/gg/ Der Gitarren und Bass General

Noone else will make a new thread and this is the only guitar related picture I have edition.
>How do I start learning guitar/bass?
>Guitar chords and inversions
>String tension calculator (D'Addario):
>Music theory:
>Ear training:
>Guitar Maintenance and other information:
>Why is my guitar buzzing?
>Large repository of tabs, books and other resources related to playing and theory:

old thread

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Other urls found in this thread:


Learnt a few chords now I'm strumming up some random shit. I know I'll never be great, but getting better feels so fucking good.

>When you wake up in the middle of the night and think of like 5 new songs you want to learn

Had to scramble to get my phone before I forgot them all

Someone redpill me on G&L guitars
/gg/ seems to universally agree that they're great, but at the same time i can't help but feel like it's some kind of inside joke because i went on Thomann and read some of the review of their Tribute Tele ASAT and they were pointing out a lot of build flaws like literally being able to peek inside the hole of the pickups, having to completely readjust nut and neck and even frets (i don't even know how that's done) string action and even tuners and pickups were wonky and had to be readjusted. Another review said again that the hole underneath the pickup can be seen and that the fucking saddle of all things was off position which resulted in the strings never being right where they should be on the fretboard/neck.

What gives?

You need to look at MIA G&L guitars, the tributes are all made over seas.

Buncha dumbfucks

>When the doc puts you on SSRIs and 8 weeks later you're out of a rut and composing all the time now, but you can no longer orgasm
sometime it just be like that

>trying to save money
>guitar plays and sounds like shit after only 3 months of having the same strings
>buy new strings for it
>guitar plays and sounds amazing again
Fuck the String Jew.

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>Gay & Lame™

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But it's specifically the Tribute series that /gg/ points out as being fantastic.

>letting /gg/ meme on you
lol you'll learn the hard way i guess

I heard Agiles are pretty good too.

Fuck it's been ages since I've seen Agile being meme'd

What's Agiles
Hence why i asked in my original post whether it's genuine praise or some sort of inside joke.
Then again i switched to english reviews for the Tribute guitars and saw nothing but praise. I'm not so sure anymore. Thomann has a really flexible guaranteed money back system but it would be a hassle to order and then send back guitars until i manage to get a good one if their build quality is inconsistent.

Yep, fantastic guitars.
Bro, you should really look into a Yamaha Pacifica instead. You just can't go wrong with one of those.

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I'm in the process of learning both as well.

Don't think like a Rock Star, avoid learning complex Heavy Metal songs when you're first starting out. Adopt yourself a "Kill Rock Stars" attitude because nobody is born with talent, everything takes practice. "Talent" is something Rock Stars will tell beginners they have instead telling you the truth about how they spent hours everyday learning their instrument. Don't aspire to be Eddie Van Halen, it's easy for beginners to lose motivation that way.

Study chords and memorize them, it becomes easy after a while. Literally get yourself a notebook and write down things you need to know.

Start out learning moderately Easy genres on guitar for example:

1950s Rock and Roll
Surf Rock
Garage Rock

For bass I would just start out with basics.
Don't think like a guitar player when you're playing bass, you're apart of the Rhythm section.

You need to have the drive to learn and the patience to learn, nobody sounds good once they start playing. You will get the hang of it if you practice everyday instead of letting your instruments sit around catching dust.

>falling for online marketing
amazon reviews are completely reliable i don't care what they say

Mind you even the most negative reviews that point out many build flaws still praise the sound of the guitar, so i'm assuming that once you get a good one you have a really good one.

No one cares.

>t. guitarlet
Keep working on that F major chord, cowboy

is this copypasta?

>i'm ass u meeing
of course you are! good luck!

what the fuck is "finger board radius" specifically "flat" finger board radius?

What's the best humbucker for an ultra clear hifi sound?

It's where you post "what the fuck is "finger board radius" specifically "flat" finger board radius?" into Google and read the results

sure but then /gg/ will die because noone talks about our boomer instrument

That new zephyr pickup by Seymour Duncan

>then /gg/ will die
one can only hope

the fret board is curved, the radius is refering the the radius of a circle where the top of the fret board is a fragment of. the bigger the radius and therefore circle the less it curves in a small area.

flat means its not curved

To what ends?

oh wow really no way that's amazing i had no idea

i see, something like that was my assumption, thanks for clarifying

Musicman > Fender

All the cool Dads play Music Man™!

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>0.00000000000000000001 bit coins have been credited to your account

sad part is he's not a shill at all, he's just slow

G&L > Musicman > Fender


>he doesn't play the same guitar as his waifu
>his waifu doesn't play guitar
>that guitar isn't an ESP snapper because his waifu isn't tae hanazono

explain yourself

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curved ones make it easier for beginners to play chords because less finger pressure is needed especially on ones where you bar with the index finger. fender made a lot of curvy ass fretboards and this made them popular because they were easy to learn chords on.

flat ones make it easier to do bends, play rapid sequences of single notes, and also easier to pick precisely and especially fingerpick. classical guitars are very flat and most acoustic guitars are relatively flat compared to fenders which are special snowflakes.

I can't, I'm sorry.

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how do you guys deal with sweaty hands? the pick always ends up in a weird position and fucks me over because of the sheer amount of liquid dripping from my palms at all time

>replying to yourself
No one cares. Shut the fuck up.

Audio clip of this guitar:

T. Retards that are too ignorant to get the joke


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I have a mod I do to picks that prevents that but I won't say.

is the joke how slowly your brain process information? because thats not really funny, its just kind of sad

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>trying this hard once you've been ousted as a dumbass
Jesus dude just Google zephyr pickup and you can be in on the joke. No need to double down as an angry retard.

Use Wegens. Other picks with grips help too, but the material on these is really resistant to slipping as well.

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try doing a day of hard work in your life and your hands won't be so slippery

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That's for fags.
Real men play guitar with slippery, smooth picks that wouldn't fall off your hands unless your grip is like a sissy

>is the joke how slowly your brain process information?
so no then? use your words

Personally I use picks made from bone

dunlop max grip
how can anyone play with these tortoiseshell picks is beyond my comprehension

I play with ivory that some badass mf pulled off an elephant and left to die.

>google this product
0.00000000000000000001 bit coins have been credited to your account

>Actually google it
>It's fucking snake oil

I used less conductive wire so it picks up more signal - spendmore duncans

I use a tonenail I ripped off a homeless man in the garment district after I gave him a dimesack of black tar.

ok what now

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>broom handle callouses

No shit it's snake oil that's the fucking joke in the first place. People pursuing tone like autists will buy autistic products.

oh wait nevermind it's more conductive metal

still going to laugh when someone buys them and the wiring tarnishes

>janitor's calluses

You need them on your fingertips, girlhands.

20 seconds before this pic was taken that hand was holding a monkey's dick

>Homeless man
So, you ripped your neighbor's toenail off?

hey you need to put your helmet back on your going to hurt yourself if you keep on

got them from lifting not sweeping
I have callouses on my left hand's fingertips but not on my right

That's actually from a toilet plunger

Shut up Sam and go be depressed.
When the jungle is your home how can you be homeless?

like the one your mom uses at the white peoples house?

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>Standard black tortex or ultex, maybe the odd jazz III now and then
>No slipping whatsoever
What the fuck is wrong with you people? You don't even need to grip shit hard.

i got this really expensive fucking guitar synthesizer pedal it was like 630 dollars and i don't use it for anything other than noodling around. like probably never going to use it on a track it's pretty much a toy for when i'm bored

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palmar hyperhidrosis is a bitch man. I'm afraid to get a real job just because I don't want to shake hands with people.

They have soft baby fingertips from exclusively playing with picks like pussies

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oh wow is that true thats amazing every ones really cares how fascinating

You're a little fag that likes to chew on kaka

just don't ok

He probably blows bubbles of kaka too, after a while chewing

Thinkin about learning Tae's solo song

What, you don't like to be called out on your kaka-chewing, bubble blowing ways?

>i got this really fucking expensive guitar
>and i don't use it for anything other than noodling around. like probably never going to use it on a track it's pretty much a toy for when i'm bored

Many a man can tell this story.

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stop no

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If a pedal isn't sold by boss it's not useful in any music except post-hipster ambient shoepop.

But man, why do you chew on kaka?
What do you get out of it?

>Anime girl songs have better playing than most rock released after 2000

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Cmon man, chew on it!

>being proud of being a basic bitch guitarist

Every rock guitar sound was once considered experimental. Don't be a pleb.

Rate my collection, /gg/. It's better than yours I know but I don't need to read any salt comments, so just keep those to yourself.

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Looks like the collection of someone that plays "metal" covers of disney and marvel songs on youtube.

>someone with a job in gee gee
since when

Using snowflake ambient effects pedals isn't experimental. It's an established genre with a ridiculous boutique industry built to its needs, right down to the image cultivated by its artists.

The new experimental is writing your own algorithms for digital effects and re-ordering them on the fly, unconstrained by the static signal chain of a pedalboard. DIY effects are going to be the next thing and in 10 years pedals will be doing worse than tube amps as most people will be cycling through presets they loaded onto their pedal pis.

What's the point? Practicing guitar spinning?

What do you look for when buying a cabinet?
I heard orange and emperor make good cabs but i don't know what makes them good

not fucked up
speakers work
sounds good

strap your guitar on your back, pick up your amp head, and walk to the pawn shop.

i thought the point was to hear the music they create, not to take photos and stare at them

what have you recorded?

>The new experimental is writing your own algorithms for digital effects and re-ordering them on the fly,

I used to use Max/Msp to basically do the same thing. Pedals have advanced so much in the last 10 years it's more conducive to creativity to just plug in and play through a pedalboard (also they now make pedals to change your signal order)


3 shitplanks clumped together.
Bet they all came from the same chink factory.

babbys first bass+amp recommendations pls

budget around £700 I guess

I just play with my fingers

>not one but three nice guitars
based and redpilled

I know about switches. I've built them for friends because they didn't want to pay $100 for a passive switch.

And it's still pretty dated to re-order digital effects with old fashioned wiring when you can do all that with programming on a $30 mini-computer with a $10 circuit stuck onto the GPIO pins. Unless you're really loyal to specific brands or are a high level tone hipster and think pure digital effects sound worse, somehow.

why would you buy these overpriced hand soldered metal boxes when you can download a fuzz these days

do you really believe using diodes from 1940 will give you a noticeably better tone

Rate my pedalboard /GG/

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the ibeenhad is nice

(o_o') uhhh...it is. Check out prog. Try playing some Caligula's Horse or Karnivool. Hell, death metal like Black Crown Initiate, try that.

sup my brother from another mother

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I play with a piece of 1 month ultra concentrated constipation kaka that I left to dry slowly, it's even much more dense and resonant than a Les Paul.
Then I sculpted it into the shape of a homeless man's toenail, and that's what I use
Really brings out the harmonics.

Every "boutique" pedal adds 10% to the "50% chance this pedalboard has never been on a stage"

Who doesn't use boutique pedals these days. It's not the 90s anymore grandpa.

Isn't it like 3 years old now? I just want an hifi sounding pickup that is like normal pickup price.

replace westwood with a cheap klon clone, or build it 1:1 yourself so you know you're getting the circuit without modification. even with the out of production caps and diodes parts will run under $60. beware of ready made parts lists, check them against known info, they usually change shit just to screw with people.
sell the boost and fuzz, these are simple circuits you should build yourself

Yeah I mean I don't perform live I just jam with my buddy and record for fun but desu most of these pedals are around the same price as non boutique ones and I got them for pretty good prices over the course of the last 5 years

I play epic kakapicking solos with a handmade kakapick

A non boutique pedal is a generic effect that can be had for less than $50. They're all over amazon and a lot of them sound pretty fine.

Then you step up to boomertique (ie: boss waza craft, TC electronic) and finally boutique ($300 fuzz pedal made from electronics salvaged from old russian vibrating dildos)

Why would I sell and build what I already own? Besides I'm not looking to get in to building pedals I just got these to play music And I hate klons

Because you could put the money you got back into a retirement fund like an adult instead of leaving it invested in a toy.

>inb4 ten bucks of parts off digikey soldered by a guy from oregon and sold for $100 with a cartoon painted on the enclosure is NOT a toy

You okay there buddy?

None of these cost close to 300 I paid more for the power supply than any pedal on here the Amherst ran me like 145?

With analog effects you could get by with carefully taking them apart, copying the circuit, and then returning them.

Retirement?? Buddy the world's on the brink of total collapse ain't none of us living past 2040

>ten bucks
lol not even, electronics are stupid cheap if you buy in bulk

>america is going to shit
>i'm gonna die instead of moving to greenland

I didn't know Greenland was gonna avoid the decimation of bugs flowers and other life forms that are necessary for our ecosystem I'll be sure to move there thanks

nah smaller organized societies are capable of resorting to communal property and labor in times of need to adapt and build things like indoor farms, unlike the unwashed city dwelling masses which rely on the slow and unwilling reaction of big business to keep their lives in order and vast expanses of land to produce their food (because building enough artificial ecosystem to feed that many people would require mass conscription and resource commandeering that a place like the US would never accept)

Oh look, it's a guitarist that doesn't know as much as he thinks. I feel like I should be surprised but for some reason I'm not.

A sensible people could survive in a fucking wasteland as long as the water wasn't radioactive.

Thank god for Project Purity, you larping faggot.

Depends check out p and j basses. (that is precision and jazz, not some kind of brand) No i will not spoonfeed you.

There was an extinction report just released this week saying we are all on our way out user has a point we can't live without birds and bees and flowers and trees even if you are in Greenland

Did you miss the part where we currently do have people living in wastelands but removing radioactive waste effectively is still a little beyond us? We can't even remove hormonal birth control that well on a large scale which is probably why you were born a homosexual.

Environmental collapse reduces the number of people that can survive until manmade environments improve but it doesn't end the world.

*laughs in hydroponic farming in the middle of a desert*

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How do you farm when there's no clean water left to send to the farm

farms don't use clean water user. they use water intentionally polluted with insecticide, herbicide, and fertilizer. the water is dirty because of the farms.

thankfully we can just filter that shit out and we don't need birds, bees, flowers, or trees growing in the wild to do it.

You need them to pollinate

I'm a beginner to playing electric guitar, all I know are some parts of songs. The start of Queen - Bohemian Rhapsodys piano, a section from Can't Stop, and some vidya osts like Metal Gear Solid 2's main theme and Persona 5's Layer Cake but they don't count.
This is all shit though, I don't even know how to properly strum strings up and down consistently without getting caught in some or hitting a bunch of wrong ones. I don't even know how to play chords.

I'm not a "complete" beginner but I got no idea what to to try practice or do next to keep improving, everything else I try to do seems way outta my grasp like muting strings with your thumb during Can't Stop to get it perfect seems ridiculous.

Where do you or how did you improve consistently

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Artificial pollination has been around for a while

Humans constantly act like they are not part of nature for a reason. We are not dependent on it, we just use it to augment our existing capabilities so we can support even more people.


and using the thumb on the fretboard is for handchads only, handlets need not try

Are there any bedroom tier amps that are okay for guitar and bass?

what does bedroom tier mean to you?

sounds bad?

Vox actv it's a mini tube amp with the option to go down to 1/4th watt

Various Amplugs.

The idea that we are separate from our ecosystem is the most asinine silicon valley singularity bullshit I've ever heard so thanks for the laugh

how many berries did you pick in the forest today

what's a good guitar if you wanna play like metallica songs and shit
like a classic 90s kinda sound
budget is not an issue

Some dual medium/high output humbucker plank.

So speakers, wood, any other variable doesn't matter?

An electric guitar

don't overthink gear, use it.

and then when you have one you like take note of those qualities in case it breaks and needs replaced.

of course you need to be able to play guitar to do this

To me it means relatively inexpensive but does well at low noise volumes mainly since I don’t wanna disturb other people in the house

Whenever I ask for an amp recommendation I get around 4 different amps and rarely does anyone agree

I’m just looking for a versatile do it all thing

Alright budget 1000 ish for high gain amp. Been looking at this sunn beta lead combo (solid state so theres that) evh el34 50 watt head.
Recommendations welcomed

Hmm sounds like some is a complete beginner

You want an amp modeler.

henlo cousins

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get a direct box
plug it into your computer
download amp modeling software
get some nice headphones with a loooong cable
plug your guitar into the direct box
practice on literally any amp you want


and wonder how much music you listen to was created this way

bear in mind software will sound a lot more like a mic'd up amp (what you hear in youtube videos), while amps sound different in a room, so you will get THAT sound


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When a guy who is playing guitar on camera who owns an actual klon and a vintage fender is saying you can use a computer just fine, listen to that guy, not poorfa/gg/s.

Just cause I'm not picking the food I eat means I'm out of nature dumbass

If you eat some berries out of season chances are they were grown in a greenhouse and pollinated with a captive population of insects or an artificial method and most of the meat we eat is grown as unnaturally as possible and will soon be grown in vats instead of massive arrays of cages.

As a species we are more than capable of separating from nature and with a concerted effort, "freedom" and "property rights" be damned, we could replace farm after farm and orchard after orchard with technology that we are far better at maintaining.

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So I've been holding my pick wrong the whole time and strumming wrong also, should I just hang myself now or something?

Wtf man.

come on motherfucker, make a recommendation

>look at ESP (MIJ) and ibanez (MIJ) catalogs
>get a nice one with 24 frets, the big pickups and a whammy bar
>make sure pickups don't say EMG

Nothing wrong with emg

>Any pedal you want
>Any amp you want
>Can program your own amps
>Can use cheaper, often higher quality computer speakers instead of specialized guitar speakers that need to cut high frequencies from amp distortion
>can use a reproduction-oriented power amp with more clean headroom than any guitar amp in order to get the sound you've dialed in just louder, just like re-amping an actual head
>Can get a cranked amp sound at conversation noise levels without a $300 attentuator
>rig is lighter, noise free, and readily compatible with PA systems

Playing into a PC is pretty much the future

Stop being salty And poor sam

I only like the carvin

Buy a Koreanade Dean. Look at the Dave Mustaine zeros

Do you live in the US? Check out avatar Cabs.
Marshall bogner engl. Or buy a new 800 dollar guitar and get a joyo zombie.

this is so sad

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I'm not a guitar beginner, in fact i'm intermediate but i honestly don't know much about the instrument itself.
I was thinking about buying a new e-guitar so i went to the local music shop to try some out.
There are people who have various preferences when it comes to how a guitar plays like fingerboard radius, neck thickness, the shape of the back of the neck and so on, and a lot of guitar players seem to immediately know when they don't like how a guitar feels in their hands.
However when i try out different guitars i can't really tell a difference. I mean i know that there's a difference but none of these differences seem to make a guitar more or less comfortable for me to play, but maybe that's just because I'm a noob and i don't know what kind of feel to look for.

How do you develop a feeling for this? When you, /gg/ hold a guitar in your hands, do you immediately notice how it plays "differently"?
Same for me with pickups. I can tell the difference in sound between Humbuckers and Single Coil but i can't really distinguish between different single coil or humbucker sounds and if i can i don't really know what sounds "better"

>he's never gonna make it since he doesn't have a Gibson

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kinda shit that I’d have to turn on my pc every single time for it and it stays in the same place tho instead of around the house

>edgy black metal guitar
Cringe and bluepilled.
>there are still people who don't boot their OS off a solid state drive in 10 seconds or less
>in 2019

Metallica has been using emgs since the 80s.

can i make it with a Gibson Maestro ?

I have a shit iMac and I was ready to just drop like £700ish on a bass+amp to learn unless it’s really that much better to use pc

spend 300 in a Peavey Windsor and 700 in a Emperor Cabie.

>How do you develop a feeling for this?
Play guitar a lot for a few years minimum and play every guitar you get an opportunity to. Eventually you may develop a preference for things like that. Neck shape is probably the only thing that will ever really matter to you, maybe fret size.

desu i've been playing for 8 years

It'll probably never matter enough for you to care. Play what feels good, play what sounds good. That's really all that matters.

>The most vanilla of Super Strats ever designed
>"edgy black metal guitar"
Go back to your 9.5" radius telecaster.

>edgy black metal guitar
its actually sparkly graphite colored you jelly ass gay bitch

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Contributing is sad now? I think you're the one that is sad user. Tell us what's wrong we will help you

Not him, but who the fuck would be envious of an RG? If it was a high end S maybe, but not an RG:

look what i did to it though

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what special properties do "jazz" guitars have other than that their bodies are super huge and that they're all semi hollow?

Mine loads up under 5. It's a nvme ssd


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it just hurts to look at

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iktf bruh
>tfw I die a little inside every time I look at it

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Basswood fucking sucks

>so fucking lonely

No you're not m8 were here waiting to reply to your posts

Complete beginner would be someone who doesn't even know what strings are what and would be stuck playing smoke on the water, so no.

>waiting to reply to your posts
so fucking lonely

Post and rate eachother's pedalboards

EHX small stone phaser > DOD carcosa fuzz > Bluesdriver > Mooer bit crusher > chinkshit octaver > comp > noise suppressor > DD-7 > holy grail reverb

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Is a J bass enough for most genres?

Also I need help picking which to buy because I’d like to buy right now and I have felt these and notice no big differences in person because I’m not good enough.

Right now I’m cobsidering the following basses but idk which.

Fender Player Jazz Bass
Sire Marcus Miller (V7 or less?)
Yamaha BB434 (PJ)
Squier VM Jazz Bass

Also what about beach boys tier sound?

You know you can stop replying right?

t. knows nothing about guitars
go play smoke on the water on your epiphone les paul some more, larper

You can’t help but give me (You)’s because you’re too lonely

>active pickups

It goes both ways let's help each other out friend. One thing we share Im sure is we both can agree Sammy is a retard and favela freak.

>rent free

Looking at either getting the JHS superbolt or Catalinbread's Formula 55 for my bass. Which one should I pick up?
The carcosa fuzz is sick

No I like Sam a lot actually

Neither both companies are shitty

Stop lying you despise him and loathe what he has become. You hate that he is wasting all the potential he may have had and is stuck selling dogfood for life.

>not practising soundlessly in isolation on an old piece of wood with 6 barbed wire strings so that the first time you ever lift a guitar and make a sound with it you are already a master
fucking kids these days. you fuckers have already lost. don't you know first impressions count? am i the only one that sees what's going on here? (i can't use capital letters or they'll find me)

Nah, Sammy is a good boy and has plenty of time to turn his life around.

Why shouldn’t I buy a 5 string as my first bass?

because there is no point to it

Fuck... I was actually thinking of getting them from reverb.com as I'm looking to get that nice low wattage combo amp tone sag for my bass rig and those pedals seem to do that sound the best.

Trips! If I were you, try going to the shop first and demoing it there. If it feels comfortable for you then by all means get it. The positive out of the situation is with that fifth string you won't have to be jumping around the fretboard as much and it'll be easy for you to find a spot and lock in to the groove.

what's a good bedroom tube amp these days? my classic 50 is crapping out and is too loud anyways

Not with that looming positive diagnosis. I mean he's so pathetic he can only play pentatonic licks and then he's just steals them from other guitar players

Oh nice didn’t notice trips.
The arguments I hear for 4 string are that it’s easier to learn, do more with less and easier to move around the board but idk how versatile 4 string is. Why would anyone not have a 5? Aren’t you missing something then?

New Marshall dsl

He kicked your ass last you had a duel, remember? This is some pathetic damage control you lonely faggot lmao

Thinking of buying a RS620 but I hear the surface gets worn down really quickly and it becomes unsellable. Is this true?

Isn't the RS320 superior in this case?

>This is all shit though, I don't even know how to properly strum strings up and down consistently without getting caught in some or hitting a bunch of wrong ones. I don't even know how to play chords.
Sounds like a complete beginner to me

My ibeenhad

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why not six

exactly just wondering why 4 is the standard

You can cover plenty of low-end range with 4 strings. 5 strings are for b-string dwelling metal fags who only play root notes

i cant even hear the bass in most songs unless it's doing something crazy

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i am not wasting my potential, am i? i have free time on the shop and i'm building a chromatic pitch tuner in my head while you're stuck shitposting.

at least i play my pentatonic licks in time and in key LMAO

you need it for playing bachata's "inverted power chord arpeggios" on all 12 notes.

Who the fuck said that. These guitars are pretty new.

yeah i'm wasting my potential but it's the best situation i can put myself in

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Seems like it's all in your head huh Sam?

well you have nothing good in your head nor in your guitar speakers.

learn a minor pentatonic now bud

Sounds like Thomas or whatever that backwater shop you're talking about doesn't set the guitars up properly. A quality shop will perform a thorough setup before shipping. You will need to set up ANY guitar especially Asian produced ones.

I wanna build a frankencaster, am I a pleb?

Fuck paying full fender prices... that is homosexual.

Apparently the idiots over at Yamaha thought people like worn down jeans so they made a guitar whose surface also wears down

no that's totally patrician. buying a shitty overpriced guitar because it's his poorfag dream, that is a pleb move.

I wanted to make basically a frankenstein guitar which was a jazzmaster/jag with a tele neck and bridge with a jazzmaster neck pickup but then I realized that fender already made an offset telecaster but with all telecaster electronics

you just got fucking roasted

>at least i play my pentatonic licks in time and in key LMAO

sammy is just ok but he fucking shreds compared to you jcum. you're the worst guitar player i have ever heard.
quit playing.

Thanks, Seymour Duncan social media marketing intern.

how do i quit being just ok and get good and on the way to great

Holy freaking based

if you can't play actual fucking songs in a row within a year of learning to play just get another fucking hobby and spend your income elsewhere

i dunno man I'm just ok too
but we're both better than jcum

what do you mean by actual fuckin songs, i'm in a damn band
you're not sounding coherent because you said i'm an "ok" player and now you're talkin that shit

i've never heard you play, post something and i'll tell you if you're better than the other fag

>i'm in a damn band

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here's plenty youtube.com/user/samuelcf97/videos

That applies to all EarthQuaker shit. $300 novelty toys. Their marketing team should get nice bonuses this year.

this is me on the sunday before last sunday

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ripoff Jackson inlays
just lol
Ok that's a based from me

>a guitar is only as good as the pickup
your take?

oh yeah you're way better than the other fag
not even sure why this a discussion, jcum can barely sound a clean note.

everything matters

Bass gear doesn't matter. Buy a $300 ampeg shibtbox and a squier.

good to stablish that.

No pics
>some huge volume pedal I got for like $20
>mini crybaby
>ts9 i modded to be low gain and brighter
>boss sd1
>ehx soulfood(thinking about replacing this with a homemade klone)
>a dod flanger, phaser and envelope filter i had to repair but i got the lot for $30(put boss style jacks in place of the old 1/8th" style)
>I love that envelope filter
>some cheap tremolo I'm looking to replace with a stereo tap tenpo unit but I don't use it jearly enough to pay that cash
>boss dd7 with external tap tempo
I got a ton on my shelf and workbench, I don't even like pedals but I like fucking with electronics.

but ampeg is great

sorry i thought there was some debate

i can whistle major and minor scale up and down, as well as any scale that i want to. anywhere.

A guitar is only as good as the player can make it.

i'm open but what's left to debate?

cool story

not much i mean, you're pretty good. i thought there was some question if you were better than lmfao
there is no question, my bad

you gave me an idea, i can open an used guitars shop and sell crap for expensive saying they're rare good exceptions of a shit brand because i'll demo them and make thme sound good

what color crayon did you use to write this business proposition

Gibson Explorer

i just wrote it on a pc keyboard, do you happen to have an usb crayon?

old reliable

everything over 5 is just a meme

It's an idea people have had for many years, go do your thing. If idiots want to throw you their money then let them. There's a difference between collecting guitars and buying one for the vintage mojo and you jeed to exploit both markets. Think of how many people that have bought a guitar because it was played by Clapton.


well thank you


Playing by yourself in your mom's garage. You're such a big boy!

You do a good job of talking shit in English my monkey eating friend.

Still waiting on tracks from the band, I don't care if they're shit but I'm still interested.

>playing other peoples music
>he couldn't improvise after his first 3 months of playing


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this too unironically

>f holes

>gibson™ fret finishing

You're crazy if you think I'm gonna stop learning anime songs just to earn your approval

Playing other people's music is the money maker. You can always do your own shit but getting a $250 minimum for 3 hours of piss easy songs is great if you're strictly local. Usually you get free beers and some loose women as well.

what if i get good enough that playing my own music gets more money than playing others'

I've did better work hungover with a splint on my fingers.

>a $250 minimum for 3 hours of piss easy songs
how do people here complain about prices of gear or even discuss it, and not just get the best stuff straight ahead? i'm bugged.

Then do that, cover bands just give yiu a chance to act ridiculous and get some spending money. They also keep you playing with people.

hey i actually like acting ridiculous, i'll start applying for cover bands.

You do end up meeting some self important assholes but at the end of the night you just want to entertain drunk people and have a good time.

If you're just starting out some of this stuff seems unobtainable. I remember my first $400 guitar and it felt more incredible than when I bought my first truck.

i can whistle a whole tone scale straight off my head.

what are your thoughts on self important assholes. and self important asshole musicians.

do you mean people here on /gg/ are beginners starting out?

I'm pretty sure it's "die Gitarre", not "der Gitarren"

No, it's "Der Gitarren". "Der Gitarren und Bass General". You can't read?

>i can whistle a whole tone scale straight off my head.
Hey that's actually pretty difficult
Cannot get myself to transition from #4 to #5, my brain just ain't with it skipping the natural 5.

But I can cheat and go up to #4 and back down to #5 and hit all the notes

i learned to do one step and half step, regardless of the scale degree, maybe you should try that

but yeah i still struggled to do it. i followed my blurry notion of a step to do it, but i couldnt get the feel for the scale degrees that usually keeps me in key.

Yeah but it's not proper german dumbass. "Die Gitarre" is the nominativ case, which is what they should have used here. "Der Gitarren" is the genitive case I think ("of the guitar", clearly not what the title is supposed to say).

Where does it say proper, normative german on the OP?


Nowhere, but if you're gonna try to be cool and use a German title, you should at least know what you're doing. Otherwise it's just cringey imo.

He's actually german and you're a nerd that doesnt know german street slang. Youre not cool, dork.

>what are your thoughts on self important assholes. and self important asshole musicians.
Case by case basis. Some take their art very seriously. Some realize that they are very talented and they try to command respect for it. Some have some trauma or adversity that causes them to act that way. Some will never be more than mediocre and it frustrates them to a point that they need to blame others for their shortcomings just to blow off steam. A lot of them are just arrogant, they buy into their self created hype too much. Most of them are still good people but if you're not a patient person you will butt heads with them. I have no real opinions on people though, I either get along with them or I don't. You always have to expect certain attitudes but honestly things have chilled out a lot the last few years. I've been writing down thoughts on why that is but I don't have any firm stance yet. Older people are definetly more polar to work with; their ideas are more concrete in a place that's always shifting like mud or they open to try anything because they've already done the normal things countless times.

>do you mean people here on /gg/ are beginners starting out?
Some are, some aren't, some like to stir up trouble(myself included) and some just like to bait. It's obvious a lot of people here are beginners pushing towards intermediate. It's a decent mix here though, and I enjoy the shit talk so I keep coming back. I can tell a lot of guys don't post their gear or too much information because they are active abd that same picture might be out there on instagram.


Would a Blue Yeti be a good mic to fool around recording guitars and vocals on? Nothing serious, I'm just starting out

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yes any cheap mic would do starting out. i started with a $15 sm57 copy plugged into the onboard mic on

True, but I'm okay with that. How do you know that it's street slang though? So far I haven't found anything about it online, just stuff like "Nacht der Gitarren", which is, again, the genitive usage as I mentioned.

I'm baiting and you lost

Just dropped 400(combined on Squier Vintage Modified Stratocaster hss and Blackstar Fly3, an Amazon basics guitar stand, d'addario cable, some picks, and a fresh set of 9-44 strings. I think I spent too much for a beginner. Also kind of worried my amp isn't that good. Any experience with the fly3?

yeah your amp isnt good enough. buy a better one ffs.

Wouldn't be my first choice but it'll handle acoustic guitar and singing well enough.

Kind of a weird bait but okay.


Hey man what SSRI you on? Libido and anhedonia isn’t always a class based effect for some people. Switching your agent could help with that for sure. Paroxetine (Paxil) has the highest incidence that I’m aware of for instance

T is not a musical note

I'm not familiar with that scale.

Will do soon. Probably gonna have to wait a month or so. Any recommendations for now.

I'm limited on space and money so 300 dollars max and small too. I might try and buy a used thr10

now that's ocd

It's ebough to get you going

And you said 2 years ago that I had shit pitch. Suck this bitches

good ol' Prozac
He's actually switching me to Viibryd right now which is supposed to have lowest sexual side effects. Takes three weeks to stop the 'zac though, so that sucks. I'm looking forward to being able to bust fat nuts again, not gonna lie

PS nice guitar discussion lmao

do re mi fa so la T do



why are you talkin about ssris

it's a trans note

It was originally guitar related
I was depressed and not doing my normal hobbies, then it helped and now I am
They're not all bad

are trans notes accidentals?

what hobbies besides guitar
i'm depressed but active
are you dependent on ssris now

maybe not such a great thing to increase, but more productive in video games now too lol

I have no idea if I'm dependent. That was one thing I asked the psych and I didn't really get a clear answer on it. Do you just have to take SSRIs for the rest of your life now, or does it fix your brain shit and you can eventually ween off and still be fixed? We'll see how it goes

looks like you are. the libido and erections got back at least?

still have full libido and erections, just can't cum more than half the time, and when I do I have to work at it for literally three hours. It's anorgasmia

It's a weird trade for being productive at guitar again. Sometimes doesn't seem worth it, but if this med switch works it'll be good. It's weird fucking with the pharma-jew

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How do i be as good as grant green? Hes my fucking idol. I listen to no other music. Ive been into him sonce i was a kid. Listening to him with my parents. Im 21 going on 22 and gor my first guitar by repairing a broken one from the dump. How how how can i be grant green.

Thanks guys

I guess you could say they are mistakes

>boomer reviews
Yeah yeah, the nut needed replacement, the tuners needed to be changed, the saddles were swapped and the pickups and pots were replaced. It's always the same shit. And after all that dunning kruger induced luthiership, these guitars will never play anything but the minor pentatonic. Very sad existence mostly for the instrument but also for that midlife crisis boomer.

The guitar industry can count itself lucky that this kitschy flamed maple finish actually flies. Only guitarists would be stupid enough to buy this tasteless poop.

Never seen any furniture outside of Ikea huh?

w2c tonebender clone?

The bookmatching is bad on many guitars. It's flame maple, not flamed. Flame maple naturally looks like ripples off a fire, flamed wood is where heat is used to accentuate the grain or darken the wood.

I can barely remember two songs