You guys ever get drunk and just listen to Brand New to get nostalgic and suicidal?

You guys ever get drunk and just listen to Brand New to get nostalgic and suicidal?

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no he's a rapist and abuser

shut the fuck up faggot. he's a supremely talented song writer and that's all that matters for the topic of discussion

I don't need to get drunk to do that

I do with alkaline trio, AFI, and tigers jaw. not proud of it

tigersjaw is trash though


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what a strange way of thinking
You can't spend much time around people

Charmers a great album

I like whiney vocals buy tigers jaw is just too whiney for me

they have one great album and it's stuck with me for years.

I do that with Blink 182 and NOFX

When I was in New York I tried to have a nice convo with some guy about Brand New and some random bitch had to butt in and say the exact shit that you said. Shit's fucking stupid and annoying. I just want to appreciate Brand New.

You're basically feeling shameful about enjoying the work of an abuser - which is the natural way to feel. You're just handling it the wrong way. It's a shame he did what he did and ruined his band but they're 10 years past their prime anyway
Time to let it go

Shut the fuck up. Women don't belong on the internet. And if you are indeed a man, faggots don't belong on the internet either

Good lord what a bizarre response. You are truly going to be alone for the rest of you life man

I've never listened to Brand New, so no.

Stop talking like such a cock sucking faggot

You seem completely obsessed with "faggots". Are you sure there isn't something you're hiding

Faggot is an insulting term amoung men. A roastie whore like yourself wouldnt get it since you suck cock for free 12 times a day

Are you at all capable of typing a single sentence without mentioning cocks? Talk to your parents man, they'll understand and accept your lifestyle
It's not that big a deal these days, hiding/projecting can't last forever

i think the girl who came out w the assumptions would seek out band members to fuck n i believe she lied about her age, after the fact, claiming she was younger than she was. i love brand new

Shut the fuck up
I agree