity and organisms in general are too corrupt.
The galaxy is being swallowed whole as we speak.
See the light show over the past however many years?
Some aren't making it to Heaven due to their misdeeds and unsavory ways.

Blood for the Blood God.
God of Wine And Freedom.

with the flow not pre planning this out but my anger with him not responding is making me mediate about planning since months ago against him like how I’m doing with the government into the future which is frustrating my psychological destruction of ocd... Federal law says the clerk by legal authority has to decline my registration and I fill I want it to happen

commit suicide instead of being arrested for the cyber attack!!! And now silence..... Or get in trouble after they covered up all what I was doing.... I posted to GE Lockheed and GE look at every message I sent them for a year and a half even liked a Facebook comment I posted and I have witnesses of all that because I posted my private messages of GE publicly meanwhile they was looking at hundreds of messages.... It drove me mad and I’m becoming madder every month..... I have wrote millions of words to the government...... and I have no proof because I wrote in google search,my game,Facebook,and talked to them for hours when no one was around to my WiFi input.... and still I haven’t been place in a ward by the county.... even after I called

You like to abuse?
What other crimes have you committed?