I think niggers are raping myanusus

I think niggers are raping myanusus

Attached: 63d8f0b407d3116d5a58036c9747c30cc2dff55b.gif (684x768, 905.57K)

I think this is now a Morbius thread.

Attached: Sizecomparison.jpg (1920x1080, 807.4K)

I think niggers have also raped your anusus friend

Attached: e04a03abccb51ca35daa51dac5f3d52b0df206e7.png (1641x1000, 1.05M)


Attached: CummingClean.jpg (719x478, 238.98K)

is that why the logs are so creamy and dreamy?

Attached: 4129e2adf98e545cc710484de1f5b5d00d825a8e.jpg (960x920, 134.73K)

Attached: FIPgxhdVgAAZxOx.jpg (975x1359, 147.24K)

Maybe. Idk. Doesn't matter to me. I take them anally and orally.

Attached: PreparetobeLOGGED.jpg (600x400, 76.29K)

Andy Sixx? pshhh... more like Andy SHITS

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Attached: e6b008c645d71929b28c121b4778ff5086ff10d6.jpg (1050x1750, 391.96K)

Back to discord retard incels.

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Gonna have to cope little guy.

>I'll quit raping your anus when you stop spamming nigger dicks.

Until then, bend over and hold your ankles :^)

Attached: OPs_actual_asshole_rn.jpg (2203x2937, 599.32K)

>Andy Sixx when he sees a bbc

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Also, check them newfren.

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mega gay

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Giga gay

Attached: 48943486058564_0.png (1841x969, 382.03K)

>for me it's gotta be castlevania on the sony praystration

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That's my job, not yours.


I'm not samefagging by replying. Get a life Hanakofag.

>get a wife hannahbarbera fag

Attached: dd11c034dd776b869d1e33d1a717e97d83b489cc.png (1080x1520, 1.68M)

Gonna have to cope little guy.

Attached: 20220414_180701562.jpg (1440x460, 170.27K)

>mfw I see BBC

Attached: f9644170.gif (998x778, 275.95K)

Get a life, and grow up a bit.

Gonna have to same little fag

Attached: samefag.png (590x191, 6.21K)

Whenever your ready to cope, we will stop raping your little troon anus.

>until then, back to discord retard!

Attached: pepefullfacegreen.png (224x225, 50.84K)

you seem angry... maybe THESE logs will calm you down! :D

Attached: 1648561905978.png (540x383, 211.66K)

I see your still not able to cope

Attached: 1649739740092.jpg (612x692, 54.36K)

>hurr ima durr

Attached: 52f9f91e67b008e0ddb0a8f66864aff17dd07ad3.png (1000x776, 716.66K)

Love these comparison images.

Attached: FDNSAxxXoAIQZZn.jpg (640x629, 65.13K)

What are you, 14?
This is a site for adults little man, I think something like plebbit may be better suited for your maturity level.


Attached: 1648085173852m.jpg (1024x733, 96.59K)

>I hate niggers
why would you post that? only children are racist, grow up bill bob jo bob joe-stein you're not 5 anymore... MORE LIKE 9 :D

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Attached: Fixed.jpg (1280x720, 272.09K)

made for ppc

Attached: 1649454756932.gif (300x300, 1.72M)

That girl in the gif? She's taking bigger logs from Morbius.

Attached: Bladeoflogs.jpg (1083x720, 331.6K)

>imagine being so much of a child that the only argument you can muster is repeatedly replying with the same nigger dick spams you post daily.

>Do better son, I remember back when trolling was an art. You aren't even a fucking amateur.

Lick my taint, and dont forget the nuts bitch.

Attached: have_a_coke.jpg (688x560, 71.43K)

>imagine dragons
only 5 year olds imagine dragons grow up Billy Bob hehe!

Attached: 1649378646480.jpg (2048x1993, 1.06M)

agreed these log-less shills just don't understand

Attached: 1649456131956.png (540x720, 567.33K)

Imagine dragon deez nuts across your face niggerfaggot.


Attached: B73446DB091A41199C0DC7EFBA7AC65C.png (300x224, 28.2K)

>deez nuts
now were talking :D

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See: /thread

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Attached: meinfischer-971899-A_Marvelous_Tan.jpg (1000x1500, 990.17K)

You lose retard.

Attached: 20220414_182609673.jpg (1440x872, 406.35K)

Meds Eustace. Take em.

Attached: Screenshot_20220414-182732_Read Chan.jpg (719x630, 142.2K)

>you win retard
why am I talking to myself? :D

Attached: Logsticka.jpg (1024x919, 257.28K)


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Attached: MorbiusSweepsarebetterthanBBCs.jpg (719x718, 309.42K)

Wow, imagine getting owned this hard and thinking your winning anything.

>Copium overdose imminent

Attached: 47E8D41E8FF44006B458DC3B2A8753EA.jpg (1024x869, 90.6K)

boy it sure does get tiring winning so much triggering these polacks... do I ever lose? guess not :D

Attached: 1647960854627.jpg (3000x2000, 867.06K)

the rent is due... for you I mean I already live rent free :)

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aww done already? I wanted to play with you guys some more :(

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Attached: WingsofLogdemption.jpg (640x360, 61.73K)

Morbius will never be finished.

Attached: EmbraceMorbiusRejectBBC.jpg (750x737, 254.62K)

Attached: Logpilled.jpg (720x867, 329.13K)

see that hole?
>that's where the logs come from...

Attached: 1649822449527.jpg (801x975, 101.16K)

bless you

Attached: pope.jpg (189x267, 6.26K)

Thanks pope

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Attached: 1648103298469.jpg (1024x726, 55K)

See those dubs? That means this is a Morbius thread.

Attached: Imagine.jpg (1147x720, 329.47K)

see these nigs? That means YA GAY

Attached: 1648142592567.jpg (510x680, 72.85K)

Attached: Punishment.jpg (828x985, 402.36K)

Only for Morbius~

Attached: FortheEmperorofLogs.jpg (736x720, 134.32K)

take this LOGLESS SHILL!

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bbc wins

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