Mac's new album is shipped and will leak today, anyone got it yet?

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Keep that trash to yourself lad


he hasn't been a good songwriter in almost a decade.
it'll be over-produced, over-exposed garbage like his last one.

can't wait for pitchfork to shit on this

What a shitty cover

His singles indicate the opposite

also ITT: bunch of retards yearning for their Salad Days.

New song/video

I enjoy most of Mac, but man his music has been sounding so repetive/boring lately.

His live performances tend to be awesome, but I feel like his last 2.5 albums could all be the same song.

i can't properly verbalize how fucking sick i am of this dogshit chorus/vibrato/underwater fart/whatever the fuck guitar effect that has been plauging any "indie" music for the last 10 years.
can people not fucking write songs without this or what? it's literally nauseating at this point.

Attached: 1557037250968.jpg (726x662, 113K)

Mac's videos keep getting weirder to try distract you from the underlying shitty songs. Don't lose sight of the takeaway here- this album is a snoozer.

fuck off my man, go back to Plebbit

It's called chorus. It's been prevalent in popular music for like 50 years now.

>five years ago was almost a decade ago
Based idiot

not this prevalent

You’re talking about vibrato and it’s been a guitar effect for about 60 years

SOOOOOO Any sauce on the new fuckin album or what?

it's called a 300ms delay and it's been around for 80 years

It’s called ironic pastiche and it was a tired joke by the time of its inception.

based and leakpilled



Sneed's Leak and Listen
(Formerly Unleaked)


oink oink i am pig man
hold on ill start singing agian in 2min

he records with a tape machine so that chorus effect is actually just the natural warp of the tape. Arguably its more authentic than whatever boutique pedal any bedroom artist is using to get the same effect (you're right though, its super tedious now)

Nah I’m certain his sound isn’t solely from the tapes flutter he probably uses pitch shifters and shit, definitely some subtle vibrato effects. You can recreate his sound perfectly with any tape machine by recording the guitar at a faster tempo, then slowing it down to ththe desired tempo with a pitch shift. Add some vibrato and you’ve got rock n roll nite club

Umm, where's the leak then?

5 hours later... ;(

yo anyone got the pic of mac demarco in swim trunks and a phone and a bald ass spot

You know, I first got into Mac DeMarco because of a leak posted of "Another One" here on Yea Forums

I had never listened to him before because his image/name gave me Reddit vibes despite never listening to him or even an interview

But the link was right there, a pretty zippy link right in the OP so I said, ah fuck it, let's see what all the fuss is about. Then I was instantly greeted with the gorgeous guitar work of "The Way You'd Love Her" and I was sold right there.

Fast forward 4 years and his music is 10x slower as are the leakers. Time's are a changing

Are you retarded? It hasn't even been that long

>Reddit vibes
Where did you get those?, Hes more in touch with the nihilism of twitter edge youngsters

>he hasn't been a good songwriter in almost a decade.

Salad Days came out in 2014 you retard

And if you don't like Salad Days you're not even a Mac fan so fuck off

Doesn't take much to get a bad vibe of someone, I suppose it was his face and the name "Mac DeMarco". Then seeing pictures of him naked covered in cigarettes, etc.

Little did I know he's a genuinely charming/funny guy.

>tfw cute skinny/skinnyfat mac with upbeat guitar oriented tracks is never coming back


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please just listen to his album!!!

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That place is more normie than that, but i get you

at least post the real one

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Its not leaking, that pic is from Reddit and a guy who works at a music store who said hes not leaking it and cant even open it

thicc relaxed mac is still pretty good

I used to love Mac but if I saw him today I'd honestly try to kill him just to put him out of his misery. He's like an old sick dog that you can't stand to see hurt any longer.

He hates being the goofball but that's all he's got and he has to keep playing the character to maintain a living. His career, the one chance of him following his dream of being a real musician, is a completely embarrassing disaster. He has a failing liver, his bitch gf walks all over him and the fact she's cuckolding him is all but confirmed. He's balding.

I think he'd kill himself if not for cigarettes, but with his. I'd just tell him I'm sorry and put a bullet in the back of his head.

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the dudes just got slightly bald, calm down

that's not slightly at all.

bloody hell

the dudes just got bald, calm down

my bad, didn’t realize i had the fake i just thought mac had really let himself go

i mean he has, but not that bad haha

>the fact she's cuckolding him is all but confirmed

Source? I could use a good fap


I'd like Mac Demarco more if his vocals weren't absolute shit. Feels like I'm listening to Spongebob's retard NEET cousin

can one of ya goons leak it already, thanks

macs comforting warm voice sounds literally the opposite of spongebob high pitch nasally one

If I had to guess this album leaks tomorrow around 10-11am while I'm getting up for work and then I listen to it sometime tomorrow night and like maybe 2-3 songs off it

well still no leak...

big improvement over all of our yesterdays imo

leak where

big man pig man

>It's been prevalent in popular music for like 50 years now.
This is the problem

his song Another One.
but don't listen to this pasta

even David Gilmour uses chorus
it's a pretty kino effect if you use it right

still no leak? disappointed in u all

The tape is fluttering bc the Recording would be much worse sounding. You don't know what you're talking about. you're just regurgitating that one meme they said around salad days were they said that him smoking next to his machine cause the tape to warp. what he's actually doing is using the thing on his tape machine called varispeed. Common feature on reel to reel and cassette multi-trackers. He's stated this multiple times. I use it on my stuff too. He uses chorus pedals as well and a vibrato built into a old Roland chorus echo unit he had as well. Literally 5 min of reading completely explained all this.

Nobody is a decent single - not great, but it had more interest in its minimalism than the repetitive All of Our Yesterdays. That song reminds me of other highly skippable Mac songs, like On The Level, For the First Time, and One More Love Song. To me those songs are formulaic in a way that gets it wrong.

Like, fuck, Mac. Why can't you expand on a song like Passing Out Pieces in a natural way?

Ah well, I'll still listen to this Cowboy record. If he's gonna have a long career, he's bound to release some filler along the way.

He literally mentioned varispeed you idiot lmao.
>i use it too
>yeah i own a reel to reel, what of it?
Fucking kys

No one other than record stores have the album yet so it's not going to leak until people start getting pre-orders

At this point there's 7 songs that haven't been released live/studio

boring as fuck
>all of our yesterday's
ok, but much more interesting
>on the level, for the first time, one more love song
three of the best songs from this old dog
>your taste

"I’m super awesome... let me just start by saying.. I’m looking for something a little different.. I not only want an amazing hard working man who is a jack of all trades I also need him to be a real mans man.. hunt, fish, farm, cook, passionate about life, big joker.. super sensitive but manly, must love me unconditionally, sex should be a huge priority, pleasing me in every way.. I love to be eaten for hours.. 4 play is my favorite shit"
-Mac DeMarco

Unironically this is the saddest, most soul crushingly depressive album cover I've seen in years and perfectly reflects mac's current mental state (going off his recent interviews.) No idea if music will be good though- the singles were weak and his last album was like a 6.5

When he came up he was too poor to afford a good guitar, the effect came from him making do with a piece of shit. Now all these talentless hacks ape the effect and it honestly makes me (and mac too I'd bet) depressed.

The new music video has to be the most retarded fucking video I have ever seen in my entire life.

love the song though

>release album on own label
>suddenly instead of leaking month only, still hasnt leaked within 2 days of release

mac is truly based

this old dog leaked like a month before release tho

look how much this guy aged in a span of five fucking years.

thats what you get with chain-smoking and downing a bottle of Jameson every night

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as true as you are you could have used two pictures from live shows to make a comparison

To be fair though, he could probably go back to looking pretty close to the first pic if he just lost lie 50lbs and got a bit of a haircut.

bruh wym his mum got him a super expensive telecaster after a year of learning guitar, then he went and saw local shows where they were all using piece of shit guitars so he went and got his own

This man is only 29 years old. A living lesson to everyone watching to stay the fuck away from cigarettes, regular boozing, and Canada.

his hair's already thinning pretty bad at the crown

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I'm 21 and am good looking big afro (am white) women love me, but man. hope i dont end up likke him. I smoke and driunk like a mother fucker

holy shit

don't know if you guys have heard this yet but he performed all of the new songs live already. only other new song that's been uploaded outside of this video is choo choo though

can any freemasons explain the symbolism in this video? i have my own theories but they're probably not accurate

This is basically chamber of reflection again

Gotta cut that shit out sooner or later, dude. Transition to a vape for a bit and wean off that way. Switch from all the booze to light beer to soda. Gotta trick your mind into weaning into lesser and lesser substances until the addiction wears off naturally.

this didn't leak as early as his other releases because he isn't with captured tracks anymore. that label just gives out releases early to family and friends of the label and then they just shit the bed and give it to more friends and family. hence why each album associated with that label always drops weeks early. however, this thing should be out by tomorrow evening considering it's only a couple days away from release and people have just started to get their CDs.

that’s because you’re a lil babby highschooler, you don’t even notice all of the masonic imagery and symbolism

soda is much worse for you than light beer lol

I have the same problem and I am only 28. I don't think mine is quite that bad but it's bad enough...