how accurate is this
How accurate is this
Is there a reason the girl has Beats?
because she's a dumb cunt (like all women)
Why isn’t the rym user a tranny?
he is he just doesn't pass
Yes, but the man's happy, see
kek, completely
holy fucking based
hey thanks for posting my edit op, this makes 2 (two) memes i have made that get posted on Yea Forums by other anons
Based and red-pilled
Women OWNED with epic FACTS and LOGIC
yes yes YES
it's accurate
Can you 17 year olds on discord quit trying to astroturf the board. It’s incredibly obvious.
five hours in mspaint
ahahahaha fuckin based
now that's accurate
aaaaaaaaaahgahahaahahahahaha HAHAHAHAHAH AYESSSSSSSSSSSSS
nazi incels owned with stale meme
the tiger is out
>giving whole gender an arbitrary score on 4chin
pretty accurate
the beats should be replaced with those apple airpods or whatever
>better link my spotify to my discord so everybody knows i am listening to this song
Yeah my shit is linked but I mostly listen on my phone so no one usually sees what I listen to
also "this is great because Fantano likes it" for the male
Dude I almost have 3000 ratings on RYM which means I've listened to 3000 albums, at least, front to back and I can't remember all that shit. Sometimes I have to look things up. The score are arbitrary but having a catalog is really, really useful
Makes it sound like you don’t give albums enough listens before moving to the next one, which in my opinion is a pretty big mistake. I cant imagine knowing I’ve listened thru numerous albums in my collection enough to assign a rating, but not actually remember how I felt about many of them. I know off the top of my head what I do/don’t like about an album I’ve given multiple listens and can usually point to tracks that I think contribute or detract from the album
never heard of rym until i started browsing this place so probably not very accurate at all. this is only someshit that would only appy to people who post here