My wife bought a $700 litter box but gets mad if i spend the same amount on guns that will one day either save our...

my wife bought a $700 litter box but gets mad if i spend the same amount on guns that will one day either save our lives or be used as currency.

why are women tards?

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cause women and men have different hobbies and things they want?

fuckin half a paycheck on a damn litterbox. at least my mosin can drop an alphabet boi before he can shoot the dog

but a $700 litterbox? like holy fuck. the thing dont even give you a happy ending

A litterbox? As in a box to enable a cat to shit inside your home? You need to divorce her.

Those litter robots actually work, but $700 is too much. I don't blame her if she's the only one dealing with cat shit. Holding your breath to sort out ammonia-reeking turds every day is a different kind of death than a gun can protect you from.

Win her over on guns, let her shoot one at the range.

women are imbeciles who do not mature like men do. their childhood preoccupations are carried through their lives making their infantile behaviour incomprehensible to men.
we tolerate, and indulge them because pussy.

What the fuck

like i get it that it does all the work itself but still

i'm guessing it's one of them automatic litter boxes that self-scoops?
i'm surprised a cat will go inside one unless you force it to go in. little shits love to go in boxes, but won't fucking go in their carriers or anything else you want them to go in.

Tell her cats shit outside. All you have to do is open the door. But also bruh I'm spending half my paycheck on camera shit every week so ....

she has no interest in learning how to shoot. despite my tries to teach her

you are posting this here?

you cannot possibly have leveled up in life to have a wife, a cat, or a gun

Musk browses Yea Forums

weve had it for like 3 weeks now and she hasnt even set it up yet. like its out of the box and shit but she hasnt put litter in it and plugged it in. its just sitting next to the fireplace.

Lol is $1400 your weekly paycheck?
How do you even have a girl?

3 cats. 5 dogs, own house. 5 guns. 1000 rounds of ammo. 2019 truck.

holy shit this was a joke and I'm not looking up who that is

I'm doubling down on what I said at this stage

>my wife
>why are women retards?
Jokes on you OP, you’re even more retarded for marrying in this current age.

after insurance and taxes and 401k and all that shit yeah.
we started dating when i was making minimum wage. now i make $20 an hour

Why are you a retard?
Gus don't save lives, guns take lives.
If society actually collapses, your gun is only worth the ammo you have. Good luck trying to bater for food with an empty gun.

You should stop living in fear and enjoy life. Maybe this way you will keep your wife.
Btw. Mit saying spending 700 on a litterbox is sensical either. But at least it will keep your house clean.

Why's se even together with a nut job like you?

You will never be a woman

if someone comes through the door its me or him.

cuz im funny and got a big dick

Honestly you're just settling, if she wants to move in with cats you tell her you're allergic. Is the bitch going to be a nazi about it? I'm just faking not being okay around cats as a living situation. You know I got relatives that own cats, I got other relatives that you just get these fucking issues with these bastard animals that is regardless of how shitty they act. It's not just that cats are bastards. It fucks up your sinuses and things. Cats are bastards they'll act like they like you want you to pet you to rub their fur and skin flakes all over you and it's this gross genetic material that makes you feel like you almost have the flu. The fuckers just know you want them to stay away and try to act like it's not a big game to actually kind of play with them then they act like a huge cunt and fucking attack you. I hate cats so fucking much. IF I had a gf with a cat for a pet I'd sell it to a communist so they can feed their family.

im actually the cat person. shes more of a dog person.

A woman that lives in a home where there is a gun has a 5x greater risk of getting shot than a women who lives in a home where there is no gun - .

I don't plan or need to, I married one.

Maybe don't let your front door open then. our doors can only be opened from the inside or with a key.

>guns will one day either save our lives or be used as currency
This is what dicklets think. Having a gun isn't going to make you more of a man when your wife has you leashed by the balls

She's not mad about what you're buying, she's mad at you doing the buying, because buying stuff is her job.

God I hate dogs, honestly I'll feed stray cats sometimes I just don't want them to come near me. I just hate owning dogs so much more than any other animal than cats, I'd sell it to a communist to feed their family. Most of them are half domesticated and trained as attack animals they're basically bread as biological weapons. If there is one thing I hate more than cats it's dogs.


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i have yet to see a firearm make the conscious decision to load itself, seek out a target, aim itself and pull its own trigger to shoot someone. all of the guns in my house are in the closet unloaded except for the beretta onto of the headboard

locks are for honest people

>A woman that lives in a home where there is a gun has a 5x greater risk of getting shot than a women who lives in a home where there is no gun

because men use guns when being domestically violent.

Facts don’t care about your feelings, betatard

Guns don't kill people, people kill people
Unfortunately owning a gun for 'safety' is the sure sign of an infantile retard who should not be allowed to vote much less own weapons

This post right here is prrof that women should not be trusted to get into politics or any position in which could change society even slightly.

Because burglars break into currently occupied homes instead of scouting for empty ones....

Men buy hiking and work boots.
Women buy heels and designer brands.
Men look at a houses foundation, roof distance from neighbors.
Women look at the size of the living rooms, bathrooms and paint colors.

It is all a bad cycle of priorities for women often trained into them by media, previous generation and peer pressure.

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you cant see any of our vehicles from the street. i work 3rd shift. a daytime burglar would see my house as a decent target

We all know it's because you have a small dick, that you own a gun. So much is clear. Still no clue what you did to your wife, so she doesn't run. Well except for cuffing her to the radiator.

Notice how it's a mature 'man' crying about the woman he himself decided to share his life and paycheck with on an anonymous incel board
Women have nothing to do with it

You sound like a huge fucking faggot you nigger.

He bought her with a $700 litter box
Are you especially slow?

>one day WILL either save our lives OR be used as currency
Why are Americans like this?

>Women have nothing to do with it
OPs post is literally about why women are retards?

cats > your freedumbs


In what kind of 3rd world country are you living that people burglarize during the day. I never heard of something like that happen here.

Why are you invoking a we?
You're aggressing like a woman.

Sorry my bad, obviously

OP's post is him being a retard and crying online instead of being a man and making decisions around the house
And you're a dicklet incel going muh wommen amirite and you wonder why women despise you?

most people work during the day. lots of empty houses.

That's sexist.

If I was a hug fucking faggot nigger I'd have an attack dog wouldn't I? You tiny nigger faggot bitch. Pet's don't like you, they are conditioned to tolerate your presence. If you died, they'd eat your corpse if you didn't leave a window open. Even if you did leave an exit open, they'd come back to chew on you.

OP is a lil bitch who needs a gun to frel manly, complains like a teenager by going on Yea Forums when he doesn’t get it.

You ace ventura bro

>If I white knight the shit out of women on an anonymous incel board maybe someday I might feel ones embrace.
Holy shit you are a fucking loser, why the fuck are you so damn angry that OP called his wife a retard? You are such a pussy dude.

>Wifeing a modern thot

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I can smell this house