Attached: 1649883787698.jpg (640x819, 72.54K)

Given how shitty Chinese products are, that stuff probably has the lubrication properties of gravel.


Attached: FLIGU NIGU.gif (220x389, 1.48M)

I would like my body and soul to be turned into vaginal lubricant

/pol/ has conquered Twitter.

Attached: Screenshot 2022-04-14 at 13-34-22 Tim Pool (@Timcast) _ Twitter.png (897x760, 151.02K)

Attached: America.jpg (1200x1259, 380.51K)

>I would like my body and soul to be turned into vaginal lubricant

Attached: oddworld___soulstorm_brew_by_jimtheartist_d1f3gwc-fullview.jpg (880x851, 84.65K)

>/pol/ has conquered Twitter.

It's over.

Attached: Why-r-u-Black.webm (746x420, 1.99M)

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Attached: Screenshot 2022-04-13 at 18-18-45 π™π™šπ™˜π™§π™ͺπ™žπ™© on Twitter.png (897x632, 132.31K)

Attached: FQKBPzbXEAYILjK.jpg (1080x659, 74.36K)

Attached: FQI-0j8acAEqAvS.jpg (1080x1304, 174.59K)

Exit car

This is WHAT* the average fall guy fan looks like
fucking europeans making this mistake 24/7

Attached: 1641580136279.webm (530x520, 708.31K)

What will Twitter trannies do when you can "mis"gender them again?

Attached: ErKZsLYVoAE4QP_.png (707x217, 16.1K)

Should Elon buy Reddit next?

Attached: ErKZy_DUUAAWeOS.png (715x247, 18.74K)


Attached: Screenshot 2022-04-14 at 14-10-17 Andy NgΓ΄ πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ (@MrAndyNgo) _ Twitter.png (897x798, 105.6K)

Attached: FQJP8w8XoAYtqBO.jpg (731x710, 40.32K)

Havent you see empire of dust?
That guy is still waiting for his gravel

Attached: ErqTtdaXIAQH0V5.jpg (1387x1182, 233.93K)

Attached: Screenshot 2022-04-13 at 13-23-43 π™π™šπ™˜π™§π™ͺπ™žπ™© on Twitter.png (897x985, 295.91K)

TIL elon musk visits /pol/

>I would like my body and soul to be turned into vaginal lubricant
you WHAT?

gonna be a big line of degenerate gays wanting to enter

this dumbass nigger took the "we wuz kangz" meme seriously.

Attached: FQKyIrhXIA8Rnq2.jpg (494x953, 60.86K)

This is cringe. Stop posting in ylyl threads. Nobody is losing to your cringe. Take your meds or an hero.

Attached: FQD5Q7UaAAIFtn3.jpg (1078x925, 87.77K)

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Attached: FHmIfXjUcAEi_YV.jpg (1080x1343, 110.6K)

Nobody likes your shitty tik Tok gif you look like shit in it loser

Attached: FFWsC4qXoAEJdfx.png (860x671, 190.77K)

Headline news:
Police station toilet stolen. Cops have nothing to go on.

Attached: FFqDK07XwAIJ3Tc.jpg (1080x1314, 68.7K)


You have it backwards
It became a joke because niggers were claiming it seriously
Descendants of sub Saharan africans somehow got it into their heads that they are related to Egyptians
Its so absurd it's hilarious

That's are monster from del toro movies

It's all so tiresome.

Attached: african drivers.jpg (1200x1200, 208.5K)

>he didn't know

Attached: (((who))), indeed.png (960x678, 669.85K)

only if he kills it right after

can't wait to see polfags cope when all he does is turn Twitter into a giant tesla ad, all he cares about is making money and he's chosen you dumb fucks to appeal too

Attached: 1523698943740.jpg (636x645, 74.64K)

I'd rather he made it impossible for any posts or users to be banned. There'd be an exodus of leftists and power tripping mods, and a flood of troll and garbage posts within days.

Both would be an improvement over the current Reddit.

Oh stfu faggot go fucking cry

Attached: Screenshot 2022-04-06 at 22-58-21 Opinion Putin’s War Has Started a Global Food Crisis.png (705x843, 49.17K)

Kek suicide mobile. Take that thing on a tour across the country

Fucking lost

>can't wait to see polfags cope when all he does is turn Twitter into a giant tesla ad, all he cares about is making money and he's chosen you dumb fucks to appeal too
Well, no matter what site he buys, I'm not buying a Tesla. But you're already seething, so it seems the joke's on you.

Attached: 1599178628735.jpg (512x936, 70.16K)

yeah but so would a smoking nuclear crater

reddit is owned by jews what do you think that's an ad for?

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Attached: CuD3JsOUkAEKXc_.jpg (638x520, 47.32K)

Attached: FFSOSDMVkAUxL1f.png (597x513, 293.37K)

Yeah it's all bullshit, seriously. It makes me sick. Now they're calling it "Putins Price Hike" Like gas prices weren't 3.50 BEFORE the invasion. I remember getting gas at 1.80 when Trump was president and we were exporting oil and gas for the 1st time in a looooong time

what the fuck lmao

Attached: image000000_6.jpg (576x1338, 88.71K)

Do you support Russia? [Y/N]

Do you like subhuman wrestlers? [Y/N]

Attached: FGWRmYHWUAASn1t.jpg (750x821, 107.28K)

I miss the orange kike. At least the gas was cheap and the banter was better.

Attached: FHQgkL7UcAIjYFV.jpg (640x840, 70.94K)