If this isn't the greatest EP of all time, then what is?

If this isn't the greatest EP of all time, then what is?

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uneven compromise

I want to see bilinda get blacked

Irish scene girls don't go after black guys, bud. You're thinking of American industry plants.

no, but swallow is the best mbv song

13 - Denzel Curry

Magical Mystery Tour

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Not even best mbv ep
That would be you made me realise

nervous breakdown

That's an album tho


Lifter Puller - The Entertainment and Arts

Super Roots 7

Polvo- Celebrate the New Dark Age

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This is unironically a better release then Loveless
It good

>posts an LP
Get help.

I meant this.

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Slow Riot or first 6 tracks ep of The Money Store but that last one's kind of cheating