WTF is this shit people have really lost their minds

WTF is this shit people have really lost their minds.

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these freaks always give me a good laugh. I hope they all die miserably, and soon

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look at this fucking catastrophe

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i want to crack this ones skull open just to verify it has human brains

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why do you care so much about what other people do with their lives?

seems spending your time posting about them is kind of worse than them wanting to wear ladies clothes. why do give a fuck? do you have a small dick? anger issues? hate your mother? I'm curious what your damage is.

It affects the lives of innocent children.

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shes stunning and brave. Bigot.

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If it stayed within the circle of their private lives, then it wouldn't be a problem for most people.
Do whatever demented shit you want, as long as it doesn't affect the rest of society.
But that's the problem, it's become a social battleground that DOES affect everyone.
Like the other reply says, a prominent target is children, and that's where it goes from weird but harmless, to demented and predatory.

Kek a degenerate with IBS, god is good

I fucking that image, its like some facebook boomer took a screenshot of an article and made a meme about it then another facebook boomer took a screenshot of that and posted it on the ole Yea Forums. Its such shit quality
And yeah, trannies will never be women, whatever

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Men and women have different centers of gravity among other physical differences.

That's not true, transphobe.

He didn't pass. They just knew that if they didn't ask all the normal "female" questions that they'd end up with him chimping out with the troon multiplier. It's easy enough to handle discreetly.

why are people only concerned about their daughters being in the bathroom with trannies? why is society so misandrist?

Sneed, troon

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why is she dressed like super mario? what a lazy meme

>implying that clothing will make you pass
This is something that the AGP troons will never be able to understand. A woman can pull her hair back and run to the store in a grubby tshirt baggy jeans, with no makeup, and still look like a woman. Heck, the good-looking ones will still look attractive. YWNBAW

>how does this affect you?
>"s-s-someone think of the children!"
Typical guilt tripping copout from a dogshit right-winger full of lies who fears anything different.

Transphobe is not an insult lol
Most people including liberals don't want to date trans CATEGORICALLY. A vast majority, in fact:

Transphobe is only an insult in your bubble. A lot of people outside the bubble might pretend they care because it's not worth the effort to challenge your views. I mean, try stepping into their shoes, why would they really?

Everyone hates you, only on Yea Forums they don't need to spend effort to tell you they don't. It's visceral. You see it in the little twist of their face, like they just saw a cockroach crawl from under the fridge. You can't hide from human nature.

ok, groomer

genital preference is transphobia you trumptard

>why do give a fuck? do you have a small dick? anger issues? hate your mother? I'm curious what your damage is.
Found the tranny

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You're disgusting mentally deranged subhumans who literally parade their retarded fetishes, 100% when?

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Not op, but because it has become a way for weak and failed men to exert social pressure on you. I was at a games night at my gf at the times place and she invited this troon. Along comes a 6 foot something dude with wiry, badly dyed greasy hair, fat and in a dress. It's like the emperor's new clothes and I knew it'd be suicide to say anything but I still refused to use its name or call it 'she'. I was the only other guy there so if I said anything, I would have just had a room of women descend on me. I didn't play along with it, but didn't let it rob me of my night, either.

There's no other mental health disorder where the recommended thing to do is validate the delusion. You don't tell bulemics they are fat. Or schizos that you can see the cameras in the walls. You say things like "I understand that you are seeing that, but I can't see it". I was thinking of this kind of approach next time I get socially troond like at that games night.

Anyway, fuck em, it's not something they do alone in isolation and being able to control others is a part of it.

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>i can't believe they think we're grooming children
>it's hateful to not allow us to "teach" children about faggotry and associated bullshit

no troon
it's literally nature


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Stop denying the science.

The low effort put into dress and grooming proves that it was just some AGP fetishist.

Women and games night don't mix unless there are a few hundred extra pounds involved

what the hell is wrong with that lobster?

Agree that's often the case but the fattest girl there was the troon.

Nerve gas

I think trannies would get a lot more done if they changed their argument from men can be women to please play pretend with us so we don't kill ourselves.

I miss green shirt guy. I wish he stayed around for longer.

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fat girls need love too

They already do that. If their regular arguments don't work, they start bitching about how transphobia is responsible for them killing themselves.

thats not what they want. they want everybody to give them attention, and have no consequences to their actions.

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Nice male pattern baldness, fucking deluded troon.

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Why do other people care so much about shoving their personal lives in other peoples' faces?

Ever think of asking yourself that question, retard?

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Pathetic waste of skin.

cause you will crush them balls if you close up your legs

Why do you spend your time posting your stupid shit you jizz belching retard?

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Toes out are for the balls and to support the wider frame. Good luck trying to stop a mechanical habit you've done since birth.

Imagine being lawfully forced to play pretend with a group of fetishists.

what do you mean I don't see a difference

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Damn, humans look angry without face skin

So the entirety of this argument assumes that A, random adults that also happen to be in the tiniest minority will be frequenting elementary school bathrooms, which is retarded., and or B, Conservatives just send their kids into random public bathrooms alone, in which case they should be accompanying them anyway since the majority of child abductors are cis people.
Care to refute any of that or are you just going to do the whole ywnbaw thing? Because I'm a dude.

Next you'll tell me I should keep my 16 year old locked up at night and never let her go to the movie theater.