We win.
We win
Blacks are so strong and masculine while whites are so weak and feminine. Why is this?
Actually you both lose.
Imagine thinking that posting heavily photoshopped images from a porn site that caters exclusively to black males, with their pervasive inferiority complex stemming from their inferior genes, low IQ, high mortality rate, small penises compared to whites, etc., where a paid white prostitute poses and gets paid over 10x the daily rate of doing normal porn (because she has to be with a black) and fakes noises and hurr-durr-it's-so-big nonsense, is "proof" of "winning".
Instead, it is proof that you acknowledge your inferiority, else you would not have to post that at all. Hint: blacks are the only race that feels the need to compensate like that. Hint: that porn exists at all, like that fake blacked.com nonsense where they have to create fake scenarios with endowed black males, albeit heavily photoshopped in the stills, next to white trailor park gutter trash prostitutes pretending to not be disgusted, says it all about whether or not any of that is a "win" (when it's obvious it is PROOF that you lose, else there wouldn't even be that porn, nor would you be bragging about lookame I gotsa white girl).
Reality: 99% of all escorts' pages say "no blacks".
Hooray, you win AIDS and are the biggest fake porn loser!!!
Sorry samefag! This is a Morbius thread now.
Keep on winnin little guy.
this reality
Ok little guy, keep "winning" lmao
Wrong! This is reality.
Some women are into bestiality. It doesn't mean the animals are winning.
As a BBC I can assure you that you care high on copium. I work in an elementary school, and all the 10yo girls are crazy about me. To the degree its uncomfortable. But rest assured I won't hesitate to harvest them 10 years from now.
We don't care and you aren't black. You know the rules, dick/tits and timestamp or gtfo larpfag.
Did you just admit to being a pedophile? That breaks US law which is against Yea Forums's TOS. Mods, we got a ban evader here.
not sure if you are retarded or trolling, but you are absolutely clueless and newfag as fuck if you think all these bbc threads aren't created by niggers
we've literally raided their discord multiple times and he's timestamped plenty of images over the years
get a clue, dumbass
only a nigger would claim the bbc threads aren't posted by niggers
This No idea what that faggot is going on about. The only one who would think they'd 'win' from a nigger promotional propaganda site is a nigger. Takes all of a second grade education to figure that out. And yeah, you're right about only a nigger would claim it's not a nigger doing this because it promotes that nigger propaganda that white bois are feeble and cucks.
Larp harder discord spam retard.
>you aren't black
first day on the internet, or just first day here?
Samefag detected
look at this newfag comes here in early 2020 via a guardian article about Yea Forums, and now talks shit talking shit
grab a rope faggot
Go find something else to do other than spamming 4chins for your discord daddies.
>holy fuck you kids are retarded
Not him, but he's right. Just look in the archives and you will see timestamps in real time of this same niggers cock. He rarely posts that stuff anymore because we started zeroing in on exactly who he was but the archives don't lie. He's a Nigerian Brit, fyi, and butthurt because his brother got convicted of raping a white girl. You can read the whole story if you dig a bit and you'll see it's the same guy all over the timestamps and on their discord.
Congratulations, you're still a nigger.
Sorry you can't handle the Sweep jeez.
ok, retard
you are less in touch with reality than the nigger making these threads then i guess
I had one fucking post in this thread, moron.
You are obviously a nigger, and op then, or you are retarded as fuck, especially if you think op is not an actual nigger.
Seethe more
>We all know how to do this from a single device.
You are on Yea Forums niggerfaggot
Oh snap! Neither of them, but these BBC threads have always been started by Niggers. They are all over and yes, in plenty of them on even other sites, there are time stamps. These threads have been banned on reddit for over 3 years now though but you can still see some of them in the redarchives.
Got any screenshots to back up that theory my dood?
My only 2 posts in this thread. Now this, my third. Idiot.
Right... because some Jew found a drug addict they could pay enough to fuck a nigger and create a pathetic cuck fetish porno. Yep, you have the white man by the balls.
Dude, you are literally on one of his servers. Literally look at the admin and look at his posts. There are shit tons of screenshots he has left up of who he is. Then look at his xvideos page (same name). You can see it is him. He is a Nigger in the UK.
You are literally retarded.
>ya gotta go back little guy.
Keep seething.
Win what?
That’s a Jew he’s fucking. Only Jews love black cock. A Jew made this thread.
you only win if you are good parents retard
But dont forget to cope.
First off, nice Dubs. Second off, fuck off I'm trying to derail their thread nigger.
He may not be black but he is sure a nigger
umm, not them, but that's not their server kiddo
the only one on that list in their server is alex, and he has like 50 aliases
his real name is alex a.
the guy in the uk is musa m.
not hard to look them up
find his servers, not those bullshit ones his mods make to throw everyone off
bottom like, everybody knows that the niggers like to pretend white boys worship them, hence like an idiot you fall for the bait
good job being outwitted by a lowly nigger you dumb fuck
Again, do you have anything to back up these statements?
those girls are the worst kind of girl
theyre prostitutes
those niggers are slaves
monkey sex slaves
what u win?
I'm an admin (paid, silver) on discord for a couple clan games and when I look up BunnyBoy#9294, it shows the first post from account (creation date) is 8/11/21. If you think the bbc server started in 2021, you are one dumbass motherfucker. That is a spawn server, dimwit. There are fucking not even 100 people on that entire server! Even my gaming servers have 10x that number. How fucking dumb can you be?
>If you think someone would admin spam group discord servers from their main account and not a throw away, you are retarded.
Lol, pretty sure you are retarded now. There are easily 20+ mods from the original bbc server called bunnyboy. That is Alex's nick and he uses about 20+ variants of it, and he is black as fuck, and gay as fuck. Dumbass.
Post some screenshots then if what you say is true user.
Troons be trooning
arent you a white guy so desperate to fit in you change your body permanently?
Another Bunniboy
Now Cuddle Bunny
Please now tell us how 2+2 = 5.
You are one retarded little dipshit who has no common sense, aren't you?
not him, but you are doing a horribly shitty job of it by pretending it is some white dude making white-hate threads
I can't wait until these troons realise they're only trolling themselves. This is /b. We've seen it all. Do you fuckwit troons honestly think nigger dick upsets us?
Until you can post something showing any real evidence, I ain't buying it...
Also, where the fuck are you getting cuddle bunny from?
aren't you proving his point though?
there are a bunch of these servers now
you have yet to post anything but subs
why not post the main server?
you even have screenshots showing that they are creating more to throw you off the trail
not even sure why i'm responding as your main point, that this is a white guy, is just absurd and defies basic common sense, plus, we've all seen him and he has posted lots of timestamps in the past
i get it that you're new here, but try not to sound so fucking stupid
now you're going to finally realize HIS point, and then now restate is and paint it like it's yours???
that's a whole new level of stupid, especially when you are posting all those screenshots from different servers
sorry you're new
Are you retarded or something? That's what I just told you! Idiot!
Meds Eustace. Take em.
You seem to be oddly personally offended by these screenshots if they have nothing to do with the scenario...
>Why is that?
He mad lol.
Discord trannies never win
People say why are Spectnaz NOT in the field...???
They been for years an will Go Ative ...
I know more but
Respect them . GOD SPEED RUSSIA
I love how every bbc thread turns into a laugh at troons thread
It's funny to me once he spurged out and left the thread, the bigger dick posting has stopped in all threads.